It looks like Fujitsu is adding its name to the list of OEMs producing Windows “Mixed Reality” VR headsets, which currently include the likes of Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung.

Fujitsu’s unnamed headset follows the same reference design as the others in the Windows headset ecosystem, which provide inside-out positional tracking and wireless, optically-tracked motion controllers—allowing the user to set up the VR system without the need of external trackers, basestations, or sensors.

Engadget Japan reports the headset includes the standard dual 2.89 inch 1440×1440 LCD panels with 90 hz refresh rate, flip-up visor and 95 degrees plus field of view. Including controllers, Fujitsu’s headset is set tentatively at a price tag of 50,000 yen, or about $440 / €370 / £330; putting it in the middle of the pack, with Acer and Lenovo’s headset + controller bundle fetching $400 at the lowest price tier, and Samsung HMD Odyssey + controller bundle with the highest price at $500.

Somnium Space Announces New Pricing for VR1 Lineup, Putting Entry-level Headset North of $3,000

According to Fujitsu’s press release (Japanese), the headset is expected to launch sometime in late November 2017 in Japan. It’s uncertain at this time if the headset will make it to Western markets though, as the company has only released word via Japanese outlets. Fujitsu also doesn’t officially sell its full line of consumer tech in the US or Europe, so the move to release a headset there would come as somewhat of a surprise.

If you want to know more about Windows VR headsets, Road to VR Executive Editor Ben Lang wrote a deep dive review of Acer’s headset, a mile marker of what to expect at the very least from any Windows VR headset.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Xron

    Lets hope we will see 2nd gen. vive or oculus next year! Would love to see 4k screens atleast and 120/130 fov…

    • Henk Janssens

      Not going to happen in a year’s time.

      • Meow Smith

        In a years time they will be over 2 and a half years old by then and it will be getting close to Christmas season + new generation gfx cards will have probably have been released by then.

        If Pimax a Chinese company can release it before then Its possible for htc and oculus to do it as well.

        Tend to side with Xron.

        • Henk Janssens

          Depends when you take Xron demands or just next gen. That’s a major difference. Also Inside Out tracking should be there. The Pimax still uses old fashioned stations for example.
          Regarding gfx cards a year is a very short period. 2k screens demand a lot. Definitely not main stream. We need VR to become main stream. It’s to much a niche market still.

          • victor

            Not true! pimax will also support inside out tracking as well.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            As an external option, not by default. The default will be Lighthouse tracking (sure hope they’ll use the newer sensors othterwise it’s doomed from the start as it’s not compatible with the newer lighthouse basestations).

    • victor

      You do realize there is a 2nd Gen hmd with much higher resolution And 200deg Fov coming in few months…. But not from oculus or vive.—but Pimax 8k. Very positive reviews so far from people who tried it. It takes small independent company to break out of the box.

    • Suitch

      Gen 1 of desktop-grade will be around for another year and a half to two and a half years. The reason is that most of the manufacturers are looking into all-inclusive headsets and mobile VR instead of the much more powerful desktop space. Mobile headsets won’t be on par with current desktop headsets for at least a decade. Most of us here only want better desktop VR, but sadly we aren’t whom the hardware manufacturers wish to please…

      • victor

        It’s not a matter of hardware manufacturers but question of physical electrical feasibility of what is possible to fit in a mobile solution. It can NEVER match a pc.

        • Suitch

          I heard that quote from a VR hardware dev. I think he is wrong. Our current methods of computing can’t fit in the same space as the mobile solutions, however we will discover new ways to compute such as quantum computing that will allow us to do more computation in the same amount of space. We are reaching the atomic limit, but only for our current methods.

        • RFC_VR

          4 watt draw on my smartphone, my PC’s PSU is rated 750w Platinum.

          Massive difference in available electrical power, but its VERY impressive to see competent VR applications running on Pixel and Galaxy with such limited overhead

          Limitations are well known to focus development with innovative software solutions to optimize limited resources

  • victor

    I don’t understand the point of Windows VR. Understand it for gaming but not windows. At least not with the present day res and ski goggle view.

    • Henk Janssens

      I do. It’s rather obvious.
      It makes the setup much easier and faster by default.
      Also you can bring your Windows MR to a friends house and use it there.
      He/she has Windows 10 already. Just plug in the headset. Also you don’t need to bring the base stations with you. Just the headset.

