It’s no secret that Jaunt is stepping back from VR and re-focusing on AR, although we weren’t sure what the one-time cinematic VR company planned on doing with its recently defunct VR business. Now, it’s come to light that Jaunt is holding a massive online auction, serving up everything from monitors and workstation computers to a wide variety of VR headsets & peripherals.

Update (December 9th, 2018): A spokesperson for the auction has sent us a clarification that all bidders, including consumers , are welcome to bid in Jaunt’s online auction.

Original Article (December 7th, 2018): Last month we reported that Jaunt was actively looking for buyers for its VR division. While there’s still no word on where its IP is going, at least now we know where all the kit is ending up: directly into the hands of any business anyone with the cash.

Heritage Global Partners is hosting the online auction, and it includes pretty much everything not bolted to the floor in the company’s Santa Monica office.

Key Items Include:

  • Large Quantities of 27” Apple Thunderbolt Displays
  • Large Quantities of Dell Monitors
  • Samsung Odyssey Systems/ Headsets
  • Oculus Systems/ Headsets
  • Wacom 21” Tablets
  • Google Daydream Systems/ Headsets
  • Lenovo Mirage Systems/ Headsets
  • Assorted Microsoft Systems/ Accessories/ Controllers
  • Apple TV
  • Sony PS4 Systems/ Accessories/ Controllers

We’ve also spotted some HTC Vives & Vive Pros, a stack of SteamVR basestations, and some controllers.

The auction start on December 12th at 10:00 AM PT (local time here) and ends 24 hours later. Heritage Global specifies that bidders must be “acting within their trade or businesses and may not be used by consumers,” although that probably won’t stop professional Ebay sellers from surreptitiously scouting out the merch and making a payday (see update).

Jaunt Lays Off 'Significant Portion of Staff', Shutters VR Production to Focus on AR

If you’re working in a Silicon Valley startup, you may want to skip the image gallery below that shows a once bustling office now completely devoid of life. Hey, is that a box full of smartphones? Wait, a table full of probably not horribly busted VR motion controllers? A shelf full of Jaunt’s pro-level VR camera?

This tip was passed on to us by Antony Vitillo of VR publication Skarred Ghost. Grazie, Antony!

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • JesuSaveSouls

    Just give it away.Its better to give than receive like Jesus says.Praise Him !

    • NooYawker

      Then why don’t conservatives give more than receive? They’re always taking.

      • First of all, not all conservatives are Christians and vice versa. Second of all, being a conservative and not wanting a large government doesn’t mean that a person isn’t personally generous, some of the most generous people I know are conservatives.

        • NooYawker

          We all know the conservative platform, let’s not make believe here.

          • brandon9271

            Platform? So you’re comparing the asshole in Washington to the actual voter base? That’s the problem ;)

        • disqus_nUte0XSviO important

      • Gamer1st1

        Not true.
        Highest charitable donations are from conservatives.
        Look it up, It’s been studied.

        • NooYawker

          Am interesting study. None of it is disparaging to either side. It’s just an insight to the differences between conservative and liberal.

        • NooYawker

          All that charity work is a status symbol. They spend millions throwing huge charity balls, which they take back the money spent, gives them status. It’s actually competitive to see who can get the most people and throw the biggest ball. Now the effects are positive because charities get paid but it is definitely not benevolence on the party goers. It’s just a free party and tax deductions for all parties involved.
          I mean, even trump has a charity.

          • Jistuce

            Which doesn’t actually change the fact that conservative gives more to charities than liberals. You can cast aspersions on their motives, and whether it is from the goodness of their hearts or a dick-measuring contest or even just a way to get tax breaks(deduction for charitable contributions, YEAH!), but… that’s a different issue entirely.

      • Alexisms

        Because conservatives are always the ones doing the fucking*

        *apologies for the swearing but the gag wouldn’t work any other way.

        • Jistuce

          Conservatives: Always on top.

    • get lost

      Hey delutional retarded, jesus is just an imaginary friend for idiots like you

      • daveinpublic

        I believe He’s real. Give it a try, read a chapter a day in the bible for 14 days and see what happens.

