Ridley Scott Associates (RSA), the film production company of famed director Ridley Scott, is launching RSA VR, a new division dedicated to the production of high-end immersive films using VR, AR, and mixed reality. Scott and co. is known for work on acclaimed films such as Alien (1979), Blade Runner (1982), Gladiator (2000), Black Hawk Down (2001), and more throughout his career as a director now going on 40 years.

RSA today announced the launch of RSA VR, a formalization and expansion of RSA’s recent work in VR space which has included the production of The Martian VR Experience (2016) and a forthcoming Alien: Covenant experience.

In a prepared release, the studio calls RSA VR, “a new division dedicated exclusively to the creative development and production of VR, AR and mixed media.”

“We have been heavily involved in VR for the past few years, and having a dedicated stand-alone division underscores our commitment to immersive media in both the brand and entertainment space,” said Jules Daly, President, RSA Films.

Jen Dennis to head RSA VR | Photo courtesy Jen Dennis

RSA VR will be headed by Jen Dennis who has collaborated on the studio’s VR work to date, including co-executive production of The Martian VR Experience.

As RSA VR sees a formal announcement, the division is in the midst of numerous VR projects, including a 360 immersive film campaign for Siemens, the forthcoming Alien: Covenant VR experience (to be co-executive produced by Ridley Scott himself), an episodic VR series called Blackbox in partnership with Endless VR, and a yet unannounced episodic VR documentary series directed by photographer Michael Muller.

Ridley Scott

“We have been heavily involved in VR for the past few years, and having a dedicated stand-alone division underscores our commitment to immersive media in both the brand and entertainment space,” said Jules Daly, President, RSA Films. “In addition to being one of the most well regarded producers in commercials and content, Jen Dennis brings hands-on experience developing and producing VR and is among the foremost influencers in the space. Ridley has a long lineage as a pioneer in creative technology, and RSA’s roster includes incredibly talented directors who understand the unique language of VR. We are pleased to offer this formidable resource to our clients.”

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Among RSA’s roster of directors, the studio says 13 of them are “working in and pursuing projects in VR.”

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Mermado 1936

    I dont see the point… its dificult to watch an Alien movie… must be imposible to watch in VR (too much pressure).

    • Des Dearman

      I think along these lines.
      Playing raw data with those life size robots running at you. Think life size terminators making a b’line for you in a film.
      The former was terrifying enough.

    • Raphael

      Your not seeing the point means you don’t see the point. A form of blindness. Whereas you believe there isn’t a point if you can’t see it. I’m willing to bet you can’t see gamma radiation either but it can see right through you.

  • OhYeah!

    That is some AAA talent, now lets see that AAA content!

  • NooYawker

    VR videos are cool but where do you look? Like the Gorillaz video, it was very cool but I kept spinning around because I didn’t want to miss anything. Full 180 like I’m sitting in the room and keep everything in front of me and that’s a more pleasant viewing experience for a movie. And scale it so I don’t feel like I’m watching giants.
    But realistically at this point in VR.. I’ll take anything.

    • Get Schwifty!

      This is really a case for the reason for a 180′ experience… essentially focusing in one direction. Music videos I can see as 360′, but not films, there really is not point in trying to establish a coherent narrative in 360′.

    • hmm

      You look wherever you want to look. That’s kind of the idea with VR/360. Every time you watch can be a new experience. Not always the same. Think outside the box.

      • NooYawker

        I think for clips or shorts it would be fine. But a full feature film would be tough. I’m not knocking it, it would be a unique experience for sure.

        • Dave

          VR works better as an interactive experience. I don’t think the traditional film format has any place in VR. Outside of maybe story structure and pacing.

  • Buddydudeguy


    360 video is not VR.

    • Lucidfeuer

      Unless they’re CG produced “video”, since the stereovideo maps warps the scene correctly according to object and perspective. A camera can’t do that indeed, and I personally refuse anything that has to do with that abberation.

      • CMcD

        I completely agree, the camera tech just isn’t there yet

  • Quentin

    Indeed, 360 videos are no VR. This is VR : http://www.br9732.com/ :)

  • Again, people investing in trying to make any sort of VR/AR content is a great thing, and I applaud him for having the foresight to recognize its potential. While I agree with others here that 360 video is not VR, it’s definitely an entry level step into the platform for a lot of folks, and while it turns some off, it turns many more on I bet. We’ve got no idea what their plans are, and while they’ll most certainly begin with 360 video projects (since they’re coming from a 2D format to begin with), it’ll be no time before they realize the potential in making full fledged, interactive VR!

  • CMcD

    Blade runner vr PLEASE!!!