You might have caught a glimpse of the Feelreal mask prototype when it made headlines back at GDC 2015, the smell-o-vision add-on for VR headsets that promised to bring plenty of scents to your nostrils and haptics to your face. Feelreal is one big step closer to becoming real, as the campaign reached its funding goal within the first hour of launch on Tuesday.

Update (April 11th, 2019): Feelreal was asking $20,000 to fund its scent/haptic VR headset mask when it launched on Kickstarter April 9th. Within one hour, the campaign was officially funded, and then went on to nearly quadruple its goal within the first day.

At the time of this writing, the campaign is sitting at nearly $89,000; that’s not a whole lot in terms of funds needed for product design and delivery, although the company is confident it will be able to deliver to backers in August 2019.

The campaign is set to conclude on May 10th. No stretch goals have been announced yet, so we’ll just have to wait and see what’s next. A few free scent modules, which retails at $50 per 10-pack, wouldn’t be a bad start. The original article announcing the Kickstarter follows below:

Original Article (December 26th, 2018): Feelreal contains what the company calls a “scent generator” that holds replaceable cartridges with nine individual aroma capsules, generating scents such as burned rubber, gunpowder odor, lavender and mint.

The company however is planning to provide a storefront of different 255 scents so users can mix and match as they please, all of them designed by Kiev-based perfumer, olfactologist, and perfume critic Bogdan Zubchenko.

Image courtesy Feelreal Inc.

“We’ve chosen distinct scents​ that accurately simulate the atmosphere​ of games and movies. Feelreal aromas are safe to inhale and are similar to those used in the food industry,” the company claims on their website.

The unit also incorporates a few haptic devices including an ultrasonic ionizing system for water mist, micro-heaters for heat sensation, micro-coolers for wind, and haptic motors for vibration.

Image courtesy Feelreal Inc.

Feelreal is designed to fit Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PSVR, Oculus Go and Gear VR, and connects to the headset via Bluetooth or WiFi. The unit, which comes in white, grey and black, attaches to VR headsets via magnetic mounts that allow for easy removal and scent replacement. An on-board battery promises four hours of battery life.

The company is advertising out of the box support for games such Skyrim VRBeat Saber, and Death Horizon, as well as their own catalog of experiences called Feelreal Dreams that highlights the mask’s various features. Users will also be able to watch 360 videos with the Feelreal player and experience supported videos, the company says.

There’s no word on exactly when the Kickstarter is due to arrive, although early adopters can now sign up for updates on the company’s website, and receive what the company calls “a substantial early bird discount” when the crowdfunding campaign goes live (see update).

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Spam Box

    Just LOL

  • Rudl Za Vedno

    Looking good man, looking just fine. Maybe sticking wireless 5G antennas into his ears would look even better.

  • Xron

    Haha, well, its nice to see first tries in that direction…
    Really feels like we are living in the future,especially when I remember movies from 20 years ago and now see these devices coming to us ;D

  • NooYawker

    I don’t care for smellovision.

    • Xron

      It will be 360 + smell + haptics soon enough, we all are waiting for this!
      Won’t be much to do for most people after robots will take their work places anyway, so we will be able to enjoy ourselfs atleast in Vr :D

      • Jorge Gustavo

        So I will just wait for the robots to develop something better than this shit. No way that in a AI controlled future I will gaming with human made devices and human made games. Stupid humans.

    • In fact that’s not only smell, but also haptic effects.

      • johann jensson

        So, when zombies fart at you, it’ll not only smell, but vibrate up your face as well?

        • What is the game in which zombies fart at you???

          • iThinkMyCatIsAFlea

            Fart Zombie: The Game

          • johann jensson

            IDK, it can happen in every game. The most realistic is Dying Light, and zombies are known for bad digestion.

          • well, happily we don’t have a fart smell in our collection XD

  • Bob

    Only extreme enthusiasts welcome!

