
We’ll be heading to Cologne, Germany on August 21st when the biggest gaming convention in Europe kicks off. Let us know what you’d like to see.

Oh! To Cologne!

On August 21st, big names from the gaming industry (including Oculus VR) descend on the historic city of Cologne in Germany for Europe’s biggest Gaming convention: Gamescom 2013. This year, Road To VR will be there too!

We’ll of course be doing our best to track down exciting new developments in the world of VR gaming and with any luck we’ll have some exciting things to share.

Road To VR Needs You!

We need your help to make the most of this visit. If you’re one of the exhibitors and would like to talk to us at the event, send an email to paul [at] roadtovr [dot] com and we’ll get back to you  as soon as we can.

We’d also love to hear from you if you know of any cool VR related games, applications or hardware due to be shown at Gamescom. Comment below to let us know what you’d like to see and we’ll do our best to cover it.

You can find a full list of exhibitors here and search for them on the GamesCom 2013 website here.

Thanks for your help!

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • OberstSchmidt

    Welcome to Germany!

    • Paul James

      Thank you. Oddly I’ve never been before, so I’m very much looking forward to it.

      Also, thanks to all that responded by email, already some cool things lined, up. Stay tuned! :)

  • RaveTZ

    Let me know how Proton Pulse is over there plz :)