After Oculus’ big Black Friday sale, which saw Rift & Touch temporarily cut from its regular price of $400 to $350, Oculus now says they’re permanently dropping the price of the bundle to just $350.

We expect to see the new permanent price come to the Oculus Store shortly, although all official retailers in the US now show the new $350 price. In the US, this includes Amazon, Best Buy, New Egg, Microsoft Store, and Micro Center.

An Oculus spokesperson confirmed with us that the bundle will be priced at $350 USD, and “equivalent across all countries where we currently sell. You’ll see prices update to reflect this across regions and channels over the next week or so.”

Photo by Road to VR

Rift + Touch got its first big price cut at Oculus Connect 4 back in 2017, bringing it from $500 to $400.

The package includes the Rift headset, two sensors, two Touch controllers and six free pieces of VR content: Robo Recall, Luckyʼs Tale, Quill, Medium, Dead and Buried, and Toybox.

This widens the margin even greater between Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, with the original Vive still priced at $500.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • JesuSaveSouls

    I always supported oculus from the beginning.They are always going to be the big name in vr.Its as I foremost put Jesus first above all.

    • Mr. Food Genius

      you are a moron and a product. You didnt buy a rift, you gave your money to facebook for the privilege of being sold like a piece of fruit.

      • Firestorm185

        That’s actually true, I’m #2 in Fruit Ninja VR.

        • Mr. Food Genius

          You are also hairless, friendless, and alone. Like most people on facebook. I’ll bet you spend a lot of time watching morons on youtube and imitating it with your friends, dont you, halfwit?

          • antonio mora

            A friendless with friends… mmm… Ok.

          • Mr. Food Genius

            typical facebook c0ck s#cker….doesnt understand the difference between real friends and a button labeled “friend” in an app where you dont know anyone. Let me guess….you have a thousand “friends” but you can only name 3 of them off of the top of your head and half of them you can only assume they are female as they sell photos of themselves to morons like you but you cant afford them.

  • oompah

    350$ may not be much in west
    but it means 3 months salary in developing countries

    • Blaexe

      PCVR is not aimed at developing countries though…

      • Firestorm185

        yeah, what he said. As much as it pains us for high quality VR to not be available in developing countries, neither is the 1K$+ Pc’s they’d need to run VR in those developing countries. It’s cutting edge hardware, so even if it is 2 years old at this point it’s still not going to be something just anyone from anywhere on the planet can buy.

      • oompah

        Hah ha wait for the developing countries to hack the tech & sell u cheap equivalents.
        Say 5 yrs.
        u walk in Thailand & someone selling VR headsets in a heap(that also standalone). Its coming.

    • Suitch

      WTF? The headset is cheap compared to the computer needed to run it, so why does it matter?

    • Sion12

      what your point? 3 months salary in developing countries can mean years of salary in poor African countries. Its not going to be affordable to everyone

  • Arcticu Kitsu

    Neat. Rift is basically $100 less than what I bought it for during a Christmas sale back in December 2017. Awesome.

    Now, I wish Oculus would braid their damn cables so they wouldn’t tangle. I brought this up to them in a tech support e-mail, their Twitter, and just openly posting it. They told me to keep stretching it out but it keeps folding back on in itself once it laxes, or just 98% silence. If you get a Rift make sure to keep your cable stretched, tube it, or just keep buying replacement cables every so often (if it tangles). If you Google up cable troubles you’d see it’s all over Google, forums, and etc.

    I want to seriously buy a braided cable that Sony has for the PS3 controllers type thing. Not sure if PS4 cables have braided cables, but just saying it as an example. Oculus honestly needs to look into braided cables for their headset with how tangle-happy they are..

  • Tom Szaw

    Rift is not worth more than 200 USD if someone is desperated to have VR. I used Rift and Odyssey+ and can say Odyssey+ is like 2018 Merceces-Benz, while Rift is like 2009 Peugeot xxx. Just can’t compare Rift to Odyssey+. Odyssey+ has way higher resolution, no screen-door effect, OLED (yes, perfect black). I advise you to buy Odyssey+ and RTX 2080 from MSI (8G non-OC version) because it is cheap, very quiet and very fast like OC versions. cheers

    • HomeAudio

      CV1 has pentile OLED panels…

      • Firestorm185

        I just lose interest in an argument every time someone tries to compare VR HMD’s to cars… ugh…

        • Mr. Food Genius

          because you are 12 and cars are so far out of your grasp that it bothers you that others can talk about them?

          • Arcticu Kitsu

            It’s not even that. It’s hearing the arrogant “higher than thou” attitude ruining it all. Why do people have to sound so arrogant. Just enjoy the damn VR without being dramatic smh.