  • domahman

    That’s nice but can we have eye tracking and 8k per eye with ultra wide fov with high bandwidth one directional wireless head unit?

    • Eric Draven


    • Blufor

      EXACTLY Priorities people!

    • Dan Lokemoen

      So would you expect the quad-CPU server with eight 2080’s to be portable, or connected wirelessly via elven magic?

      • domahman

        No, by the time they finish you’ll have perfected dlss, eye tracking, and other performance enhancements.

  • johngrimoldy

    Really super lame. Companies have ben trying this gimmick for decades and its never paid off.

    • Feelreal representative here.

      Well, we actually used the experience of previous attempts to add aromas to VR and made Feelreal Multisensory Mask without all their mistakes and flaws. So it’s progress!

    • pindiespace

      Yup. Smell-o-Vision and sensorama, PLUS a couple of failed dotcons that used CD players to vaporize scents off a sell disc, making the web smell. Also, vr is moving ever closer to the Alien face-grabber with it’s design chic

  • Such an amazingly bad idea.

    • Jonathan Pratte


    • Why so?

      • It is a horrible idea, he is right. The problem with these devices is not the unleashing some stench into your nostrils part – but evacuating it quickly. If the gadget uses a simple fan, it is not going to work. Like not at all. Once you get two or three of the “smells” mixed up around your nose, you will feel sick. Smells don’t work like colors, they don’t add or subtract. There is also the effect of adaptation – after a while your smell sense gets deadened and you stop smelling the chemical unless it is really very strong.

        This stupid “smellovision” idea comes up every few years again and again. And it is always about the company trying to drum up a market to sell you very expensive refills for those “smells”, either liquid or dry (wax based) ones.

        I had the “pleasure” of having to deal with one of these commercially made gadgets few years ago that was using wax-based cartridges (there was a heater which warmed the cartridge up and a fan to blow it towards your nose). The cartridges were so concentrated that it stunk up the entire lab despite being double bagged in tied off plastic bags. (It must be concentrated because otherwise the minuscule amounts that get into your nose would be too low to make you smell much. Also the expensive refills would be spent very fast.)

        The range of smells it could reproduce was very limited (the smells don’t add/mix meaningfully like colors, so you are stuck to the number of cartridges you have). The device took a long time to react and release the smell – and even longer to actually stop stinking (it never really did). The only way a device like this can stop the smell is by blowing more and more air into your nose and praying that the stinky chemical gets washed out by the airstream – there is no way to “turn a smell off”. The fragrances were also distinctly artificial, very unpleasant. I wouldn’t want to see the people’s reaction to a faithful reproduction of the smell of e.g. putrefying flesh or even just vomit …

        Oh and if you used the device (or merely handled it), you stank for hours afterwards as well!

        If there is something in VR I am not missing, it is this.

        • Noah m.

          I feel like your basing most of your opinion based on your experience. In order for vr to become fully immersive this needs to happen. I’d rather them keep trying and eventually get it right then just not try at all.

          • Bryan Ischo

            I think we should just wait until we can directly stimulate the brain to produce aroma sensations.

          • Noah m.

            Anything directly communicating with the brain is invasive and would take very long before it could get past all of the trials needed. Not to mention we are still far away from having anything economic and user friendly for something like that.

        • Well, it’s a pity you’ve had such a bad experience with some other device. When developing Feelreal, we have researched all other attempts to add smells to VR and did our best to avoid their flaws. So Feelreal is operating with high-quality liquids that are vapored in micro amounts right under user’s nose and then they are immediately blown away by two powerful micro coolers placed on both sides of the Mask. The amount is small but just enough to trigger smell response.

          In the games and movies we also put some amount of time between smell triggers, so they won’t mix and cause any issues for the player. We don’t have super gross aromas like vomit or dead body in our collection, since we do care about users’ health.

          Besides that, Feelreal is not only smells, but also some cool haptic effects like cold/hot wind, water mist and vibration.

