IRIS VR, the indie studio known for the cyberpunk adventure Technolust (2016), today announced that the next VR project is headed to Kickstarter on September 1st, 2019.

Dubbed LOW-Fi, the game is described as the spiritual successor to Technolust, as it clearly taps into the same gritty cyberpunk feel that fans of the iconic film and literary genre know so well.

Unlike Technolust however, which is an Oculus platform exclusive, IRIS VR founder and indie VR veteran Blair Renaud says via Twitter that Low-fi is slated to support Oculus Rift, SteamVR headsets, Windows VR headsets, and PC at launch.

Here’s a quick rundown of the story:

As the player, you are “low-fi”, the street name given to those who cannot merge with the platform, a ubiquitous virtual reality simulation where most of the population now live their lives. You are a police officer and have been transferred to city-block 303, a particularly crime ridden section or Toronto. The only inhabitants of note in your jurisdiction are other low-fi, and the human intelligence (or lower) artificial life forms who have remained among the citizens after the AI singularity.

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Renaud maintains Low-fi will see release “sometime in 2020.” There’s no word on what the campaign’s initial goal will be, although considering the number of platforms the game is targeting, it could be more than the initial $64,477 CAD (~$49,000 USD) that Technolust garnered through its successful Kickstarter all the way back in 2014.

We’ll keep you posted on all things Low-fi leading up to the campaign. In the meantime, check out the game’s teaser below:

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • JesuSaveSouls

    Jesusavesouls !

    • Andrew Webster

      Jesus Christ, you’re a dikk

      • ssdfg

        at this point i really think he just likes the attention and somehow thinks its relates to spreading the word when all its really doing is showing everyone how bat shit crazy religions wackos can get.

        literaly been on here for months and months posting the same thing even though every time everyone calls him out.

        I remember @ben saying he needs to stop spamming yet here he is still doing it.

        I hope you get cancer dude. the world would be such a better place without you

    • appleman

      You should kill yourself

    • asdfasdfasdf

      every time you post it just increases your negative image and in turn the image of religion and christ. youre literally doing the opposite of what you act like youre going for.

      Even jesus would tell you to shut the fuck up cause ur hurting his image. Out of all the people jesus would dine with, he would take a hard pass on you. youre worse then a fucking prostitute when you think you Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego or something…. you can go die in a fire like them to for all we care. there wont be any pearly gates waiting for you, just the aftermath of a wasted life.

      See that^^^ I know all about your religion down to the fine details, ive probably studied it in deeper lengths than you have. So i’m telling you wisen the fuck up or leave. youre just hurting yourself, your image and the image of those your pushing. FUCK OFF

    • Jarilo

      Well at least you’re not pushing piece of shit Islam. I’ll give you that. lol

      • aasd

        theyre literally the same thing… you have clearly never studied religions….

        its the extremists of both that have the same crazy ideologies.

        before adding to the stupid religion wars, do some research before you try to act smart.

        • Jarilo

          Nonsense, Islam is far worse and I am no christian. I would far rather live in a christian society. I have read the works of Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and the likes of Sam Harris. Your move bitch face.

          • asdfasdfasdf

            yeahhhhhhhhh so do you remember the catholic church and how many campaigns they had conquering land and killing thousands? Muslims never did anything like that to this day. im not here to defend them theyre just as fucked up and shitty but youre trying to defend Christianity here and everyone else is trying to say f off to both.

          • Jarilo

            Besides being a long time ago with everyone responsible for it dead, you might want to study up on the actual history of Crusades. You’d be surprised that it was a reactionary campaign. It’s pretty obvious you have a warped view of the Crusades set by mostly Hollywood where evil people in the west set out to murder for no reason good people in the east. In reality, Catholicism unified Europe under one banner (heavily pagan in many areas) and ended saving it from Muslim conquests.

          • asdfasdfasdf

            you dont know any history.
            I’m speaking from a lot f classes no these subjects not hollywood.

            The crusades were death for everyone. they wouldnt return home untill blood was pooled to thier horses knees.

            Also if you knew any history youd know that that that was the byzantine empire at the time and during the fall and decimation of Rome. The byzantine empire preserved all our christian documents for us, otherwise theyd all be lost.

            try again ass hat you’re just spitting lies

          • Jarilo

            I think your reply says it all about what you know but I’m just going to leave if at this. The Byzantine empire was one of the influential forces in kicking off the crusades. They asked the Pope for help as they were having a hard time with the Turks. Anyway, it’s amusing you had to go all the way back to the end of the 11th century just to bring up an example of Christians as a collective group being bad.

          • asdfasdfasdf

            helping with a turks and colonizing/claiming land are different things.

          • gothicvillas

            Search for videos where gay are thrown off buildings, women stoned to death, limbs brutally chopped off.
            And all are current time videos. That’s Islam ideology at the core.
            Hardly the same if you compare to modern Christian’s.

      • M0rph3u5

        Is that really funny? aye? or are you actually just an idiotic troll who pretends to care about technology? if you have one functioning nerve cell in your low IQ brain (that’s if you have one), you would’ve produced a better statement than the verbal diarrhoea that you have contaminated this page with.

        • Jarilo

          Do you know how to say anything besides adhominems? can you form an actual argument? Check this out, it shows the level of tolerance towards christian is far lower than that towards Muslims just by the reaction you guys gave, which is funny because other than Christians being annoying, they aren’t throwing gays off roofs in the middle east at least.

