It looks like the UK’s Daily Star had the opportunity to reveal a little more behind why Capcom’s horror-adventure Resident Evil 2 remake, slated to release in early 2019, most likely isn’t getting a VR mode after all.

Before the E3 2018 Sony showcase reveal, many VR fans theorized that the long-awaited remake of Resident Evil 2 (1998) could possibly follow in the steps of the company’s latest VR breakout success, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017), which featured a much-lauded PSVR mode.

UK tabloid Daily Star sat down with Capcom producers Tsuyoshi Kanda and Yoshiaki Hirabayashi at E3 last month, revealing a little more behind the reasoning for the game’s lack of VR mode:

“We’re not thinking about VR support currently, given that the camera perspective and the over-the-shoulder choice would mean that VR is not the best way to present the game,” Tsuyoshi Kanda said. “VR doesn’t match the vision for us,” he concluded.

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While it’s good the producers don’t want to implement an imperfect solution for VR gamers, it’s a sad to put a nail in the coffin so soon—especially for a game series that garnered some serious love from the PSVR community.

Only a few days after launch of Resident Evil 7, nearly 10% of the registered players were enjoying it in VR. Awards were aplenty too, as it earned a Golden Joystick for Best VR Game of 2017 and Best AR/VR Game at the 2017 Game Awards.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • NooYawker

    I’d play it in third person VR. 3rd person VR games can be as fun as full room scale games sometimes.

    • Adrian Meredith

      Exactly, Lucky’s tale was great in vr but it would have been painfully mediocre otherwise.

      • NooYawker

        If you get down to it, most games are mediocre outside of VR.

        • HybridEnergy

          I like the way you think NooYawker. lol

      • brandon9271

        Lucky’s tale made me want to puke! I seriously couldn’t play it for more that a few minutes. It looked like fun though. :(

        • impurekind

          This is why a game like Chronos is maybe the ideal model for how to do RE in VR, because there is not independent camera movement so you can’t get motion sick.

      • impurekind

        Siomething like Chronos is great in VR, and I can imagine playing a RE game like this would be amazing too. I would also love to see a remake of Eternal Darkness (or an entirely new game in the series) done similarly.

        • NooYawker

          Edge of Nowhere, you’re always behind the guys shoulder. Just a little farther back than Resident evil.

    • impurekind

      Exactly. Something just like Chronos would be utterly brilliant for a game like this imo.


    Thats a serious bummer. Not that I could finish RE7 in VR, though.
    Its just too damn scary!

    • care package

      Man if you’re a dude you’re a pussy. If you’re a chick, I get it.

  • Nadim Alam

    Big disappointment, playing a 3rd person game in VR is absolutely fine and still adds alot of tension especially in a horror game, we can be the camera, lots of games do this for VR. Please add it Capcom!!

    • PorHawj2018

      Hell No, screw VR.. VR suck !!!!!!!!!!

      • Nads

        stop making a fool out of yourself

        • PorHawj2018

          lol it look stupid when i tried it out at my friend house. screw this shitty VR

          • HybridEnergy

            Pancake gamer comes here just to say that, that’s funny. Hah, RE2 remake was an opportunity to really bring back what people loved about the old RE games, the security camera like angles ( RE 4 ruined it) . VR is perfect for that, but instead they just reskin RE4 into RE2. Most RE2 fans are in their 30s who remember the old RE games fondly, and they don’t give a shit about this remake anymore. It’s gonna sell like crap, good luck capcom. Your friends VR must have been stupid or maybe that’s just you.

          • PorHawj2018

            Blah Blah Blah. you are fucking troller. go eat your mom’s shit and enjoy it

          • HybridEnergy

            I don’t know what the fuck that even means, but how fucking dumb does your life have to be to respond with that 4 months later for some reason. lmfao

  • gothicvillas

    Ouch.. to say I’m disappointed would be an understatement

  • impurekind

    I’ll tell you a game they should remake and put a VR mode in, even if it’s just a virtual room with the TV playing the game on it: Eternal Darkness. And, rather than making it a first person VR mode, they could do it more like it works in Chronos and I personally think it would be one of the greatest [and full] games in VR.

    • Andrew McEvoy

      Now thats a blast from the past. Would very much enjoy seeing that remade for vr.

      • impurekind

        I’m not sure if posting links works here but you should absolutely try playing Eternal Darkness on your VR headset using the standard Dolphin emulator set to sterescopic 3D display mode and running through the Bigscreen app:

        It’s truly something worth experiencing imo, and really gives you a hint at what some smart developer could do with VR if they really try to imagine how the insanity effects could leak out in the [virtual] real world around you. . . .

        • Andrew McEvoy

          Cool thanks for the tip! I’ll definitely be checking that out.

  • Raphael

    CapCom: Narrow minds, small vision.

  • Ombra Alberto

    I do not purchase applications that are not VR.

    • Raphael

      Me same. I spent decades playing games in tiny 2d rectangle mode & I got my first VR system in 2006. I ain’t going back to pancake gaming ever.

      • Andrew McEvoy

        What did you get back in 2006?

        • Raphael

          IO-systems PC3d. 800×600 per eye, zero contrast LCD that changed colors randomly. No head tracking, no vr controllers!

          • Andrew McEvoy

            Whoa! Now that’s proper old school. Did not know that existed at all. I feel like a rank amateur now ;)

          • Raphael

            Weird thing is there seems to be no history of the company or their VR headsets! Used to a VR website with all of the manufacturers listed but that was years ago. I still have some photos of my PC3d. Will post…

          • Andrew McEvoy

            Wow! That’s incredible.

            Heh . Looks like something the Doc invented in Back to the Future

          • Raphael

            Lol. Yup. Texture-rich games were pretty much unplayable because the contrast was so poor… no black just wishy-washy greys and muddy colors. No life-size 3d imagery either. It was exactly like sitting at the back of a small movie theater. So when muppets complain about the “terrible graphics of octopus CV1 and Vive”… I want to punch their heads.

  • Ben

    You’ll have to excuse me if I’m a bit skeptical of that explanation. If realizing their game’s ultimate vision were always such a priority for Capcom, don’t you think they would have released RE7 on the objectively superior PC VR hardware by now? Besides, 3rd person VR games can be very immersive and plenty creepy, just look at “Edge of Nowhere”.

  • Jerald Doerr

    Thank god… I only say this becouse RE7 was a fucking shit storm of a mess on PC… The game was busted in so many ways.. adding VR would probably have crippled the game. RE7 was the 1st Steam game I ever asked for my money back.

  • MW

    So much going on in vr world so even some game not having vr mode is big news. Lol.

  • Noooooooo

  • care package

    Capcom: Don’t expect VR mode for Resident Evil 7 on PC

    • HybridEnergy

      PC version of RE7 is still the one I played hilariously. It’s funny that as lousy as VorpX is, the game was still better on VorpX than it was on the PSVR natively. lmfao

      • care package

        I believe it. I got a refund on VorpX early on and never looked back. I’ve never used a PSVR, but as Rift user, I know I would never want to be one.

  • Sandy Wich

    Any chance of just getting that fkn VR mode for RE7? Haha.. Damn I hate Capcom…..

  • HybridEnergy

    ME to Capcom: Don’t expect my money for Resident Evil 2 Remake.

    I’m a huge RE2 fan, I think it’s the best in the series….but flat screen gaming has come and gone. VR is such an awesome medium of entertainment for remakes to be honest, brings back life to the game since it’s like being there….what’s the point of playing RE2 on a flat screen again? I’ll just play the old one.