          Definitely noone makes you try Feelreal. I just wanted to say that we’re not the device you used, and we’re trying really hard to make VR more immersive without any issues.

        • PK

          a horrible idea? just because early attempts failed doesn’t mean that immersive aromas aren’t the future. i think it’s inevitable, and i’m glad people are working on the problem, however early an early review of this device a couple of years ago was the single most negative vr article i’ve ever seen. they basically called it a death trap. i wouldn’t consider buying one unless others i trusted wrote that these problems had been solved.

          • Yes, that one was a prototype, and we have been putting full effort in making it a fully functioning device for several years. Now Feelreal is ready for mass production. We went through multiple tests and iterations, and got rid of all possible flaw mistakes.

            You can look at some testimonials from industry experts and VR enthusiasts that we got on Game Developers Conference 2018 in San Francisco, USA:

        • Rosko

          Personally i think scent is just as if not more important than visual & sound so i really hope it works. I think the main problem is it’s quite big & probably expensive.

    • Mike

      LOL!!! :)

  • Suge

    Release date: 1st of April

    • Sky Castle

      Order date: Never

      • aline

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    • Feelreal representative here.

      In fact it would be released much earlier :)

      • iThinkMyCatIsAFlea

        You’ve been using it a lot haven’t you?

        Dóëš thįś ßêñtēńçę łøôk śtrāñgè tö ŷòü¿

  • Sky Castle

    Just what we need, some immature devs who won’t know anything about
    quality experience and use poop, sewer, or disgusting smell to get a
    cheap reaction of us.

  • Suge

    Can’t wait for porn on this!

    • Suge

      It even looks a bit like an ass strapped to his face. It’s going to be great!

    • guest

      Yup. Fart porn is gonna be big again.

    • JesuSaveSouls

      Repent and turn to Jesus bud.

      • jj

        how do u think mother mary got pregnant without marriage? breaking one of gods number one 2 rule? why do u think jesus was raised in slums? mary was a whore.

      • theonlyrealconan

        First off: god is a fantasy. Second off: if god did exist and is all powerful, I would hold him accountable for all the evil stuff being done. Especially to those that are powerless to stop it and innocent.

        Think of it this way: if someone stood by with the means to stop a horrific assault and did nothing, we would blame him/her.

        • Caven

          Agreed. I have trouble believing in a “kind and loving God” that allows the pervasive violence and suffering that plagues much of Africa. Add in ongoing terrorism and oppressive regimes like North Korea, and it seems like any alleged God is more into torture than peace and goodwill.

          • jj

            not to mention if you dont have blind faith in him you’re doomed to the worst place you could imagine, forever…

        • NooYawker

          Just block him and stop giving him the attention he so desires.

        • Jorge Gustavo

          For gods sake, stop giving attention! This guy comes here and say something about Jesus, and, instead to simple ignoring, some people feel a urge to convert this guy to atheism in a vr site! Just ignore.

      • JesuSaveSouls gg

  • Michael Slesinski

    ..”what could possibly go wrong?”

  • JesuSaveSouls

    Reminds me of some of you cynical,sarcastic and hypocritical people that just want to cover all access from the truth of God in Jesus reaching your hearts.Cover your eyes,ears and mouth.

    • johngrimoldy

      WTF are you talking about?

      • Eric Draven

        “Jesus’s back VR”, a new title coming 2019, you will need special haptics to know how walking on water feels

    • jj

      welp looks like im gona be spending some time here….

      Remember those other posts where i call you out for shit posting about jesus on here? this is a perfect example of what im talking about.

      Hail Satan our true savior. if jesus and god were real, finding followers wouldn’t be an issue, yet the mighty God cant seem to get his own creations to love him… hmm interesting.

      Fuck off with your religious posts, all you’re doing is making christians look more insane and out of this world when you come into a vr discussion and try to convert it over to a discussion about your religion without consideration of others and their religion.

