The team behind the VR adaptation of popular party game Among Us announced it’s officially gone platinum, selling over 1 million copies across all platforms.

Recreating viral flatscreen titles in VR seems to be a potent recipe for success, as Among Us VR follows in the footsteps of other meme-able games like Friday Night at Freddy’s and SUPERHOT, both of which boast high-performing VR adaptations.

Developed by Innersloth, Schell Games, and Robot Teddy, Among Us VR replicates the original’s team-based game of betrayal. Complete tasks aboard a starship, but keep an eye out for the ship’s singular impostor, who is always looking to get away with murder.

The viral phenomenon caught fire in the summer of 2020—nearly two years after the flatscreen version was initially released on Steam by Innersloth. Then the VR version was released in November 2022, which seems to be replicating that success, albeit in the proportionally smaller Quest 2 and PC VR platforms.

Released in November, Among Us VR has crossed the one million unit mark in less than ten weeks after launch, releasing simultaneously across Quest 2 and SteamVR headsets priced at $10. A version for the upcoming PSVR 2 is also arriving as a launch day title, releasing February 22nd.

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And it isn’t stopping there. Among Us VR has a number of planned updates on the horizon, including new maps, custom lobby settings, and improved accessibility features. The team says in-game reporting and voice chat moderation is also in the works to improve player safety.

In addition to the sales news, the team released a few stats: Among Us VR has been played more than four million times by users across 122 countries. On average, 44,000 matches are held per day. More than 89,100,000 minutes have been dedicated to tasks, sabotages, and betrayal.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • ViRGiN

    aaand it has roughly half the number of reviews on steam versus quest.
    and yet pcvr fanboys can’t comprehend that lowpoly/loweffort games is basically all that is being played on expensive pcs. oh and nobody cares about your god praydog.

    i don’t hate the game – not my genre, but it looks solid, and has extremely fair pricing.

    • Cless

      But you do realize the reason these games usually sell best is because 6 year old laptops CAN play them when you attach whatever VR headset to them… right? Same happens with regular games all the time D:

      • ViRGiN

        You do realize there is no data showing percentage of PCVR users running on 6 year old laptops?
        PCVR can run on lower than minimum specs very fine; yet as better hardware gets higher ownership, we have yet to see ANY changes to playerbase and their most played games.

        Again, Alyx had 40k+ concurrent players on launch. Nothing ever came close to it, and “good looking” games like Hubris topped at 101 concurrent players, 4 players right now, with 11 peak in the last 24 hours.

        PCVR is laughable. But who knows, maybe there 300k players right now playing Resident Evil VR mod.

        • Cless

          Concurrent players on a game like Alyx mean absolutely nothing. For any singleplayer really.
          Most games get only one peak when they release, then MAYBE another one when they go on sale, and that’s about it. After that its all slowburn of new players.
          Only total sale numbers matter on single player games like that basically is what I’m trying to get at. For all we know, it could be 40k new people everyday (it isn’t, of course, but I think it shows my point that the number has not much meaning).
          We can extrapolate better by looking at the total number of reviews, since they tend to pretty strongly correlated to total sales.

          You can laugh all you want about PCVR, people laughed about PC gaming before as well. See how well that aged.

          • ViRGiN

            > Most games get only one peak when they release,
            It’s actually pretty much always the rule. I can’t remember the last game to release in the last few years and actually build player base over time.

            > Concurrent players on a game like Alyx mean absolutely nothing.
            It means Alyx was enough of a reason to dust off their old vives and rifts to try that game out, and super likely also the reason to put it back to storage.

            Another way to guesstimate ‘staying’ in the game is to look at workshop mods – the most popular has 142k subscribers earned in about 1.5 year. That’s pretty healthy – for an indie game, not supposedly AAA.

            > We can extrapolate better by looking at the total number of reviews
            Million copies sold of Among Us, yet there is about 4500 reviews combined. That’s the most horrible way to estimate anything, especially with a hyped up VALVE title.

            > See how well that aged.
            If we agree that first “true” consumer VR headset released in 1995, the VFX1, it shows an insanely slow progress of PCVR in 28 years, cause as we both noticed – PCVR has been around forever and never “died” huh. People might have laughed at PC, I did not. But I do at PCVR and nothing on horizon indicates that someone else will have the last laugh.

          • Cless

            >Million copies sold of Among Us, yet there is about 4500 reviews combined. That’s the most horrible way to estimate anything, especially with a hyped up VALVE title.

