Photo by Road to VR

Mozilla’s ‘Hubs’ Gets More Useful With Instant Media and 3D Model Imports

Mozilla’s Hubs is a WebVR based VR chatroom that anyone can join on a wide range of devices just by plugging a URL into their web browser. A new update to the platform now allows instant importing of media and 3D models to be shared with everyone in the room, giving Hubs a big usability boost.

Hubs in ongoing development, and Mozilla’s Mixed Reality team last week took the veil off the latest set of features which allows easy importing of media and 3D models to be shared among users in any room. Just like popular chat apps which embed pasted media directly into a conversation, sharing photos and videos is as easy as pasting a link into Hubs. When you do, the file (a photo, for instance) will pop into the shared room as an interactive object which can be moved about and seen by anyone in the room.

Mozilla says that Hubs now supports importing of photos, GIFs PDFs, YouTube videos, and 3D models in GLTF format from sites like Sketchfab or Poly.

It’s also now easier to join Hubs rooms from standalone VR headsets like Oculus Go and Lenovo Mirage Solo, thanks to a pin system which allows you to access rooms with a four digit code entered into at the url

If you’ve got the latest version of Firefox, you can join Hubs rooms from PC VR headsets like the Rift and Vive, while other browsers can join in desktop mode on both PC and smartphones.