      Plus with how you chose to preach in the laziest and most un-impactful way probably has jesus hating you… So basically you think you found our savior and your form of spreading that is via vr forumn and making offensive offhand comments towards readers… and you think thats going to help your cause?

      Wake up you mind controlled sheep, i know that sounds like a conspiracy driven accusation, but in this precise situation its more than true about you.

      Fuck jesus

    • Steve

      If this were an article on Jesus or a Bible game I could understand posts like this but this seems way too random. Unfortunately, random strongly worded posts like this in a venue that is not bound to be positively responsive or appropriate to the topic will not do as much good as you may hope. My recommendation is to exercise prudence and careful consideration when trying to promote the love of Jesus lest more harm is done than good.

    • theonlyrealconan

      I believe I saw jesus once, in Skrym VR. He was kindof overpowered, but stood around and did not do anything.

    • jj

      plus its pretty comical that you say were the ones covering our eyes ears and mouths. were all here talking about whatever we want, while you’re the one always specifically injecting religion here.

      you should be banned from these forums because its a real shitty thing for you to do when you try to convert allllll of our conversations over to you’re religions topics. You never make food comments about vr so you are clearly here for your own religious reasons and not for vr discussions.

      • disqus_fjkYXNIdMO why

  • Andrew Jakobs

    So a kickstarter for a product that’s already done?

    • The product is physical and real. We need a Kickstarter campaign to put it on the mass production.

  • Trenix

    I remember decades ago when ebaumsworld made an April fools joke about such a device. Now in 2018, it’s the reality. The human race is going backwards.

  • Skippy76

    This is just utterly stupid.
    Why waste time and money developing something so useless!
    First of all, you’re inhaling chemicals second.. It will do absolutely nothing for immersion if your nose and mouth are covered.. Imagine the heat and humidity from breathing in an enclosed setup like this.

    • Jistuce

      Eh, you’re inhaling chemicals even if you don’t wear the mask.

    • Feelreal Mask is not an enclosed setup. It’s actually a lightweight panel that’s mounted over the headset, so players can breathe easily. Also, it has two fans to cool down user’s face after intense game rounds.

  • johnny

    Lol is this a joke?

  • Eric Draven

    Does anyone remembers “leisure suit Larry”? this was the tech missing those days…

    • Candy Cab

      Lol Infocom “Leather Goddesses of Phobos” complete with scratch n sniff cards. Sometimes I miss the simplicity of early 80’s gaming.

      • Who’s that?

        Until feminism is removed from the industry, I don’t think we’ll get fun stuff like that again.

        • Dan Lokemoen

          Yes, feminism is the reason there are no sequels to Leather Goddesses of Phobos. Idiot.

          • Who’s this?

            Actually, in a way, yes. Not a direct sequel, someone still has to be willing to make *that* game but yes feminism is causing a lot of sexuality to be removed from gaming and entertainment.

          • Dan Lokemoen

            When? Where? I have certainly seen “christians” bitch about gaming content. Never feminists.

          • Who’s this?

            My responses to you are still waiting due to pending because they have links in them. They’ll show up soon.

          • Mike

            Don’t try to post links with Disqus – it usually causes your post to go into infinite “pending moderation”.

          • Mike

            Search the “kotakuinaction” subreddit. You’ll find countless examples. Religious fundamentalists and political extremists on the opposite end of the political spectrum often end up with similar goals and ideas. This phenomenon even has a name: “Horseshoe Theory”.

          • Bryan Ischo

            Wait so a bunch of nobodies posting to an irrelevant reddit are the evidence for feminism suppressing titillating game design?

          • Mike

            It’s not about what they write, it’s about the sources they share. Go search and find them, if you’re not afraid of learning what’s really going on.

        • Jistuce

          Nope. That stuff died in the early 90s with the video games moral panic crap that led to the creation of the ESRB. No retailer will carry AO-rated games, and no console maker will allow it on their platform.