          • aasd

            no you were trying to say islam and muslims were worse or least liked and we were calling out this douche for spamming christian stuff.
            Dont come in here and change the topic then make that your flagship argument… fucking annoying, go choke on a dick as well

          • Jarilo

            You hypocrite wannabe fake intellectuals. I love separating in the comments section easily those who properly criticize religion from those who just have a bone to pick specifically with Christianity. This was absolute fun.

          • asdfasdfasdf

            and people having a bone with Christianity is a problem how?? most of us do also have a problem with islam, youre the one who was comparing. were all saying f religion while you’re trying to compare the two

          • Jarilo

            I’m going back to VR topics, sorry man. Yes, I do think Islam is worse than Christianity today, you can disagree if you want but I’m not going to debate here. I threw it into the conversation to see what would happen ( not disappointed to be honest ).

          • M0rph3u5

            Good one, glad that you found some common grounds with him, that is hating another group of people. I suggest you too try to open up your narrow brain and get out more and meet more people to eradicate those cancerous beliefs that make you feel better than others.
            I am pretty sure that Jesus didn’t teach people to hate others. Unless you are following your own version of the bible

          • M0rph3u5

            AS before, I am not defending Muslims or Christians or anyone here.
            What exactly makes you better than muslims, christians, or anyone for all it matters? .. Is it your skin color? your sex? or your belief? or simply just because you have a computer and know how to type?
            See it is people like your likes are the cancer of this planet and the reason why people don’t get along.
            A word of advice: consider getting out of your room more often, travel around the world, or even consider going to college or uni, perhaps you could meet some of those people that you ignorantly slag.. get to know them, whether Muslims, Christians, Africans, Asians..etc rather than sitting in front of a computer screen and trying to “educate” yourself through social media or whatever intolerant hate groups you have joined or subscribed to

          • Jarilo

            Better at what? Who said anything about being better? we were talking about religious ideologies. I already went to University and travel between contents often enough. Not sure where you pulled any of this crap from but it’s probably your ass.

          • M0rph3u5

            I very much doubt that. Your level of intellect and childish comments suggest otherwise. Anyways, I have more important things to do than to waste my time on a troll. I thought I could probably help to open your narrow mind up and widen your horizon, but I was wrong.
            Just grow up and improve your language skill. Using vulgar language/terms is not a good and mature way to put your point across

          • Jarilo

            The pot calling the kettle black

    • SataNeedSoulsToo

      Serve the Dark Lord and Reap the Rewards !

    • Jonathan Winters III

      You know guys, “JesuSaveSouls” just posts that stuff because he loves to get attention and inflame others. Just “unlike” his comments, and DONT reply to his shit! I’ve already complained 2 times to the site admin, and they don’t do anything about it.

  • Home Audio
  • JesuSaveSouls

    Jesus is mankind’s sole hope !

    • paleobeentrotter

      I hope its in gods plan that you get brutally ass raped and mugged soon.

      • Jarilo

        Raping is for Muslims, he’s just annoying.

        • M0rph3u5

          What a dumb comment from a low life intolerant imbecile

          • Jarilo

            Greatest irony in the world ever to defend Islam and Muslims and using the word intolerance to do so. They have claimed that label all to themselves. Your name calling is meaningless.

          • asdfasdfasdf

            i was calling out all religion, and you were trying to say muslims are worse…. so fuck you

          • Jonathan Winters III


          • M0rph3u5

            First, not agreeing with your empty/fruitless comment, doesn’t mean that I am not defending Muslims or Christians or anyone here.
            Secondly, what exactly makes you better than muslims, christians, or anyone for all it matters? .. Is it your skin color? your sex? or your belief? or simply just because you have a computer and know how to type?
            See it is people like your likes are the cancer of this planet and the reason why people don’t get along.
            A word of advice: consider getting out of your room more often, travel around the world, or even consider going to college or uni, perhaps you could meet some of those people that you ignorantly slag.. get to know them, whether Muslims, Christians, Africans, Asians..etc rather than sitting in front of a computer screen and trying to “educate” yourself through social media or whatever intolerant hate groups you have joined or subscribed to

          • sdfsdfg

            I agree with you 100% but your also mixing religions with races and there is a difference.

        • SataNeedSoulsToo

          Rape is so intrinsic to religion, including Christianity.

    • atthistimesure

      you should kill yourself

    • SataNeedSoulsToo

      Mankind has no hope !

    • LowRezSkyline

      All religions are man made and designed to control you.

  • Ron

    Lookin good Blair!

  • Jarilo

    This looks amazing, I love cyber punk and dystopian future genre.

  • namekuseijin

    no, thanks. I’ll wait for the real deal by CDPR after it’s out of its flat early access.

  • monkeygamesvr

    I disagree with all the this ‘talking keyboard warriors religious crapholes here’.

    Olso I agree that islam is a relgion of peace… LOL

    Now we got that out of the way, I would realy love to see a whole game from this going to launch, but being able to play it with medium pc settings/hardware for everyone to get a hold on. +10 for Jarilo on Deus Ex to be in vr, lets do dissquare enox, give us some love?

  • justhereforvr

    Can you guys kick the religious people?

  • JesuSaveSouls

    Technolust is a game and experience I feel many have missed because of their desire for instant action and lack of patience.If your not seasoned with classic sci fi culture you may miss this work of art.