If you’ve always thought of yourself as a hero, one that could step up to the plate when danger rears its head, Rescuties! VR may well be the game for you. Save babies and other helpless creatures in this daft yet fun looking VR game, currently in the final stages of its Kickstarter campaign.

Rescuties! VR is a ridiculous new VR game about saving falling babies (and other cute creatures) from a variety of dangerous situations. For example, in one level, babies are tossed to you from a hot air balloon, at which point you then have to throw (yes, throw) them into a nearby helicopter. Another level has players catch and simultaneously sort dogs, cats, and baby chicks into life rafts during a flood at the local animal clinic.

Developer Charles Deck of mode of expression started work on Rescuties! VR as a warm-up to Ludum Dare 35. He chose a 30-year-old DOS game called Bouncing Babies as his source of inspiration and then added an extra helping of cute. After getting a positive response from the VR community, he decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign for the game. Backers can get a copy of the game for $15, or $10 if you manage to get in at the early-bird pricing tier (8 remaining as of this writing).

Rescuties! VR will allow players to be the hero in ten different disaster scenarios. The game will alsoinclude power-ups and interactive objects like whiffle bats that can make saving the babies even more ridiculous. The visual style of the game is reminiscent of the polygonal simplicity of Katamari Damacy and the developer says the musical score will also have a Katamari vibe.

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The game will be available for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift (with different controls), and Charles Deck says he would love to bring it to PlayStation VR as well, given the opportunity.

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  • Andrew Jakobs

    This is the kind of graphics I expect on a PSVR, but not on a Vive or Rift.. The ‘game’ just looks like a quick and easy put together to get some money from the VR hype..

    • DiGiCT Ltd

      ROFL, good art and a good game cost money and time to make, lucky enough this is just 2d movie, im scared to see that in VR, must be harmfull to see.

    • ummm…

      i dunno. gameplay mechanics trump graphics for me, especially in vr at the moment. I do max my graphics, but no amount of reflective surfaces or bloom makes me any happier than a good concept.

    • Pete

      This is the kind of graphics that most small devs will deliver. Can’t really compare to graphics from AAA titles with major corporation backing them.

      I thought the game design looked “ok”, but then again you really can’t tell how good a VR game will be until you get in there. My daughter told me it’s a must buy though.

    • Daniel Gochez

      I have a friend that could not understand the hype behind minecraft. The blocky dated looking graphics are honestly quite bad, but once he got to play it on the Vive he wants to get his Vive just so he can play minecraft with it. I also wish we had better graphics on many of our games, The Lab proved it can be done, but job simulator and minecraft proved it’s not the most important thing. If you go to minecraft.net and sign up you can play with the vive on the demo when you install this: https://github.com/jrbudda/minecrift/releases/tag/ViveCraft_jrbudda10

    • Tad Springer

      It looks like Katamari which I always loved. I hope to see more VR games use the Katamari art style myself! :)