          Also, Doom killed adventure games. Was so much cheaper to make an FPS, and you sold so many more copies.

    • NooYawker

      There was an actual scene where he gets an enema. So.. good or bad depending on how weird you are.

      • Eric Draven

        Sadly, I’m not weird enough…

  • gothicvillas

    I wouldnt play Toilet Simulator with this device

  • Steve

    I know this looks like a joke to many people but I believe that the total immersion that we hope the future of VR brings will include scents, breezes, mist, heat, etc. When I am walking in the forest I enjoy the scents along with the slight breeze I may feel on my face. The warmth of a camp fire when camping, for example. The mist from a waterfall. I can see a lot of possibility with this. My biggest thing is it’s hard to believe it will pick up this early in the VR stage. We still need a greater adoption rate and greater strides in the base VR experience before people start shelling out money for something like this. I don’t see it as a successful product or sustainable business model just yet but someday it will have its place.

    • domahman

      Fake the smell through a neural vr injector.

    • Mradr

      I would agree until you start looking at the numbers. These type of devices cost money, they use scents that also cost money over use, then you need devs to keep using said technology, not everyone is going to have said technology unless it comes with the device, 255 smells is very limited scope of what is out there, etc

      On paper this does seem like a good idea – but when you come down to it (witch is the reason why it keeps failing) there are too many downside to the idea atm. Unless they can get it working without using chemicals in the first place and can be made cheaply that the main headsets be default come with – it just never will catch on.

    • doug

      You’re right. At first it sounds dumb, then I remembered smell is linked to the limbic system and is a great memory trigger. Once we try one that works, VR won’t feel immersive without it.

      • That was one of the main ideas of Feelreal :) Full immersion!

      • Mrfox Babbit

        Imo those smells have to be just right otherwise it’s just a distraction. Nailing it with perfumes would be tough but I guess it doesn’t need to go that deep as its purpose is a little extra immersion.

  • Lucidfeuer

    This is a good idea for a non-product. There’s no reason that VR doesn’t eventually include olfactive feedback, as well as temperature, TENS, micro-particles, winds, air haptic and so on…this is actually the point of virtually.

    Now obviously most VR headset are unergonomic and ridiculous enough to add this thing to the mix, but it’s still a step towards a fully immersive “virtuentertainment”.

    • Thanks, that’s what we’re aiming for! In fact the mask weights only 7 oz (20 grams) and there’s no big difference between playing in a headset with it or without it.

      • Rosten

        Late reply, but 7 ounces is not 20g but 200g, which is almost half the weight of the Vive, which is already too heavy to be comfortable.

        • Yup, terribly sorry, that was a typo :( Definitely it’s for the people to decide, but for me that was not an issue on Vive and Oculus Go

  • Reading all the humorous comments below do a good job of summing up why this is not a good idea, but from a engineering perspective. Headsets are already front heavy with only elastic bands holding many of them in place. Adding additional weight to the front will make these units even more difficult to hold in place when you are not moving, but really be a problem if you have a physically interactive experience.

    Let’s not forget that this is would require developers to actually add their SDK to their VR experience, and frankly unless they send me one for free unit, my budget is already strained by the number of add-ons and HMDs already on the market.

    Also, wouldn’t it be much easier/practical to just create a small unit you sit on a desk, coffee table or end table that is bluetooth controlled (Alexa/Google Voice?) to provide smells and vary the speed of a fan to push the aroma/odor towards you face and given the sensation of breezes? I can’t imagine these aromas/odors this close to your olfactory system not overwhelming them, but maybe there are those who really need to smell the rotting corpses in Arizona Sunshine at this close proximity.

    • The gadget you described is iSmell, and it didn’t come further than a prototype. Feelreal Mask is an individual device that won’t spread the aromas to the whole room, so it can be used in arcade places too. Also, the scented liquids are vapored in micro amounts, just enough to trigger the smell response in your brain, but not enough to be too annoying.