    • CrispyCrusader

      buy a 2080 and odyssey+ because it is cheap? man someone has a cushy job xD

    • Candy Cab

      Too bad the WMR tracking is not very usable in most games that require any sort of movement other than directly in your immediate line of sight. I have a standard Odyssey I use for sim racing so its not a big problem but for anything else WMR tracking is complete trash at the moment. Personally if I had to choose I would take the tracking of my CV1 over the resolution bump of the standard Odyssey or Odyssey+ any time. They are very nice displays for the money but the tracking is really poor. I’m currently running mine on a Trident with a 9700K and 8gb 2080.

  • Mr. Food Genius

    You are a TOTAL AND COMPLETE MORON if you give Facebook your money after this last year. Yes, idiots, Facebook bought Oculus YEARS ago.

    • Firestorm185

      And what’s to say any company isn’t doing that? Even this website? Or Disqus? THE THING YOU’RE POSTING ON RIGHT NOW?

      • Mr. Food Genius

        ahh, “whataboutism”. How’s supporting trump going these days?

        • Firestorm185

          Dude, being complete honest here, what is your point for being in this comment section? We bought a Facebook product. Of course we know the risks. But it’s a fun product. All you seem to care about is insulting people and starting arguments. don’t you have anything else you could do with your time that would be more valuable than that?

          • Mr. Food Genius

            “All you seem to care about is insulting people and starting arguments.”

            And all you seem to care about is yourself. Way to point that out, millennial. Its like trying to explain that you raped her because you wanted to f#ck her…..whats the problem?

          • Andrew Jakobs

            really? you really think you can be taken serious with replies like ” Its like trying to explain that you raped her because you wanted to f#ck her”?

          • Mr. Food Genius

            bye, moron. Who am I to try to stop you from insulting your own intelligence and that of every gene donor in your family line?

          • Mr. Food Genius

            And shouldnt you be off watching your pedophile cartoons, loser? I notice how your entire life consists of VR and anime, like you are the most worthless person on the planet. your life must ABSOLUTELY SUCK for your two and only two concerns in life to be about escaping said life. And to think I actually wasted time listening to you as if you had anything valid to say about anything. I’ll give you a call if Im ever in a debate about how whether or not drawing massive tits on a ten year old makes it ok to want to f#ck her. I doubt it but Im trying to at least consider the fact that you might be useful for something.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            uhm, what has anime to do with pedophiles? you really should get your head examined. And then there’s always the following: it’s fantasy, and in fantasy you can do whatever you want, whatever you like.. As long as you don’t do it in real life…
            And again, if there is someone who is as useful as a bar of soap in a pool of mud, it’s you.. you really have nothing interesting to say here, except trolling your unbelievably moronic thoughts.. Go take your pills and please see your shrink as soon as possible.. Didn’t know they let mentally challenged people like you have time behind the computer in the psych wards..

          • Mr. Food Genius

            “uhm, what has anime to do with pedophiles?”

            Oh look, something else the moron doesnt understand and that he thinks is everyone else’s shortcoming. Animated child pornography is legal in japan and there is a HUGE pedophile base there that circumvents decency with that loophole in the law.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            funny, for someone who doesn’t know the difference between anime and hentai, and even then, doesn’t know exactly what hentai is.. And even then, because someone might like those hentai doesn’t make them a pedophile. In your mind someone who likes action movies or shooting games should also be locked because they are senseless violent people.
            But as you’ve already proven many times before here, you really have no concept of reality and comon sense. Again, please go see a shrink because you clearly need one. And once you finally get your senses back, please come back and be part of this community again and actually respond to news articles on Road to VR with real posts about VR..

          • Mr. Food Genius

            Discussion on KissAnime 1054 comments
            Mob Psycho 100 II Episode 001 – Watch Mob Psycho 100 II Episode 001 online in high quality
            Firestorm185 3 days ago
            This episode is now in the list of like, 5 total anime episodes that actually made me cry, my gosh
            that was so sweet at the end. totally ship those two.

            Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on KissAnime 165 comments
            RWBY Volume 6 Episode 010 – Watch RWBY Volume 6 Episode 010 online in high quality
            Firestorm185 3 days ago
            Anyone else feel this episode was a bit rushed? It seems to me like they could have drawn out Blake’s infilitration scene a lot longer before announcing that “HEY, blind foe somehow pops up and wants to fight!”

            Just seems like they needed to get through a bunch of plot points quickly this episode.

