Driving the Future of Innovation, Down the Road to PS4 Virtual Reality?

sony-hmz-t1-5Join Ben Lang as he reports live from Sony’s GDC 2014 presentation, enticingly named ‘ Driving the Future of Innovation’. Anticipation is incredibly high for this event. Will Sony use the occasion to announce their widely rumoured PS4 VR Headset? If so, how will it compare with Oculus’ hardware? So many questions, most if which we hope will be answered during the event.

No need to refresh the page – Ben’s posts should update automatically. Set your alarms and be back here at 5:45 PDT (0:45 GMT), you won’t want to miss this one! While you wait – what do you think Sony are planning to show? Drop your comments below.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded RiftVR.com to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • kevin williams

    This is going to be great – congratulation RTVR for leading the charge.

  • Mauricio Nasser

    So. Ready.

  • Paul James

    T-Minus 2 Hours.

  • Mageoftheyear

    Half an hour till the kick-off – so exciting! :D

    • Paul James

      Take it from me, the next 24 hours will knock your socks off!

  • WormSlayer

    Love the Oculus vs Sony gif, someone should make a Mortal Kombat style game with this theme :D

    • Paul James

      Nicely volunteered. I’ll expect it in 2 weeks. :)

      • Paulo Cunha

        Aaaah If I were so fast, I would do it! haha

  • Gibson Green

    The website went down right before I registered :/

  • Gerald Terveen

    Ahhh … you really made me nervous there for a moment. One of the Europeans that is still awake just to follow your Live Blog =)

  • Paulo Cunha

    Has it begun???? :D 15 minutes past already! Say something SONY!

  • Gibson Green

    Hooray! It’s starting!

  • Gerald Terveen

    damn … this really needs a chat function ;)

    • Mageoftheyear

      Yeah, that was the only thin missing.

  • Paulo Cunha

    Is it too big to be an HMD?? Damn, anxiety

  • Tim Suetens

    The thing under the sheet…. OBVIOUSLY a VR headset =D

    • Paulo Cunha

      OMG, Palmer Luckey gotta be at the edge of his seat now.

  • Gibson Green

    I hope whatever’s under the pedestal is revealed soon, I have to go to the restroom. Well, MGS GZ can keep me company.

  • Paulo Cunha

    Playstation 4VR ?

  • Gibson Green


  • Paulo Cunha

    NASA???? Luckey….. expect serious competition now! Just a pitty he’s talking PlayStation and videogames…. well… perhaps not. Let’s see.

  • Alkapwn

    It doesn’t really seem like they’re telling us anything we didn’t already know though. It’s like a recap of the whole past year of VR talks.

  • Paulo Cunha

    1080p, 90+FoV??? Oculus is winning right now. What about latency?

    • Alkapwn

      Seems like they’re a year late to the party.

      • Paulo Cunha

        Agreed!! Hah, nothing special about any of that!

      • Paulo Cunha

        They just put the name “NASA” in the middle of the talk to put pressure on everything… pfff…lame.

  • kevin williams

    Great job Ben – fantastic

    • Paulo Cunha

      Indeed, congrats Ben!

  • Don Gateley

    90 degrees would do for movies but they’re making it a ps4 appendage only and saying it’s only about games. Meh.

    • Mageoftheyear

      But that is 90 degrees for their dev kit. CV is still TBD.

  • WormSlayer

    Great coverage Ben, thanks :D

  • Mageoftheyear

    Fantastic work Ben! :D
    Wow! That was a boatload of information.

    I’m so excited to see Sony taking this VR revolution seriously.

  • Paulo Cunha

    The only thing I found really interesting was their sound recording studio for binaural sound. Binaural is awesome, but gets locked with the listener head position. BUT, if you capture the sounds in that sort of “The Matrix” array of Sound Speakers, emitting the sounds and recording them specifically for each angle of the head .. (recording of course with the usual set of 2 mics and a head proxy in the middle), whenever the player turns his/her head, the code would trigger the sound comming from the correct speakers, thus making it sound locked in 3D space, not to the players head. More speakers, more the users won’t feel the passing from one speaker to the other. Clever but costly…. not for indies like me :( .

    • Paulo Cunha

      And to make it REALLY work, it could not be just speakers mounted at a fixed distance… There would have to be a kind of sphere of speakers, in different distances from the recorders, so we can get the true power of Binaural… that is, feel the true DISTANCE of sound – not only the Sound Panning – speakers mounted from far away to the very back of our ears (which in horror games could be totally terrifying).

  • Andreas Aronsson

    So the cat is out of the bag! Is that how you say it? Just read up on all this :) I was asleep while it happened, but reading a live blog is almost like experiencing it live! Really looking forward to reading hands-on the next few days, did you secure a ticket for it? And for tonight… Oculus, lets see what they have cooking.

    So they have a new prototype using a single screen around 2012, seems like Oculus might have triggered some R&D with their Kickstarter, or perhaps already from when Carmack showed it off at E3…

    I have been thinking of how much access competitors have had to Oculus gear, I mean, it was not hard to get your hands on a DK1 and pick it apart. No ninjas required! In comparison Sony has been very restrictive with access to their stuff, as it seems. Reminds me of the podcast with Kevin Williams, about how he would do it! (hello!) I think I remembered that correctly, haha.

    • Tim Suetens

      Oculus are naive kids in that regard. Well-natured idealists that will be exploited by soulless corporations like Sony. Sony will steal their tech and monetize and patent it.

      Bye bye, Oculus.

  • snake0

    LIve blogs take all the fun out of it. Why couldn’t you just upload a video of the event?

  • Tim Suetens

    Will there be a live blog for Oculus’ talk later today?