Sony chose GDC in 2014 to reveal to the world that they would be bringing a virtual reality headset to market, powered by their PlayStation 4 console. Here at GDC 2016, Sony have arranged a special event dedicated to what’s now known as PlayStation VR. Could we finally learn the retail price and a more precise launch date? Tune in to our live blog of the event, due to kick off @2pm PST, to find out.

Road to VR‘s Ben Lang is live blogging this event from the GDC show floor. Updates will appear below automatically, no need to refresh the page.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • Orion Pax

    give us the price Sony, you have one job

    • Martin Brentnall

      Two jobs; you forgot about release date. :)

      • Orion Pax

        i don’t care when it comes out, all i care is the price to know if i’ll buy it

        • Martin Brentnall

          Ah, okay… I’m the opposite… I’m just want to get it as soon as possible; don’t really care how much it costs! :p

    • User With No Name

      $399, October 2016


    give us price and release,so I can start paying it off and hopefully paid off by release

  • Dennis Goossens

    any idea why they aren’t livestreaming this? i’m pretty sure if they were to announce a price it would be livestreamed. I would love a price but i’m getting a feeling they’re going to announce a delay and announce price at e3. In fact i’m willing to bet on it why would you announce a price to a select few it’s not gonna happen…. DAMMIT SONY WHY MUST YOU TORMENT US SO!!!!!

    • Pistol Pete

      No live stream. The event is closed doors.

  • Pistol Pete


    Good work Ben!! Keep em coming!

  • Ohh you have pictures :) Thank you :D So excited! Are you making any bets on the price?

  • Dennis Goossens

    i would love for it to be 350 but it’ll probably be more if it costs more than a ps4 it’s already dead in the water

  • Jason Lee

    Calling it right now. We might get price but I doubt they’re releasing a date. Not behind closed doors. This is a console launch to them. Like Shui mentioned.

  • Heimdal

    Can I turn the sound of for this ? . .

    • trafaret

      in chrome you can rightclick on tab and mute

  • Akira OOkami

    Price is critical for adoption. PSVR will launch globally in OCtober 2016 for $399.”

  • Name

    October is not the 1st half of 2016 someone should inform Sony of this

    • tony.menace

      nobody cares its comming and it has a date and price :P

  • Dennis Goossens

    day 1 buy at that price

    • Tashunu

      Yup, and gives people plenty of time to save up if they lack money right now

  • ballyorney

    Yet another kick in the balls to xbox…

    • How is it a kick in the balls?

  • ballyorney

    What is included for the $399? Just the HMD, is the camera etc. also included?

    • Voice of Reason

      Camera is sold separate from this base pack. Bundles will likely be announced in the future.

      This is likely because the Playstation camera has some 15% adoption rate, so millions of users already have the camera.

  • Dennis Goossens

    i now understand why they did not stream it
    it was too short, but it was damn sweet

  • ballyorney

    At 5.7″ its the same as my galaxy note 5…

  • ballyorney

    Has the same FOV as the Gear VR (96 vs “approx” 100 but its very close…), resolution is the same, perhaps SDE is better?

    Edit resolution is better and refresh rate is higher…

    • OgreTactics

      What you say doesn’t make sense. PSVR has a 100° Fov on a 5.7″ screen while Gear VR is 95° on a 5.1″ screen. However the Galaxy S7 clearly has a better resolution, while PSVR is on par with Oculus/Vive with subpixel RGB

  • ballyorney

    Battlefront exclusive is pretty sweet though…

  • GOD

    Poor people worldwide are ecstatic

    • LOADED

      You must be positively over the moon :D

      • GOD

        na i pre-ordered a HTC Vive. I’m not poor like you.

  • GOD

    PSVR is a nice alternative to HTC Vive if you’re poor

    • LOADED

      Also if your rich :D

      People don’t get and stay rich by needlessly overspending, day one for me, and I’m loaded lol.

      • GOD

        Might as well save ur money and get a google cardboard instead of psvr

        • LOADED

          Your English is difficult to understand, try using your native language and I’ll have someone better at English translate it for me ok :D

          • GOD

            I’m sorry, I can’t understand poor…Get ur money up and then try speaking to me, pleb.

          • LOADED

            I think I may have upset you? Are you a native English speaker? It really is hard to understand you :(


          • GOD

            So u’re telling me u like ur woman fkd by black guys? LOOOL cuckold.

            poor AND a cuckold. fk ur life


          • Reece

            What’s the issue with black guys?

          • GOD

            judging by ur avi, it seems you have a problem with blacks?

          • Reece

            Trump is that you?

          • GOD

            No, sorry to disappoint u.

  • OgreTactics

    This is a great price point, although the exceptionally short presentation and lack of additional information is surprising.

    We’ll see if they release new accessories or bundles, but if yes, Fall 2016 is going to be very interesting for VR

    • Hope

      Bundles are confirmed, we will receive more information as launch gets closer.