        • NooYawker

          I did that once many years ago. I dated a girl who was very religious and she asked me to read the Bible. And it made me think even less of religion. Talk about hypocrisy and contradictions. Old Testament and new. The books is ridiculous.
          Maybe if you guys believed in silence and stopped trying to force everyone else to believe we wouldn’t react so negatively by your bible pushing.

          • DanDei

            old testament was a solid fantasy novel but then they slashed the entire special effects budget from the sequel and made it a pretentious arthouse character drama.

          • Steve

            I am not just posting this towards anyone in particular but just responding to all the off-topic posts here. I think it would be really great if this could remain a tech only site.

            I know… wishful thinking.

        • get lost

          So, if I also read a chapter of superman comics for 14 days, superman will become real right?

    • NooYawker

      Buddha is the only true path to happiness.

    • ManOfScience3000
  • NooYawker

    That red one looks like a View Master.

  • antonio mora

    All this gonna find buyer like… fast.

  • daveinpublic

    Wish they would let anyone bid. Why not just put some of it up on eBay?

  • Matilde Constance

    Abandoning the RV and then the ar

  • JesuSaveSouls

    I bid twenty bucks for a mirage solo and ten for a vive pro.

    • Jistuce


      • jimmy “shaggytherodgers” nuetr

        You can’t even bid yet lol

  • The VR cameras maybe bricked soon if Jaunt discontinues their Jaunt Cloud Services (JCS) for VR cloud stitching. The cameras do not have hardware based stitching, and that’s too many gigabytes to stitch comfortably on a desktop computer.

  • Prego, Scott ;)

    As a VR startupper, seeing those photos really hurt my heart…

  • sfmike

    Really sad pictures. It’s also sad these investors think that AR is going to bring them the millions in profits that VR didn’t.

    • brandon9271

      Yeah, AR seems even less of a sure thing than VR. I hate to sound crude but the minute somebody creates holographic, volumetric “adult” videos AR/VR will be in every home.

      • Steve

        I disagree with that. I know some people like the whole porn thing and think that’s what drives tech but I don’t think so. There are enough people like myself that don’t need or want that. I think once the tech is cheap enough for casual and hardcore gamers and introduces a viable social element then it’ll take off.

        I do agree with you about AR being less of a sure thing. At least for another 7-10 until the tech is actually useful. It faces bigger technical challenges than VR does. But – at the point it may surpass VR.

  • Nads

    I could really use one Oculus Camera, and 2 Dell monitors :D

  • 82%ValdeDetta

    VR is the future for entertainment, AR will be the future for replace the mobilephone but not for games but that is not before 10 years now! AR is to early!

  • Ballpeen

    Shucks, no shipping provided. :'(
    From their Terms & Conditions:
    “8. Removal of Goods. (1) Buyers or their Agents must remove all Goods purchased before the final removal date and time announced by HGP at the auction (the “Removal Date”). (2) No Goods shall be removed until the full purchase price and all applicable taxes thereon have been received by HGP in the form required herein. ANY ITEMS NOT REMOVED ON OR BEFORE THE REMOVAL DATE SHALL BE DEEMED ABANDONED AND HGP SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER OBLIGATION TO BUYER WITH RESPECT TO SUCH ITEMS. Buyer shall be responsible for the safe and
    proper removal of any Goods purchased by Buyer. HGP does not pack, ship, store, crate or rig items for removal.
    Buyers may either pick up Goods at the designated auction site themselves or can contract with a third party agent to manage the removal process for them. “

  • Psychometrics

    I signed up for the auction and was quite disappointed this morning. Just four hours into the auction and HMDs in particular are within a handful of dollars of retail. The same for the other items I was interested in. That’s not factoring in shipping. Craigslist for my area is the better source for used hardware at the moment.

  • sebrk

    VR will be driving AR. First comes the muscles and exploration and then optimization and refinement. This is the difference between VR and AR today. Yes eventually they will converge but it will be VR eating up the AR space. Not the other way around. Listen to Abrash excellent predictions.

    Jaunt however will be out of business 2021 because of their poor management and business.