Baobab’s New VR Experience ‘Crow: The Legend’ Launches on Rift, Go & Gear VR


Baobab Studios, the minds behind Emmy Award-winning VR experiences Asteroids! (2017) and Invasion! (2016), just released their latest animated VR story starring actors John Legend, Oprah Winfrey, and Constance Wu. Called Crow: The Legend (2018), the story puts a new twist on a Native American creation story, created with the help of Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP), a group dedicated to engaging, educating and empowering native peoples.

Acting as the ‘Spirit of the Seasons’ you control the forest’s yearly ebb and flow with the help of your Touch controllers by waving your arms, sending out the magic to brings new life, and eventually snow to the forest. Snow falls, and the creatures of the forest begin to worry, and send out one of their own to convince a higher power to make Spring return again.

Image courtesy Baobab

“With a simple wave of your hands you can make the flowers grow, snows fall, and the winds blow,” says Eric Darnell, Baobab’s chief creative officer and director of Crow: The Legend. “You can even play the ‘music of the universe’ in much the same way a conductor conducts an orchestra. Not only does this feel powerful, intuitive, and effortless, but it also helps the viewer focus on what really matters.”

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Without spoiling it further, Crow: The Legend is decidedly on the family-friendly end of the spectrum, providing a Disney-style experience that’s chock-full of cute characters, something that ought to easily appeal to younger viewers. Characters are bursting with expression, with the experience at large showing a fine hand in animation, set design, lighting, and voice acting.

Image courtesy Baobab

While some of its humor falls a bit flat and rests on some older cartoon tropes, it’s an interesting and prescient look at how kid-focused VR content could one day take form as studios begin to specifically target children; most headset manufacturers suggest users no younger than 12-13 use VR, although any amount of time in a multiplayer game will prove that point fairly moot.

Crow: The Legend was created in partnership by Baobab and Oculus Studios, and is now available for free on RiftOculus Go, and Gear VR.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Wednaud Ronelus

    The magic of learning has commenced. Can you imagine what the future of teaching and learning will look like when all learners are immersed in this kind of experience. I am glad to be a pioneer in this domain.

    • Zhiwei Doushu

      I can’t wait for 8K version of a headset playing this film! It is the next generation of movie.

  • I’ve seen it in 2D and I found the plot a bit shallow and predictable

    • Zhiwei Doushu

      No point to watch it in 2D. This film is designed for 3D VR. It is very cool, esp when crow reach the creator place. It is awesome.

      Don’t bother to watch this film if you don’t have an Oculus Go or better headset, like Oculus Quest, it defeat the purpose.

      This actually shows what the future holds for cinema/films.