  • I remember the prototype of 2015… people trying it said that it was quite disturbing… with the mist in the mask it was hard to breathe

    • From 2015 the Mask have changed a lot. We have corrected all the flaws of the prototype, and now it’s working right, tested many times and ready for Kickstarter.

  • Has April Fools been moved? I was just joking about this to somebody the other day.

  • JesperL

    Ask yourself, what games you play, that you can expect to smell good?
    Then what games you play with bad smells?
    I expect most games have bad smells, like death, decay, gunsmoke etc. And i really dont want bad smells up my nose.
    And i would never trust this to not be unhealthy.

  • Jeon

    It will be sweet when one goes bad or someone puts some poison on one and someone gets gassed. Worry about haptics before you worry about smelling dead bodies

    • No one will be able to put any smell on that besides the manufacturer. And we, as you can understand, have no reason to gas our users

  • Ombra Alberto

    is studying and designing a device (without cartridges) that by electric stimulation can make all the smells of the world feel.

    It is not cumbersome and is not bothersome.

    It makes no sense to use this device with cartridges, done only to pluck the citizens.

    No sense even by virtue of the electrical device in advanced stages of study.

  • Blufor

    I get the feeling I’d be suffocating in one of these unnecessary things, it won’t be popular I can tell you.

    • It’s not suffocating at all. It’s just a lightweight panel that’s mounted on top of the headset. so you can breathe easily.

  • Jorge Gustavo

    There is more important things to solve in VR first. Most users simple doesn’t care about smell simulations. Maybe in the future, this thing will have niche appeal. But for now, the appeal of this shit is zero

  • uKER

    Breathing into a closed box = fail
    Not even touching that with a stick.

    • It is not a closed box, maybe these pictures don’t show. It’s in fact just a panel that’s mounted on the front of the headset, and you can easily breathe in it. Besides that, the Mask has two fans to make the player feel more comfortable in the headset.

  • Jorge Gustavo

    Can we put drugs on this thing? Something that will make me high?

  • Alina
  • brubble

    Amazing on paper, complete failure in adoption and application.

    • It’s already working, and it’s working quite well.

      • brubble

        The you’ve tried it extensively….

        • Can’t understand you, sorry :)

          • brubble

            Intelligence and wit isnt your strong suit. Take that as a solid “no”.

          • Noah m.

            You forgot a “n” buddy…

          • brubble

            Oh NO! Thats all you have? Boy, you sure put me in my place. Slow clap….Buddy.

          • Noah m.

            Lol there wasn’t anything else to say. You essentially called the guy stupid because you didn’t know how to type correctly. But for someone with a raw piece of chicken as their profile picture what should anyone have expected.

          • brubble

            Its a f’n typo man, give it a rest. Talk about picking fly sh* t out of pepper. Christ, could one grasp any more desperately in a pathetically weak attempt to feel superior? I say thee nay. Moronic.

          • Thronex7

            LMAO the only reason I corrected you was because you were insulting the guy because of your mistake. Personally, I don’t care that you had a typo.

          • Bryan Ischo

            He is one of the developers of the tech and said so repeatedly in this discussion, so … glass houses and all that.

  • shaggytherodgers

    Ok this looks terrible. But i could see where there coming from. smelling gunpowder in h3vr or burning rubber in project cars would be pretty cool. just don’t buy it until it has a few reviews under its belt. It could be laughably terrible.

    • You can subscribe at to get the reviews when they come, and receive a huge discount for the Mask :)

  • Ian Shook

    My favorite part is how it looks like a pair of underwear.

  • Byaaface

    This was posted two days too late lol. Those images look so ridiculous

  • dk

    well it might be stupid and not make much sense ….but it will be pretty neat to check out a demo for 5 min …like picking up different type flowers …or smelly objects and getting the scent from the object

    • Feelreal Representative here.

