HTC’s New Vive Focus Headset Locker Aims to Put VR at the Forefront of Education in China


HTC has been making inroads into the education system in China with its startup VIVEDU, which centers around both University-level and K-12 education programs using HTC Vive and now HTC Vive Focus, the company’s 6DOF standalone VR headset. In a bid to go even further, the HTC-founded startup recently launched a new turn-key solution that packs in an impressive number of Vive Focus headsets into a storage locker.

VivEdu was founded by HTC last year, and is headed by Dr. Sun Wei, the founding president of the School of Software of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and professor at the School of Computer Science at Florida State University. With a starting focus on University-level education and vocational schools in sectors such as mechanical engineering, VivEdu branched out to K-12 education in 2018, boasting a comprehensive VR approach to learning science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and art for kids.

Image courtesy HTC

The locker, HTC Vive China President Alvin Wang Graylin says in a recent tweet, was designed to store, charge, sanitize and make content updates easy, also including content creation tools and a classroom management system. As an enterprise solution, there’s no word on pricing yet.

According to Graylin, the system boasts 100,000+ educational VR assets in a cloud-based content library so teachers can create their own coursework and tailor it to their specific lecture, letting students explore the workings of an engine, or other CAD-created models to help students see and interact while they learn.

Image courtesy HTC

While stocking a classroom full of premium (and objectively expensive) VR headsets is a tall order to fill, it’s an interesting peek into what VR could look like when mobilized at scale. It’s clear the Vive Focus lockers will be inaccessible to anyone but the most fortunate of students in China, but when VR headsets significantly decrease in price over the years, we might see similar setups at a fraction of the cost in wider contexts. As it is, a Vive Focus is roughly half as cheap as an HTC Vive and requisite gaming PC when priced together, making this a truly pioneering endeavour to say the least.

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On the decidedly cheaper end of the spectrum, Google has seeded classrooms with their free Cardboard, Daydream and PC-accessible education app called Google Tour Creator, which lets students and teachers create Google Maps-based 360 tours for group learning in VR; it’s a different, wider approach, but clearly limited in scope.

However you slice it, kids are getting an education adults nowadays would have died for—and that’s exactly the way it should always be.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • MarquisDeSang

    HTC is not FOCUSing on cuckupied countries like UK, USA and Canada. The journalist Tommy Robinson has been arrested Staline style for denouncing a muslim pedophile ring protected by the government. He will be assasinated soon in prison. What good is VR if you are killed by migrants?

    • yep

      the same Tommy Robinson that got banned from twitter for hateful conduct, that look like a nazi and keep promoting hate?

      • MarquisDeSang

        I hope that you or a member of your family get killed by your new (((friends))), because of people like you, many innocents are raped and murdered. So you say that denouncing pedophiles is hate, you must be a pedophile yourself.

        • GreenDeer

          reported for hateful comment, ppl like you are a plague for the humanity

          • MarquisDeSang

            Report me, I want to join Palmer Luckey’s priviledge club.

          • anony

            “Privilege club” sounds a lot like nazi talk to me. And its not hate speech when its against Nazi’s like you.

        • GreenDeer

          Hopefully you will join tommy soon with that kind of comments :)) enjoy will free

        • nejihiashi88

          im a muslim, but please don’t submit your brain to anyone especially to bigots.

    • JJ

      can we ban this douche bag yet?

      • MarquisDeSang

        Palmer Luckey was also banned from Oculus for having the same opinions as me. Who knows how far ahead woul be VR with the most brilliant mind still at the helm. Inferior people always feel threatened by facts and logic. Always fun to see snowflakes melting.

        • anony

          yeah i’m sure the guy using the term “cuckupied” and talking about “Inferior people” is who we should listen to. Not to mention gay-bashing with the term snowflakes… You talk like a Nazi and in your post history you are clearly racist. go choke on that dick in your mouth.

          • MarquisDeSang

            You are the one calling gay… snowflakes, not me. Sad that you are filled with so much hate on that beautiful day. May you find solace in the fact that I am dying of cancer… The cancer that is your posts.

  • Kenji Fujimori

    China invented VR? seems like they think that often..

    • DiGiCT Ltd

      For sure the stupid japanese did not invent it.

      • JJ

        Neither did stupid chicken OR WHAAAALEEE!!

        • h00ker

          Indeed your mum and grandma did not invent it.

      • Kenji Fujimori

        Nor idiot Anglo British, keyboard warrior

        • Hiroshima

          Japanese like to play their tiny pickle watching VR pron as in real life the pickle is not satisfying girl’s, for that part Japanese whish they invented VR.

          • Kenji Fujimori

            You are Chinese scum

          • Kenji Fujimori

            Your not even Japanese, Chinese bit ch

          • Kenji Fujimori

            How about I smash that keyboard to your face

          • Kenji Fujimori

            Chinese scum

          • Kenji Fujimori

            Chinese whore

      • Kenji Fujimori

        Your mother invented felatio on me

  • China has a government that is investing a lot of VR and so things like this are possible