‘Stark Tower’ is a Stunning Avengers Recreation, Coming to HTC Vive and Rift

We’ve seen a few architectural companies exploring the VR space with recreations of realistic structures. Trek Industries now want to let you step into the fantastic fictional world of The Avengers with this stunning VR recreation of one Marvel‘s billionaire’s bachelor pad.

Trek Industries is a technology and software company responsible for the Orion series of Sci-fi first person shooters and they’ve just released a video demonstrating a ‘non profit’ project which they’re looking to release for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive come November.

The project is ostensibly a loving recreation of Tony ‘Iron Man’ Stark’s home, as featured in the blockbuster Avengers and Iron Man films from Marvel. The level of accuracy and detail on display here is impressive to be sure and Marvel fans will no doubt be salivating at the prospect of stepping in their hero’s digs in VR.

Release is planned for November, assuming the legal representatives of related IP don’t swoop in for the kill beforehand. Should they make it that far, the company have a series of updates planned into 2016:

01) Skybox 2.0
This will include improved structures, road splines and traffic.

02) Iron Man Appearance
This will have Iron Man himself land right in front of you.

03) Avengers Tour
This will be an interactive experience allowing the player to encounter multiple avengers, stylized landing/entrance and interaction. Planned for 2016.

It may well be a clever and calculated PR exercise on behalf of the company, but even if it is, it’s superbly executed and we want to see more.