      I can say that quite a bunch of people are interested in using it often for many various games,

      • dk

        is it neat yes ….will some people buy it and enjoy it for a while…sure …is it worth doing ….not really …unless there is some specific factory training or whatever scenario that really needs this
        if we had evolved to rely on our nose as much as dogs …sure makes sense

  • uKER

    1. No developer will ever support it.
    2. Nobody will stand having that thing hanging from the front of your face.
    Pretty cool idea, but it’s going nowhere.

    • johann jensson

      Yeah, at a time when people are still rioting about strapping a simple HMD to your face…

    • Well, Feelreal already supports major games like Skyrim VR, Beat Saber, Death Horizon and more. new titles are coming after our Kickstarter launch.

      The Mask is lightweight, it’s only 7 oz. Personally I didn’t see any difference between playing games with and without the Mask with my Oculus GO.

      • Jistuce

        What does Beat Saber smell like?

        • In Beat Saber we tied aromas to the timing of the songs. Research has shown that smell improves memory and emotional involvement, so it makes you feel more epic and remember the moves better. Also we added vibration and heat for red walls, and most importantly – cool wind in the end to cool down your face :)

  • Noah m.

    It’s really ridiculous the amount of hate this product is getting. Do people not realize that his needs to happen to eventually have fully immersive vr…?

  • johann jensson

    Aren’t you 3 days too late?

  • antonio mora

    One thing is certain: VR is much more than visuals and audio.

  • JesperL

    This still going?? wth?? It is the mother of bad VR ideas.
    Who in their right mind want to play a game that release chemical produced vapors right into your lungs.. Ok, Im a non smoker clearly lol. But still, this is so stupid, I cannot understand why anyone would think its a good idea… Lets play a game with rotting corpses in sewers.. ohh, remember to turn the smell on! – But good luck with that if you are pro smelly VR. Maybe it will be a kick for someone in VR porn :D – is it a salmon or a trout? No, its back in the sewers!

    • antonio mora
    • Many people are highly interested to make games like Skyrim more immersive. For example you may smell the forest, flowers by the road or dragon’s skin when you travel through the fantasy worlds.

      As for the chemicals… Everything around us is made of chemicals. We use high quality aromas, similar to ones that are used in food and perfume industry. So it’s not more dangerous than a fruit candy or perfume.

      • JesperL

        I love that your arguement for this is, that we already use other chems to enhance smell and taste. So since we are already poisoning other things, we might as well go all in :D

        And no matter what you say about “high quality aromas” – its still not the natural version. You are sparying shit up our nose, that is mixed to resemble the natural version.

        It might look like a “fun” idea.
        But the idea of smelling games is stupid!
        The idea of sniffing chemichals is stupid.
        And what guarantee is there here on health issues? This is so new and experimental, that you might end up causing people to get astma or something worse.

        I don’t approve!

        • MosBen

          The idea that there are some scents which are “natural” and others which are “chemicals” is just an appeal to nature fallacy. There’s no evidence that smelling perfume is bad for you.

        • MosBen below is speaking the right thing. People are smelling perfumes and scented food every day without any scientifically proved bad results.

  • The addition of scents in VR is interesting, but that design is a bit creepy

  • Moe Curley

    Great! VR with chemicals!

  • Justos

    Is this a joke? The guy looks like he cant breath in it…

    • It’s totally easy to breathe, I even didn’t notice it on my headset. Feelreal even helps prevent lens fogging and cools down your face when you play.

  • That’sright

    So you playing a car game you come across a burn tire you then pop in a 50 dollar cartridge that simulate the scent?
    Bad gimmick sorry.

    • One $50 cartridge holds 9 smells at a time. Usually it’s totally enough to add aromatic effects to one game. In big open world games like Skyrim VR you may change cartridges on different territories, but usually one is enough.

  • Hivemind9000

    I’d really be cautious about using something like this. Sniffing chemicals up your nose, even if they are used by the food industry, bypasses your liver and goes straight into your bloodstream. What about allergy/anaphylaxis testing? Toxicity thresholds? I’m not sure what the FDA will think of this, but I think they’ll need to at least document the precise chemicals they are using.

