Best Rated Free Oculus Quest Apps

The rating of each application is an aggregate of user reviews and a useful way to understand the general reception of each title by customers.

Rank Name Rating (# of ratings) Rank Change
#1 First Steps for Quest 2 4.78 (653)
#2 Oculus First Contact 4.69 (1,136)
#3 Goliath: Playing with Reality 4.61 (376)
#4 Echo VR 4.61 (7,445)
#5 Anne Frank House VR 4.55 (844)
#6 NOTES ON BLINDNESS 4.51 (476) ↑ 1
#7 Rec Room 4.46 (13,149) ↑ 1
#8 Home After War 4.42 (168) ↓ 2
#9 Supernatural* 4.42 (5,523)
#10 Dear Angelica 4.4 (226)
#11 Bogo 4.36 (922)
#12 VR Animation Player 4.34 (335)
#13 Kizuna AI – Touch the Beat! 4.3 (502) ↑ 1
#14 The Under Presents 4.29 (1,258) ↑ 1
#15 Gravity Sketch 4.28 (710) ↓ 2
#16 Gun Raiders 4.26 (1,038) ↑ 1
#17 Immersed 4.23 (973) ↓ 1
#18 ecosphere 4.22 (334)
#19 Sphere Toon – VR Comic 4.13 (180)
#20 Bait! 4.1 (1,305) ↑ 1

Rank change & stats compared to October 2021

Mission: ISS

  • Among the 20 best rated free Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.4 out of 5 (±0)
  • Among all free Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 3.7 out of 5 (−0.1)

* free trial followed by paid subscription

Continue on Page 4: Most Popular Free Oculus Quest Apps

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Norma Lewis

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  • Rosko

    looking at these lists just reminds me why I haven’t bothered to buy a quest yet as affordable as they are.

    • NL_VR

      Based on what? the games? many great games imo

      • Rosko

        Don’t get me wrong the games are ok but nothing i would spend huge amounts of time in. I’ve already played many of them with pcvr like moss for example. I’m waiting for something that really stands out from the hundreds of games i already have.

        • NL_VR

          Thats true, most of the games on the top list are also on PC.

          • George

            A flat screen version of, lets say MYST, can not even compared to the VR production. It’s kind of like being IN THE GAME as opposed to just watching it afar. PS, the game might be better described as a PC/VR game as the game actually uses your graphics card (GPU) and
            your CPU to render the graphics and your 5ghz WiFi router band to complete the package. In summary, PC flat screen cannot compete…

          • NL_VR

            im not talking about flatscreen

    • George

      Perhaps your making judgments based on a poor selection of metrIcs. There’s every reason in the world to get a 256gb Quest 2, at the very (comparative) low price of $399! It seems to me your looking at and deciding by viewing by 10° of the 360° picture of the VR experience… jump in, the waters fine…

  • Aussie

    This list missed alot of great games…Resident Evil 4, Population One, After The Fall….etc. What a shame.

    • elgordo79

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    • benz145

      Resident Evil 4 and After the Fall are both on the Most Popular list on Page 2.

      • aria jackson

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    • Megan Lee

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  • Christian Schildwaechter

    I think you accidentally compared against the October numbers instead of November, causing the “Change in ratings numbers” to be inflated compared to your other monthly listing due to covering two months. E.g. Resident Evil 4 added 3882 in November, now 4963 in December, while the total count on the Oculus App store is currently only 5001 ratings.

    So it looks like RE4 actually only gained 1081 new ratings in its second month, just about 25% of what it got in the first, while Blade & Sorcery gained 2197 new ratings in the second on top of 3329 in the first, so it kept 66% of its popularity. Which is quite significant, considering that RE4 was the big budget, big promotion title everybody expected to draw in a large number of new users.

    RE4 even has better ratings, so either the fact that its price of USD 40 is double that of Blade & Sorcery had a huge impact, or the fact that Blade & Sorcery with all its flaws is an actual designed for VR game that utilizes the platform much better than even a very polished port of a classic pancake game simply makes it more fun. The latter could be relevant for Meta’s other expensive porting endeavors like GTA San Andreas.

    • Aubrey Scott

      I’ve actually obtained $19670 in no more than calendar month through working parttime through my house.~RD410~Immediately when I had lost my last position, I was very worried and luckily I discovered this simple on-line task and in this way I can manage to receive thousands from the comfort of home.~RD104~Everyone can try this best work and could gain more greenbacks on-line visiting following web-page.

  • Jesse Montes

    Here is a tip If you forgot to click on a referral link before activating your new quest 2 headset and missed out on the $60 oculus store credit (or haven’t activated yours yet skip to step two)
    Do the following in order before the bonus runs out on 12/31/21 cause after this date it becomes only $30:

    1)Factory reset the device or wipe it remotely by unlinking it by going to the oculus website and login in then go to devices. (add .com after oculus)

    2)Accept the referral from clicking on someone’s link. (add .com after oculus)
    Here is mine oculus/referrals/link/SeaPong/

    3)Re-activate the device by pairing it to your mobile oculus app that’s signed in with your Facebook account.
    You should immediately get the $60 credit from the oculus store that you can use to buy games!
    Let me know if it works and if you already used a referral then just ignore this comment.

    Though I did find out that if you accidentally fully setup your quest 2 with out the referral, the oculus support team will work to get you the $60/$30 promo if you contact them.