            You can’t go with a blindfold into analyzing these numbers, they are a guide. Games aimed at younger audiences will have numbers that ponder on the lower side, while hyped games to hell and back, free to play or AAA will have them pondering up.
            That and a lot more factors go into guessing how many copies have been sold, usually each publisher sees a tendency in their own game libraries.
            Another thing to take into consideration, is that there are always outliers, this might be one such case.
            There is a reason why publishers and devs use these numbers as guides, again, they correlate nicely if you have all the needed info in place.

            And don’t insult my intelligence, please, if we are going to say that PCVR started in ’95, then we should also say something like PC gaming started the ’71. I mean, isn’t it TECHNICALLY true as well?
            When I talk about PCVR, we talk about the CLEAR newer iteration of it that started after Oculus started stirring the pot a decade ago.

            PCVR will become a healthy market just as regular PC gaming did in the near-mid future, and all numbers in sales point towards that. Hopefully PSVR2 will convince enough people that games should come in with “VR modes” attached to them and shoot up console and PCVR numbers.

            Publishers and devs don’t give a shit about concurrent numbers of players unless your game relies on online play, that is just how things are. Sure that having a nice community that is active will bring some money in, but its such a tiny fraction of whatever the first week of releasing the game did that will make absolutely no remarkable effect on sales. It will on brand perception and might affect sales of future games though, so they are still great things to have, look for and cherish.

            And PCVR will be always just a fraction of PC gaming, because it just is a part of it, its not separated. This decade we can expect having VR headsets on a PC to become a common gaming accessory on a PC, obviously always behind things such as mouses, keyboards and game controllers. But definitely way more than joysticks and racing wheels ever did.

          • ViRGiN

            Since you seem to find a point where PCVR really started as decade ago, what is the equivalent point for PC itself?
            PCVR was and still IS extremely small. Alyx, as a complete exception to the rule, should at least see ballpark numbers, at least for 2-3 months after release, but already in April 2020, a month after release, the peak went from 42k to 6k. That’s a huge drop, and never ever grew. It’s basically got cut more than in half for months to follow, and then bounce up and down, supposedly when PCVR is growing bigger. Is literally everyone missing on the “greatest vr game”?
            Concurrent users is a good metric, and infinietly more helpful one than reviews. Especially as this game has “unlimited” content in form of mods, something that fully keeps other games afloat and even raise their numbers as via Beat Saber example.

            As a complete outliner, you would think this is the game that at least most people would beat and move on to other games, as single player can only give you so many hours to spent. Yet only 24.5% of players ever reached the last level as seen by steam achievements. 31.3% made it half way through the game.

            As Index is the biggest headset after Meta products, every Index owner got Alyx for free. Yet the engagment rate is clearly not there. So yeah, people don’t care about “high end” games, while rec room, beat saber, among us, superhot and others still remain popular today. It seems like PCVR will never grow to be considered serious unless Nvidia pays you to use their cards. Or should I wait for “chip shortage” to end, “scalpers” to die off, and then a regular consumer will be able to get into VR with their free RTX5060 and discover the potential of PCVR?

            “very good PCVR experience” hardware ownership has been there for years. It’s not like VR requires some super duper complex latest gen hardware to play it. Yet it captures about 2% of steam users, and haven’t grew at all. It’s a joke to consider it growth, and sounds more like copium-hopium.

          • Rome

            Completely agree. PCVR is slow to grow but incredibly stable, whilst building a strong foundation. It will be the dominant form of VR before long.

          • Guest

            Uh, the VXF1 is what we’d call prosumer these days. I think the Virtual I/O Glasses were probably the first consumer VR with head tracking (plus it had a sort of AR capability too). Now if there was some way to measure sales of disks then its apps may have had large cumulative sales to this day. Back then the numbers for shelf space were almost as cooked as much the app stores do it today!

    • kool

      Consider this this is the premier be gaming site and its just us in here. You are the quest mascot…vr as a whole isn’t that big.

      • ViRGiN

        VR is real outside websites like this, reddit, or youtube channels. Millions use their Quests every day, millions aren’t watching or reading VR related content. One could say those of us who are here online are rather waiting for the *big* moment that is slightly different for each one of us.

        Meta made VR real and tangible.

  • Tommy

    Ha! Put down Praydog all you want but he has brought a slew of AAA games to VR that are better than almost everything you could mention on standalone.
    They are not janky ports either. I know you hate PCVR but I have access to way better games than you do.

  • silvaring

    Hardware first then software. The Playstation is one of the greatest examples of that ever.

  • This doesn’t surprise me