            2 Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on UploadVR 8 comments
            Former Microsoft Senior Researcher, Now At Facebook, Recounts Haptics Innovations
            Firestorm185 impurekind 6 days ago
            I totally agree. Ar may have it’s own problems, but in VR, unless you’re totally immersed in a machine for whole body deep dive, there is very little to gain by making controllers that have no standard basis of ergonomics. Products, especially controllers, function best and are the most memorable when they are intuitive, but basic enough for a basic user to feel comfortable using.

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on RoadtoVR 24 comments
            ‘Project CARS’ Studio Announces Gaming Console Supporting “most major VR headsets”
            Firestorm185 6 days ago
            Someone needs to be updated on our new ways of doing math, it seems. xDDD

            Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on RoadtoVR 15 comments
            Oculus’ Jason Rubin Now Overseeing AR/VR Content & Partnerships at Facebook
            Firestorm185 10 days ago
            Glad to hear that the name change doesn’t mean he isn’t the head of oculus content anymore, he’s one of the smartest guys there and has certainly helped VR move to where it is today in terms of content.

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on UploadVR 4 comments
            Dave & Busters Rolls Out New Dragonfrost VR Attraction
            Firestorm185 18 days ago
            Whoah, that looks epic! can’t wait to go try it out!

            Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on RoadtoVR 13 comments
            AMD’s SteamVR Streaming Tool ‘ReLive for VR’ Won’t Support Oculus Mobile Devices
            Firestorm185 NooYawker 20 days ago
            Yes, because it requires a companion app to run which conflicts with Oculus drivers. But Geforce could just make a solution that uses Oculus’ drivers instead, whatever that be.

            Reply View in discussion
            Firestorm185 20 days ago

            although I know that’s not how it works. XD

            Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on RoadtoVR 24 comments
            Facebook Open-sources DeepFocus Algorithm for More Realistic Varifocal VR Rendering
            Firestorm185 Weston 21 days ago
            That’s very true! Never thought aboutt that, but having everything outside of the player’s viewpoint blurred is going to make it much easier to understand what is going on through a pancake display.

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on UploadVR 6 comments
            10 Great Apps & Games You Can Sideload Onto Your Oculus Go
            Firestorm185 JesuSaveSouls 25 days ago
            Wait, it has steamvr support? I didn’t know that!

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Firestorm185 a month ago
            Anyone else here still have a real Steam Link?

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on UploadVR 6 comments
            VRChat Is Finally Available On The Oculus Store
            Firestorm185 a month ago
            Whoah, that’s a HUGE update if it updates to Unity 2017! I gotta update and get my worlds uploaded again! Ooof!

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on RoadtoVR 14 comments
            Russian Startup DEUS Reveals OpenVR-compatible Headset ‘Odin Pre’
            Firestorm185 a month ago
            Those knockoff Touch controllers look REALLY flimsy. Like, if someone hits that ring against a table a single time, looks like it could snap. Otherwise, really cool design though!

            4 Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on KissAnime 1921 comments
            That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Sub) Episode 011 – Watch That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Sub) Episode 011 online in high qual…
            Firestorm185 a month ago
            Is Gobta really a prodigy or did that meal give him super powers?

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Firestorm185 PelePelePelePele a month ago
            Yeah, right, like they’d kill off the tiny perv character. xD

            1 Reply View in discussion
            Firestorm185 Garrick Chng a month ago
            Less gobta. XDDD jk

            Reply View in discussion
            Discussion on UploadVR 3 comments
            Kingdom Hearts PSVR Experience Gets Release Date In Japan
            Firestorm185 a month ago
            Hey guys! If anyone wants to have some fun in VR with Kingdom hearts before that experience comes out… I made a keyblade mod for Robo Recall! – https://roborecallmods.disc

            Reply View in discussion

          • Mr. Food Genius

            And so that its very clear to any internet monitoring agencies, Im ignoring you now. I dont want to want to be caught talking to a minor about his pedophile fantasies. You just go off and beat off to cartoon children in between bouts of videogames and do the world a favor, will you? Stop talking. You arent very good at the thinking part that usually proceeds most peoples speech.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            oh man, if there is someone who isn’t good at the thinking part that usually proceeds most peoples speech, it’s you.. my god, you really a nutcase..

          • Mr. Food Genius

            So far you have replied to me about ten times, EVERYOINE SINGLE TIME to call me “stupid” for no reason. See, when I call you a f#cking moron, I can follow up with how you put your foot in your face or your wrong or you were talking out of your @ss. Your childish antics amount to you “wow, you is dumb”, the end. Im so hurt. Nothing hurts more than being called stupid by someone who isnt able to comprehend what you just said…..jk, it doesnt bother me at all, dimwit, bye. What are you going to do with your worthless life now that Ive ignored you?

