We knew that Google was working on adding VR capabilities to its mobile version of Chrome since last year. Now with the release of Chrome 61, Daydream VR users can browse websites and also continue to enjoy the quick and easy VR experiences delivered via WebVR.

Chrome team member François Beaufort released the news on Google+, saying that the first set of VR features is now available to try out in Chrome 61, the latest stable build of the company’s mobile browser.

“So far this allows users to view and interact with any website in VR, follow links between pages, and move between 2D and immersive viewing for sites that support WebVR,” he said. Beaufort maintains the new VR Chrome function is “just the beginning for web browsing in VR so stay tuned, there’s more to come!”

Daydream’s VR Playstore, image courtesy Google

Daydream View headsets owners can try it right now by navigating to any site in Chrome and then simply putting the phone into their Daydream View headset.

WebVR was officially launched on a Daydream-accessible, stable branch of Chrome earlier this year, marking a major milestone in VR as the Daydream platform inevitably grows to include more devices.

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Google’s Chrome browser joins Samsung Internet and the developer preview of Oculus Carmel as WebVR-capable Internet browser, both of which are exclusively run on Samsung Gear VR.

Current Daydream VR supported handsets include Google Pixel, Samsung S8/S8+, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Asus ZenFone AR, Motorola Moto Z/Z2 Force, Huawei Mate 9 Pro, ZTE Axon 7, LG V30, and a pair of unnamed stand-alone VR headsets yet to arrive from Lenovo and HTC.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Firestorm185

    Dang it, now I need to upgrade my cell phone so I can play Xibalba in VR again. xD
    Really wish WebVR worked natively on Oculus, having tracking work but no video is really freakin’ annoying. >w<

  • RFC_VR

    “sorry to say that the date of release for the Chrome 61 is not out yet and the latest version for time being is the Chrome 60 which has only been updated in the last week or so.

    I am hoping that the update appears soon so you will be able to use your VR web functionality to its fullest.”

    Response this afternoon from friendly people at Google Support after trying to get it running on my pixel XL (Oreo)

    • RFC_VR

      Chrome just updated to v.61 five minutes ago.

  • Good news. But I want that on Chrome for PC, too.

    • Laurence Nairne

      It’s on Chromium at the moment – only a matter of time before it’s brought into the main build https://webvr.rocks/

  • Ian Shook

    I’d like to think that one day we’ll be able to see an icon like “VR capable” somewhere and we’ll be able to just put on our wireless headsets, use the ‘look through’ feature, and it’ll see the content (youtube, a game, whatever) and recognize the image and auto-send it to the headset in a seamless way.

  • oompah

    Alas , few ppl can afford Daydream
    (thats why its called Daydream, keep on dreaming)

    • RFC_VR

      surprisingly affordable on contract in the UK? Got a Pixel XL earlier this year for £28 per month / 24 months with generous data allowance. Samsung and Apple phones were in the £40-50 monthly price range when I looked at options.

      But yes I do believe its something of a Daydream, I’ve never met anyone else with one or who has spent any time using Daydream View?

  • oompah

    VR is soooooo user un-friendly
    Whats the use if u cant use it for
    more than 30 minutes
    more research is required in
    personalization & ease of use,
    1. carrying so much weight is so unnerving
    2. Ur computer also should be able to display what u r seeing, especially parents wants to know what a child is seeing in VR, also it is very entertaining to them
    3. Many times u wish that u can give commands on computer and see effects in VR at the same time
    4.The VR head set should be like spectacles. With todays tech it is possible to squeeze everything in few mm3
    5. VR can be mainstream if it can give a continuous experience for at least 3 hours and continue after 5 min break
    6. Since most ppl have glasses , it should have automatically detect & adjust the focus
    7. The better VR should directly send light into eyes using fibre optics using lasers
    instead of using LED screen considering that eyes also have natural lenses
    8. Better to paint the eyes’ retina using scanning rgb lasers just like screens for projectors, this whould also drastically reduce the h/w of VR headset
    9. The centre of focus should have max resolution and the resolution should decrease away from it, similar to natural eye, hence eye tracking is required.

    So considering these requirements , todays headsets are mostly primitive.

    • Laurence Nairne

      1. Weight depends on the headset in question, but mobile VR headsets only really weigh a lot because of the handset fixed to them (bar Gear VR which carries it’s own housing weight).
      2. This is a software problem, not a hardware one, you can’t blame “VR” for software developers not providing a stream to a platform of choice – that being said, it’s essentially building two apps rather than one.
      3. Same as above, this would be a second application and a lot of development effort for little gain (from a developer perspective).
      4. If it’s mobile VR, this doesn’t work, if it’s tethered VR, there’s too much going on inside the housing, then you need to consider surface area for sensors to be picked up by tracking beacons – this could be brought down when inside out tracking becomes more mainstream.
      5. Limitation on time is really only a mobile VR and user issue. Mobile devices overheat so it’s not yet viable to have 3hr experiences. Tethered VR can be run for as long as you like – it’s more of a comfort issue as putting lenses in front of your eyeballs for hours at a time isn’t the best idea.
      6. How on earth do you automatically adjust focus for spectacles wearers?! Every pair of glasses (if received from an opticians after an assessment) is different and customised to the wearer. Hardware and software focus adjustment services this requirement better.
      7. Screens have their benefits over beaming lights into eyeballs – all eyes are different, screens cover a wider audience without needing to make adjustments for retina shape and quality.
      8. As above.
      9. Yes this is being developed and is definitely a great addition from a performance perspective if nothing else, but eye tracking technology adds bulk and weight to what you’ve already said is too much.

  • Noha_Ibraheem

    You can also browser the normal websites in VR with “NOMOne VR Browser” for cardboard. It supports android 5.0+ devices and has its great and unique custom calibration to make any device best suited for you!

    DayDream and GearVR can also use it after applying some tricks (not supported out of the box). The future releases promise to offer 360 theater mode and mixed reality mode:


    Also NOMone is now giving away hundreds of promo-codes to unlock the full
    version for free (for limited time). So, go get yours too!

  • Arijalmari Mxllr

    Anyone has this working on an Asus Zenfone AR? Doesn’t work on mine, with browser up to date.