
Mark Pesce is a VR pioneer who has been thinking about networked virtual and augmented reality for over 20 years now. He developed the Ono-Sendai Sega VR helmet prototype, co-created VRML, and presented his Cyberspace Protocol spec at the first Web conference in 1994. This CP spec evolved into the Mixed Reality Services spec, which aims to be a distributed system that would grant geospatial permissions for mixed reality applications.

This system would be an open way of preventing AR games from being played at culturally sensitive locations, but also provide Universal Resource Identifiers to bring the open web to the real world. It could provide permissions for airspace & drones, surveillance permissions, AR game permissions, hazmat warnings, electrical and plumbing layouts, and hours of operations for buildings.

I had a chance to catch up with Pesce where he gave me a history of his work on the canceled SEGA VR helmet, VRML, and the evolution of the Mixed Reality Service. We also talk about his first ritual in VR and Technopagan explorations, as well as his thoughts on ethics in overall tech industry.


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  • psuedonymous

    Shades of Dennou Coil already. Opt-in Mr zoning, Facebook developing noninvasive BCIs to couple with AR glasses…
    All a decade or two away of course. AR today is in the situation VR was in the 90’s.