          • Andrew Jakobs

            coming from the person who hasn’t typed one sensible word in ANY of his posts..

        • Dark Evry

          Trump 2020!

          • Mr. Food Genius

            and when he doesnt, how will your world collapse? Hilariously?

          • Dark Evry

            So far all i see is dumb LibTards in Shell shock, that makes me proud for the people.
            He wont be elected? Thats what you SJWs said last time, see where it got you.

        • Arcticu Kitsu

          Google up “wathaboutism”, you’re not using it properly.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      oh, please shut up.. go bitch somewhere else.. The only MORON there is here is you, you’re a complete idiot yourself..

      • Mr. Food Genius

        hahahahahaha, and yet, here you are defending a piece of video game hardware, with extreme prejudice, from a company that got busted helping to rig the elections with a foreign government, selling user data, broadcasting suicides and rapes, and admitting that you, the dumb@ss that defends them, are nothing more than a money making commodity, facebooks true product…. I’ll bet you go around bragging about molesting your children, dont you?

        • Andrew Jakobs

          You really are an idiot you know that. if people let themselves be influenced by fake news, than it’s their problem, not the problem of a social network. and it isn’t deliberately broadcasting suicides and rapes (so you also hate Google for youtube). I don’t defend facebook, but I’m not an idiot like you who needs to get his head out of his ass and get down to reality.
          I guess the only one molesting children is you.

          • Mr. Food Genius

            “You really are an idiot you know that”

            Says the guy who clearly has to jump through hoops hourly to convince himself trump isnt playing him even after trump comes out and says he is. So when zuckerberg came out every single time one of these “fake news” stories was printed, was he lying?

          • Andrew Jakobs

            LOL, you really have no brains.. If you think Trump is anything trustworthy or makes any sense, you are a real idiot. The rest of the world thinks he’s an idiot, and is more afraid of what that idiot might actually do.
            So you blame facebook for the ‘fake news’ which was posted by users. I don’t blame Facebook for the fake news posting, personally I really don’t care at all. Facebook delivered an excellent VR headset, and that’s what count for me.

          • Mr. Food Genius

            lol, bye old man. I suggest you open google news and search for “facebook” because you are clearly clueless about them.

          • Arcticu Kitsu

            Wow, I get you’re seeking attention but this is extreme levels of attention seeking. Mr. Food Genius, just go stick to food. Keep away from hardware related things because you’re making yourself look foolish, and that’s putting it lightly here.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            Man you really need to get some help. Have you forgotten to take your pills or something?
            I’m not clueless about them, I just don’t give a damn..

    • Dark Evry

      Double Up the tin foil!

      • Mr. Food Genius

        suck that d!ck harder! And make sure you swallow, nobody likes a spitter. But you knew that, didnt you?

        • Dark Evry

          You shouldn’t talk about your dad this way, respect your elders.

    • sfmike


      • Mr. Food Genius

        lol, a facebook fanboy. Are you stuck on facebook because you ahve no real friends or you are just so full of yourself that you think anybody cares about you and what you do?

        • HomeAudio

          Blah… blah… blah!!!!

          • Mr. Food Genius

            so….”all of the above”. bye little girl. Good luck keeping the sand out of your mouth while you hide with your cowardly ehad in the sand.

        • Arcticu Kitsu

          Blah! Blah! Blah!
          (Nobody is a fanboy here)

    • Suitch

      Never. I have done teardowns of the Rift, as have many others. There is nothing inside the headset that can do brain scans. Have you seen how big an MRI machine is? Scanning brain signals isn’t easy.

      • Mr. Food Genius

        More time on reading comprehension and less time playing superman to a billioniare corporation that has publicly admitted to wrong doing about a dozen times in 2018.

  • Firestorm185

    Awesome, finally at the Luckey price

  • Andrew Jakobs

    $349? wow, for EU it’s still at 449 euro’s… $349 is 302,32 euro’s at the moment, add 21% VAT and it’s at 365,80, so it seems they charge 85 euro’s for shipping……………….. lucky US, you get all headsets cheaper.. We cannot even buy the Samsung Odyssey+..

    • gamechanger

      The EU price will most likely get updated soon.

      • Andrew Jakobs

        oh, I thought it already was the discounted price for a while.. Well, I’m looking forward to what the new price will be. With no news on the AMD Navi line, I’m propably gonna go ahead and buy myself a 2060, finally upgrading from a 760.

        • sfmike

          You make up the price in the EU living in a civilized country when you need to go to the doctor. Any medical treatment here is bankrupting.