‘STRIDE’ Studio Announces Sci-Fi Roguelite ‘OUTLIER’, Coming to SteamVR in March


Joy Way, the studio behind VR titles STRIDE and AGAINST, announced it has another game in the early access pipeline. Called OUTLIER, the sci-fi roguelite is headed to Steam next month, with a version for Quest planned for 2022.

Outlier is offering up procedurally-generated levels, an array of weapons and characters, and is taking inspiration from indie greats such as Risk of Rain (2013), Dead Cells (2018), and Hades (2020).

Here’s how Joy Way describes Outlier:

You are a captain of one of the last human arks. In search of a new home for humanity, your vessel was sucked into a black hole. From your position beyond space and time, you witness an unknown race devastating what looks like a habitable solar system. The unknown physics of the black hole endow you with mysterious powers and allow you to exist in parallel worlds. Live, die, and repeat in your quest to conquer at least one of these worlds in the name of mankind.

The advanced controls integrate a wide range of movements. As you tactically break your way through the enemy hordes and navigate the complex terrain, you’ll need to use your body to cast artifact powers, slam enemies with surrounding objects, cut them into pieces, dodge their attacks, hide behind objects, jump, dash, and more.

Looking at the release date trailer, it also seems to include a good measure of the jumping and shooting mechanics we’ve seen in both Stride and Against too.

Image courtesy Joy Way

Arriving first on Steam Early Access for PC VR headsets on March 17th, Outlier is also slated to launch on the official Quest Store at some point in 2022. Joy Way says it will be using Steam Early Access to “help us figure out what aspects of the game players are really responding to, and nip any design issues in the bud.”

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“Though, we plan to tweak all main game systems first during the early access period,” the studio says. “After we receive enough feedback from the community on the core mechanics and future content of the game, we will start working on a Quest port.”

To date, all of Joy Way’s games for SteamVR headsets are still in early access, including Time Hacker, Stride, and its latest rhythm-combat title Against.

Stride is the first of the bunch to make it to the official Quest Store, and not in early access, garnering the game around a [4.2/5] user rating.

You can wishlist the game on Steam and keep an eye on updates over at Joy Way’s Twitter in the meantime.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • I wonder when one of their games will exit Early Access

  • shadow9d9

    Studio that makes contentless prealpha develops another prealpha to sell.

    • Jonathan Winters III

      Exactly! They’ve NEVER finished even ONE of their games.

      • shadow9d9

        They don’t need to. They spam social media and reddit and the generic mainstreamers buy it anyway.

        • Jonathan Winters III

          Yup. They’re making a killing off releasing demos – with the promise to finish them. Russian devs – running a nasty scam IMO.

        • Joy Way — VR Games Devs

          Hey there! I shared some more info about our games a few comments above to give you an alternative perspective.

          In addition, I’d like to add that we use early access to keep the creative flexibility and experiment with future updates. For example, we decided to add multiplayer to STRIDE prior to the story mode, which was initially planned for earlier. Because we believe it will benefit our core players.

          Early Access is also a great marketing tool, since you get double featuring from Steam, resulting in more traffic and revenue. And any game developers need money to survive and keep converting their passion into games.

          P.S. That guy Johnathan has been spamming every single post on the Internet about Joy Way with hate speech for the past year. He has every right to share his opinion, but calling us a “Russian scam” a dozen times is too much, don’t you think?

          • Jonathan Winters III

            LIE! I never called you a Russian spam ten times. Don’t lie to people! You ripped me off and lots of others by releasing and abandoning unfinished games. You’ve NEVER finished even ONE of your games, going back several years – are you going to dispute that?

    • Joy Way — VR Games Devs

      Just curious, which our game you consider a pre-alpha?

      STRIDE, which was launched with a single game mode in late 2020, and now has 3 different game modes (evolving with every update), available on 3 (soon 4) platforms and having a major multiplayer update next month?

      Or maybe Against, a rhythm game with a fully complete story campaign, which levels are available in 3 difficulties, with a level editor and more than 35 custom levels available so far? And an upcoming major content update we’re working on.

      Our “prealphas” have more gameplay depth and polish than most other projects on the market.

      • Jonathan Winters III

        I agree they’re better than alpha – but every one of your games is incomplete and unfinished – all stuck in beta. I personally bought 2 of your games years ago – both still incomplete years later, one abandoned, the other seemingly abandoned. This doesn’t inspire confidence in your company, although you create excellent betas.

  • Richard R Garabedian

    looks really generic. i bet that 1 level is the only level and those enemies are the only enemies