Cyberith disassembledOn August 19, the Cyberith team debuted their Virtualizer virtual reality device for the first time in the United States at an event sponsored by Silicon Valley VR and Road to VR, with LinkedIn graciously providing meeting space in Mountain View, CA. Cyberith is nearing the end of their successful Kickstarter campaign (which we’ve written about previously), having raised $306,000 of their original $250,000 goal with five days still to go.

In this presentation, founder Tuncay Cakmak provides insights into the origins of the Virtualizer, and demonstrates its use while wearing a PrioVR tracking suit.

A technical issue prevented a complete demonstration with locomotion, but attendees were able to put the Virtualizer through its physical paces.

For more information on the Virtualizer, please visit their Kickstarter page or web site at

Many thanks, also, to our friends Sixense, Trinity VR, and Tactical Haptics, who provided demonstrations of their next-generation virtual reality controllers at the event.

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  • mrob76o

    Looks like PrioVR have not fixed any of the issues I had with their previous Mocap system. I would NOT buy PrioVR based on first hand experience.

    • Cooper

      Mrob, please contact me at your earliest convience. I had no idea that Tech had reached this level and beyond. I would like some advice if your willing to pass it on.

  • MarcoKaraki

    Looks like something was messed up with their system based on what I saw in the projector.

    Don’t know if it was a mistake in the calibration