      • victor

        Still not sold on the idea,,

        • Andrew Jakobs

          Then you are too closeminded to actually understand what it is all about.. maybe you should watch some of those commercials MS made to promote MR, then you’ll get a glimpse of what they want ..

          • victor

            The point is the hmd displays are not ready for everyday public use for windows. I know— I have a rift!

          • Andrew Jakobs

            the headsets aren’t meant to be use as a monitor replacement for everyday use for windows.

          • Armando Tavares

            Maybe they aren’t…. but they seem able to. The higher resolution, seems to place these above Oculus/Vive when it comes to text related stuff. How comfortable these will be after hours of ‘regular Windows’ usage remains to be seen.

            I for one think this is way to go for sure and I’m not alone:

            Note to self: Learn to type without looking at the keyboard O.o’

          • Andrew Jakobs

            I can imagine using a virtual desktop like you link to in combination with LeapMotion would be a good/best way to do it for hours of ‘regular windows’ usage, haha.. You just select the screen you want with your hand, resize it and go type/scroll.. (like in the movie Johnny Mnemonic). ;)

    • indi01

      “present day res and ski goggle view”

      true but that’s the point, it’s the present, it won’t be like that forever. It’s a future proof platform for when VR/AR devices will be really compelling.

      • victor

        thats for sure but sooner than you think pimax 8k coming in few months putting oculus and vive to shame

        • Armando Tavares

          PIMAX will struggle like, A LOT!! They are falling in the «make the best VR device you can produce» trap forgetting one major factor in this VR ‘thing’:Users need a computer to drive it!

          You will probably be able to get away with a 4 core CPU and 8Gb of RAM but from what I’ve gathered you’ll need a 1080 to drive it and that alone will cost MORE then millions of users have spent on their entire computers.

          PIMAX will cater to an elite (like Oculus/Vice did before) while Windows MVR will spread like a wildfire because Microsoft understood what everyone else didn’t: If 90% of users have a GTX 1060/RX 480 or less, why would they make a device aiming higher then that?

          PS. That 90% is totally made up but I bet it’s not that far away from the true percentage.

          • victor

            Pimax will not struggle, they are just aiming for that 10% high-end gaming where there aren’nt like 20 companies all working to the same spec and market! You don’t stop progressing technology of one hardware just becuase it is waiting for the other piece of hardware(the pc) to catch up! And by the way if you do your research anyone with a recent pc and a gtx1070 will be cabable of running the pimax8K. Do not confuse with the pimax 8KX model which is still experimental, and Pimax do not hide that fact.

  • Jean-Sebastien Perron

    Waiting for these deprecated old tech to support out of view hands tracking. Severely limited inferior tracking to Vive and Rift at this point can be the thing that will make people hate VR. Inside out tracking is not the future because it cannot expand to full body tracking, while lighthouse and constellation tracking do. I just hope that the Microsoft’s Gender Fluid Reality fails and dies like the Vive so that VR can continue to move forward and not backward like Microsoft’s unambitious lame ducks looser friends : HP, Dell, Acer, Fujitsu, Lenovo… How can they make horribly painful to hold and limited controllers at this point? They don’t even have analog trigger buttons. This is what happens when big corps hires with discrimination against intelligent and competent people to hire by politically correct ratios.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Well, as I gather from many reviews, the inside out tracking of these headsets seems to be on par with the vive/rift headset wise.. controllers is a different matter.
      Sorry, but for VR to survive and get bigger support, Microsoft’s Mixed Reality platform is a needed addition, at least these headsets from the time they also support SteamVR. Yes this may not be the highend headsets you want, but for the time being, with the GPU hardware performance these days, these headsets will certainly do the trick.. No not everybody is willing to spend $400+ on a GPU alone.

  • Jean-Sebastien Perron

    Glad the Chinese are saving the VR world with Pimax 8K 220 fov while the Murrican’t and Japanoodles are going backward.

    • brandon9271

      If only the Pimax 8k was actually 8k ;)

  • Microsoft is doing a great job in getting partners for its ecosystem. I’m very curious to see what the sales will be for these devices!

    • gothicvillas

      what makes you think it is a good job to flood the market with low res clunky VR headsets?

  • Vr Deluxe

    Great.. Another low spec HMD to throw in the fire place. Pimax’s first deliveries of the 8k will be in Dec/Jan this year not 2019. Dont believe the crap Facebook tells you