First Contact Entertainment, the studio behind Firewall Zero Hour (2018) and Rom Extraction (2016), teased a new multiplayer shooter today called Solaris Offworld Combat.

The title was quickly mentioned during UploadVR’s E3 VR showcase, although there currently isn’t much to go on outside of what First Contact game director Damoun Shabs calls in the showcase clip a “fast-paced multiplayer shooter in VR,” so we’re still waiting on a trailer and screenshots of the game to see just what the studio has in store.

The game is set to be released “soon” on Quest and Rift (S). While not apparent from the announcement, the game’s website also indicates it will be available on PSVR.

Given the studio is targeting Quest and Rift S, both of which feature inside-out tracking, it will be interesting to see whether the game makes use of the headsets’ out-of-the-box 360 tracking volume, or include some of the standard locomotion methods more common to games seen on Rift. Seeing as PSVR is also supported, standard methods may apply, at least for that particular version.

We don’t know enough yet even to delve any further (speculatively speaking), although the game is coming soon, we should hopefully know more in the coming weeks.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • PJ

    Looking forward to seeing this, purely because of how good was FZH is

    • Barbedos Slim

      Firewall was a great game up until three weeks ago when they launched a paid DLC update, which has effectively broken the game. Hopefully they continue to try to fix it, but each new attempt to patch the game introduces new bugs. The worst part is they aren’t offering refunds to players who paid, and now cannot play anymore.

      • kool

        I think they fixed it this morning

    • gothicvillas

      Firewall is unplayable mess. First Contact shouldn’t make more online games.

      • TJ Studio

        Are you saying you want FCE to go out of business because of this?

        • gothicvillas

          Well, they did have a come back recently and game got fixed. So I’ll give them that :)

          • TJ Studio

            Stop lying you cuck! You want FCE to go out of business because they make bad and broken games!

  • cj

    What the hell is this? Firewall doesn’t even work.

    • natalie

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  • Marco

    Bear in mind, FZH doesn’t work. Broken game. Never buy a game by First Contact Entertainment!

    • kool

      1.26 fixed it this morning finally

      • laurette

        One yr ago I decided to just leave my prior work and I am so thrilled nowadays…. I began doing the job online, for a business I found on-line, for a few hrs every day, and I get even more than I actually did on my office job… My pay-check for past month was 9,000 dollars… The best thing relating to this is the additional time I got for my little kids…and that the single requirement for this job is simple typing as well as having access to broadband… I am able to put in quality time with my relatives and good friends and take good care of my children and also going on family vacation with them really frequently. Don’t avoid this chance and make sure to act fast. Give it a look, what it’s about…

    • TJ Studio

      Are you saying you want First Contact to go out of business because of this?