TIME Names Google Glass Among ‘Best Inventions in 2012’… Doesn’t Launch Until 2014

    Categories: Google GlassNews

TIME Magazine has named Google Glass as one of the ‘Best Inventions of 2012’ which is interesting because they also mention that the product isn’t expected on the market until 2014….

Google Glass found itself among 26 other inventions on TIME’s list. It’s hard to tell what the entries were based on given that very little information has been made public regarding Google Glass. From TIME:

Glass is, simply put, a computer built into the frame of a pair of glasses, and it’s the device that will make augmented reality part of our daily lives. With the half-inch (1.3 cm) display, which comes into focus when you look up and to the right, users will be able to take and share photos, video-chat, check appointments and access maps and the Web. Consumers should be able to buy Google Glass by 2014.

It seems like TIME based their decision on the Google Glass concept video. Google’s vision definitely isn’t the first time anyone has considered a wearable computer/display. There are prototypes aplenty through the years. It would seem that, like a middle-school student government election, TIME’s Best Inventions list is little more than a popularity contest. But hey, this is the first time we’ve heard anyone talk about a Google Glass release date.