    • We do have all the required information about our scent liquids. The technology is similar to modern vaping devices, but with high quality natural ingredients.

      • Hivemind9000

        Well I don’t smoke or vape and am pretty careful with my health. I think I’ll just hang back for a year or three and see if any of your guinea pigs… err, I mean Kickstarter supporters… develop any undesirable symptoms after long term use.

  • Sebastien Mathieu

    do I really want to put a clunky thing over my already clunky thing???

    • Simple O’Rourke

      Get a thinner woman.

  • iThinkMyCatIsAFlea

    What a terrible idea.

    You’ve got to laugh at all these clowns that waste money on developing plastic crap for vr. We’ve seen vr shoes, gloves, haptic vest, holosuit, scent crap above, assorted vr weapons, for the sofa soldiers. What else? I’m sure I’ve seen more crap than that?

    If only all of those compaies got together and, you know, made an original vr game. Complete with teleporting…

    • I wonder why humanity is still making so many movies and books about full immersion VR? Nice ideas, mate, we’ll think about it.

      • iThinkMyCatIsAFlea

        Fiction is great, Chris. But the reality is, all most of us want to do when it comes to gaming, is sit down and chill. But no, THEY don’t want us to use our m+kb, because THEY want to sell us stacks of peripherals. From haptic suits to vr scent and everything in-between…

  • Twa Corbies

    In mid 90’s, i fooled my friend, that creative is releasing Smell Blaster. Should have patented this ;-)

  • miles

    Honestly a few months ago i thought this was a joke. looking at there store front this looks quite interesting.

  • y_m_o

    Let’s just hope it isn’t used in a game with excessive flatulence.

  • Blake

    I am up for this this. This will help people that cant breathe. an cant hardly go on trips ect. Just think of VR Karts that be neat if they do that. They even have Ready Player One an Beat saber. Give them a chance.

    • Yes, we really hope that Feelreal can make VR experiences more real and immersive, which would be amazing for disabled people.
      Thank you!

      • Sorry to hijack your comment, but have you guys considered getting Norm and Jeremy from Tested or Ben here from RTVR to come try out the product? It could go a long way to lending some credibility to the kind of experience it can really deliver.
        Thanks for having the courage and tenacity to build something for the VR space. Glad to see the kickstarter was a success and best of luck moving forward.

        • Thanks for the idea! We will be contacting bloggers and reviewers after the Kickstarter campaign is over.

  • superdonkey


  • Tags I812

    i absolutely cant wait for this to come out. ive got my sim motion rig, ive got the feel of the track , the rumble of the engine. the wind with my wind sim. i want to smell the road and the out doors I WANT REALISM……. im glad its on the way…. dont give a shit about those say it a bad idea. if you ask me i think some of those flat screeners have snuck there way in here.

    • Feelreal will give you the wind simulation as well :)

  • HybridEnergy

    I’m only interested if it makes me sound like Darth Vader.

  • HybridEnergy

    I just need the weed cartridges.

    • They won’t work the way you want them to work, mate :) Just the aroma!

      • HybridEnergy

        Haha well cheers.

  • Mrfox Babbit

    It would be interesting to try out but I’m fairly positive I’d never buy something like this. 7oz is pretty heavy on an already bulky hmd. Devs would be required to adopt such a device for it to function would they not? Smells are so subjective too. Idk, a demo would be necessary.

  • xxHanoverxx

    No to anything that requires “refills”. Especially when it involves something that doesn’t even have a clear standard yet. 90% of the time you will be left with some device you can’t use anymore because the company that manufactured the refiills went out of business.

  • David Robertson

    If this means I can smell virtual girls in Waifu Simulator sign me up!

    Seriously if they can replicate “adult” smells this is going to be a big seller for the porn vr community. haha