Pimax’s Kickstarter has passed the $3 million mark over the weekend, bringing them to $3.2 million and unlocking free eye-tracking module for every one of their backers who chose a VR headset funding tier.

According to an update posted to the Pimax Kickstarter page, all backers will get a free eye-tracking module as a part of the $3 million stretch goal. The company says the special eye-tracking module will be shipped separately from the headset at a later date.

Pimax first unveiled its ‘next-gen’ attachable accessories at the start of their campaign, including an additional facial interface, a moisture controlling fan, prescription glasses frame, headband with integrated audio, wireless transmitter for cable-free operation, and now modular eye-tracking. All except the ‘scent module’ shown in the announcement video is accounted for in the stretch goal gifts to backers (wireless transmitter is offered at a $100 discount for backers). The company says it will make all modules, including the scent module, available on its website.

Although not a part of a stretch goal, Pimax says adding $100 to your pledge will also get an attachable hand-motion module. No further stretch goals are being offered in the campaign.

All of these accessories could be the focus of a Kickstarter campaign in their own right, so if Pimax can pull it off, it’ll be an incredible feat for a relatively unknown China-based manufacturer who still hasn’t reported additional funding from outside sources. Having recently passed Oculus’ original Kickstarter campaign, and now all VR-focused campaigns on Kickstarter, Pimax’s ability to deliver everything it’s promised will make it either one of the biggest success stories in Kickstarter history, or a cautionary tale on not overpromising and underdelivering.

image courtesy Pimax

The company says the “5K”/”8K”/”8K” X versions delivered to backers will indeed be the final, consumer version.

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Although Pimax calls their headsets “8K” and “5K”, they actually respectively feature dual 3,840 × 2,160 LCD panels and dual 2,560 × 1,440 LCD panels. The standard “8K” headset also actually upscales a 4K signal to 8K, hence the “8K” in quotation marks. An “8K” X is also on offer that removes the upscaler, and making it capable of accept 8K input, but the headset’s effective per-eye 4K resolution remains the same. Questionable marketing aside, these display resolutions are quite a bit higher than Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, which both offer dual 1080 × 1200 OLED displays.

The earliest window of shipment is due in January 2018, with the bulk of backers slated to receive headsets in February. We’ll be following Pimax in the coming months as they finalize the headsets.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Evgeni Zharsky

    Scent module lmao, at what point does it get ridiculous. I just want something with less SD effect

  • Hadar

    I want to believe…I really really do…but all this sounds like too much. If I eventually have to pay 200$ more at retail I wouldn’t feel I wasted my money – they’d have earned it with me having my hat for dinner. If not, I saved myself a lot of money if not the heartache.

    Now let’s wait for 2018…

    • Michael

      I like your approach to it. Most are skeptical and would rather rain on everyone’s parade at the same time, shooting down anything and everything related to it. I personally am still watching it closely but my honest outlook on Pimax is generally favorable.

  • paul

    Please be really good!

  • Oh oh….

    90Hz is 75Hz. Same as the DK2 which made me feel sick.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Well, it seems the headset itself can do 90Hz, but the current crops of videocards cannot maintain 90hz with that resolution. (which isn’t suprising, as current videocards aren’t even capable of really delivering smooth with everything on max on 4K for VR).

      • Then we have to hope the un-demo’ed Brainwarp works as intended, even for 1080 owners.

      • Jerald Doerr

        Just to give you an idea. I have two EVGA 1080 FTWs in sli and I get 60 fps in 4k with dropped frames on most games at full settings or a tad bit under.
        But with VR I find myself haveing much more fun running the games settings on low (everthing) AA OFF but bumping up the Super Sampaling as SS effectively gives you AA thats not a post effect.

        So I guess my point is, Pie Max is going for a lot and If there HMD can do half of what there shooting for sure… I’ll pic one up but only after the kickstarter. I hope and wish they succeed!!

    • Michael

      It really is not 75hz, they’re just working on making DP + drivers work properly.

      • It really is. In context, when I said 90Hz is 75Hz that was regarding the posts linked. The panels can apparently deliver at 90Hz yes. Pimax so far can not get it to work at 90Hz. They have also been telling people the demos shown were running at 90Hz which now turns out was not true. They have been running at 75Hz to keep it stable.

        Lets hope they solve the hardware side in the next 8 to 12 weeks because after Jan Launch they can not tweak the hardware.

  • Smokey_the_Bear

    I think they are biting off more then they can chew.

  • Andrew Jakobs

    That’s a lot of headset you’re getting the $799 tier if it’s at least the performance of a vive. (although the vive can be bought in a package with an GTX1070 founders edition for $799 appearantly).

  • theonlyrealconan

    While I do think it is worth it for the FOV and small increase in resolution (you can still see SDE, just a lot less then the vive and rift), I had to cancel my kickstarter order. I wish sites would do a bit more background checking before stating things: it was confirmed in the kickstarter forums that the native resolution on the screens is 2560×1600 for both the 5k and 8k. The advertised resolution is upscaled for the 8k. And now they are having problems showing 90hz.

    • FireAndTheVoid

      Link? I can’t find this discussion about 2560×1600 native res for the 8k you’re talking about.

    • JonnyG

      This is 100% incorrect. The 8k has 2x4k screens hence the reason it is called 8k and the 5k as 2×2.5k screen. The 8k takes the same image as the 5k and upscales it to the 8k screens, like a DVD with an upscaler upscales SD to HD for HD TV’s. HD TV’s don’t have the same screen as a SD TV with just an upscaled image as it will still look the same as a SD TV.

  • bud

    Just want to say I have been following VR for a while now and it takes dedication by all of us to progress things, personally I shipped 2x DK2 at personal expense (not rich here) to author of space engine and also helped a car designer out in my persuit to see the Ferrari F80 realized in VR (assetto corsa)

    Pimax now looks to be the current spiritual home for all the original Oculus people.

    The point is at which point in any development did any one say yeah so we are going to develop a VR headset and then stop… No that’s not part of the story…

    The story is that we are on a road to the highest quality VR possible and some of us out here are prepared to put HARD EARNED money and support to vendors and people brave and crazy hard working enough to push forward what we all want.

    Just to go further.. when we get our headsets.. .I am happy to allocate time as required to provide feedback and test stuff as necessary… I hope the vendor understands that they can reach out to people in the community and we can help get things stable.

    My set up is a obutto revolution, max performance SIM pedals, custom OLLIES build direct drive steering wheel (enough torque to break your wrist) all the thurstmaster warthog + fanatic club shifter. I also have optimum studio for walking which I am loving in left for dead and arazonia sunshine (love horde).

    Its the eye tracking which I like the idea of helping support so the stretch goal reached there is important.

    The VR community will not today and will not tomorrow ever settle for less than or lets slow down and wait 3 years.. its just not going to happen baby.

    Pimax if you do read this…. keep in touch with the community in an open way and if you get stuck put up your issues be it monetary or technical… you have no reason for failure. Also all you guys I hope are waking at 4:30am hitting the gym before you hit the dojo of the VR lab.

    Pimax have my full attention… no SDE.. wide FOV… yes please.. xie xie ni :-)