Cramer Invests in Virtual Reality for Dogs with ‘Pawculus Rift’ Project


Always on the look out for the next big thing in tech, Cramer have today announced an initiative that promises to bring VR to your pooch and it’s called ‘Pawculus Rift’.

We all love our pets, they’re near and dear to our hearts and we want the best for them. So why wouldn’t that extend to gaming? That’s a question Boston based marketing specialists Cramer are answering with a new tech initiative that aims to bring first class VR to your doggie’s furry little face.

VP of Technology at Cramer, Eric Webster says the move is a reaction to what they perceive as a vacuum in the market. “The Pawculus Rift is going to revolutionize the dog gaming industry. Mainly, because there isn’t one”. A claim we certainly are in no position to deny here at Road to VR.

Brent Turner, VP of Solutions at Cramer says that “Cramer are a marketing studio that believes in innovation and lately we’ve been investing in the virtual reality gaming space.” The company has released a video demonstrating Pawculus in action and the visuals are quite compelling. “Our research indicates that there are virtual reality options out there for every demographic, but one has gone untapped … dogs!”

The application designed for canines offers compelling activities such as ‘visiting the park’ and ‘playing fetch’ with a choice of VR backdrops. Mutt-centric focus groups have given Cramer the insight needed to tap into pooches’ psyche to deliver an experience most important to them.

It’s an exciting development and we can’t help but go along with Cramer’s catchy punchline summing up the project “it’s the future of fetch”.

Our only concerns are details on what steps the firm are taking to ensure expensive VR equipment isn’t ruined when your beloved pet decides to bugger off after a cat, taking your gaming PC and headset with it, not to mention ensuring the headset is chew proof. We’re sure however that these are teething troubles that can be ironed out over time.

As ever, Road to VR will keep you in the loop. And for our doggie readers, we’re busy translating the site into Woof ready for the canine VR revolution.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • BluEgo

    This is absolutely one of the dumbest (and meanest) ideas ever.
    Even if I’m a big VR lover, that doesn’t mean we should force animals to do the same.
    Am I the only one to find this kind of stuff… sad?

    • kalqlate

      Really? Check the date, mate. :)

  • ferrol

    This Looks great! I’d save so much time by getting my dog one of these, he’d love it, _and_ it means I save time as I don’t need to walk him! Nice to see real benefits from this technology coming through :-)

  • trouserleg

    Fantastic! Just what I’ve been waiting for. Due to living on the 4th floor and my dog becoming a little podgy due to, well, some lack of exercise, he hasn’t been in a park in years. He can now fully enjoy the life he’s always been missing, from the comfort of his cage!

  • Vern_S

    This will rejuvenate the doggies on a treadmill industry!!! Maybe Virtuix will create an Omni Dog Edition so dogs and dog owners can take virtual walks together.. That would be AWESOME!!!!

  • George

    Just woke up to read this, took me a second to understand :P LOL