Alvo VR (2021), the PvP shooter that offers up some CS:GO-inspired gameplay, is coming to PSVR 2 in September, as well as SteamVR headsets soon afterwards.

Publishers OutsideIn Entertainment say Alvo is slated to arrive on PSVR 2 on September 14th, 2023.

There’s also a new launch trailer that shows off the shooter’s multiplayer action, which in the PSVR 2 version is said to include enhanced dynamic lighting, “stunning 4k resolution,” and head and controller haptics.

Alvo has included cross-play between the original PSVR, Quest 2 versions, and Pico headsets. A SteamVR version is also coming, although it’s still uncertain when. The game’s Steam page says it’s “coming soon,” and will offer cross-play with all supported headsets.

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For previous owners of the game on PSVR, the studio says you can upgrade to the PSVR 2 version for a fee of $5. Keep an eye on its PSVR 2 Store page for more information on how closer to its September 14th launch.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Daniel Dobson

    The cross-play feature is great, since otherwise the playerbase would be smaller, and so every version benefits from the presence of the others.

  • ViRGiN

    Very janky game, with extremely poor controls. It was built for gamepad-style gameplay from PSVR1, it carried onto Quest 2, and now it’s coming back to PSVR2.

    Game is essentially dead, very few people actually play it.

    • Brian Elliott Tate

      All the controls were remade from the ground up a while back and now has full manual reloading and controls designed around two motion controllers

      • ViRGiN

        It’s a half assed band said solution, added super late during the game cycle. I haven’t met any vr fps player who found it acceptable. Game founder was very vocal and against manual interactions and he strongly believed button mashing but in vr is what people really want.

        • Phantom

          You actually have no idea what you’re talking about. You seem sexually frustrated as your tag name implies. It is very likely you watch more youtube than touch grass, have an ego so large you believe you speak for the larger VR gamer base, and are compensating for shortcomings in your life. Find a hobby that actually helps people rather than trying to be a back seat game developer with no common sense or actual evidence to support your accusations. Best you stay your lane and avoid forums such as this where you feel like you will be heard, but in reality everyone is just laughing at you. Find a hole, lay down, and contemplate your life. Just a suggestion – seems like you need more parental influence as yours have failed you miserably.

          • ViRGiN

            You spent 100% of words attacking me, instead of addressing the dead game issues.
            Speaks more than 1000 hours of video footage.

          • CrusaderCaracal

            Hey mate at the end of the day it’s just a forum, you don’t need to get mad at other people for having an opinion

    • LMAO

      Ignorant troll alert.

      • ViRGiN

        Chinese spy alert! Russian sympathizer alarm!

        • Peter vasseur

          Virgin has no clue what he is ever talking about. Yet you may think he does because it’s always the dumbest that scream the loudest.

          • ViRGiN

            You’re so out of touch with reality. Anyone who listens to anything you say loses brain cells. You’re a cancer and need to just go away.

        • CrusaderCaracal

          Brotherhood of Steel member alert!

  • gothicvillas


  • Ron Doyle

    it’s so bad. I been begging for years to get a objective playlist, but you are always forced into straight up DM or TDM which is a free for all fiasco. Its so bad unless you love running around aimlessesly shooting things.