Media Molecule, the creators of LittleBigPlanet (2008) and Tearaway (2013), have been working on their upcoming game/game-creation tool Dreams for PS4 for the past few years, and although we knew PSVR support was destined to come someday, as first announced at Paris Games Week 2015, we weren’t sure if PSVR users would get the chance to play at launch. Now, the studio reveals, PSVR owners can definitely count on day one support (see update below).

Update (December 6th, 2019): Media Molecule has now stated that VR support will not be a part of launch plans, and that it will however come ‘ASAP’.

Original Article (October 12th, 2018): In an interview with Game InformerMedia Molecule co-founder Alex Evans revealed that Dreams is definitely going to be compatible at launch with PSVR—something reports contended for some time now, but Media Molecule was reticent to confirm.

Outside of the initial game, Dreams will also allow users to create games and experiences that can then be published, and summarily played and judged by other users—something like Super Mario Maker (2016), but with the ability to create 2D and 3D games and experiences.

Image courtesy Media Molecule

There’s likely to be a cap on the level complexity though for PSVR though, as the headset requires apps to run at least at 60 fps (reprojected to 120) to maintain a comfortable experience. Evans says in the interview that Dreams, on PS4 and PS4 Pro, can run at 60 fps, although larger, more complex scenes will knock it down to 30 fps, pointing to an obvious bottleneck for PSVR.

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There’s also going to be a very Mario Maker-style submission system especially for PSVR users, as Evans says creators will have to be able to finish the games and levels they make themselves in order to publish.

Dreams is getting a beta,which Evans says will launch sometime this year, although it’s uncertain if PSVR support will be included. Although still scheduled for release in 2018, the official launch date is still TBA.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • xXx

    “and although we knew PSVR support was destined to come someday”
    “we weren’t sure if PSVR users would get the chance to play at launch”
    ” Dreams is definitely going to be compatible at launch with PSVR”

    You are completly WRONG! There is nothing announced about ANY different platform than PS VR! It is next exclusive!

    • Tommy

      Are you implying that it is a PSVR exclusive and not playable without VR?

    • Sandy Wich

      Dreams wasn’t a PSVR title. They’re explaining that now it has PSVR support when previously it was supposed to just be a PS4 exclusive, not that it’s coming to different platforms.

      TBH I’m not getting much hopes up for this title though. There’s absolutely no reason something this basic should have taken this long. Development hell of some sort, I’ll be waiting to purchase, once the non Sony fanatic reviewers start saying a few words.

      • BL

        Basic? By any yardstick, Dreams is any incredibly complex game. I’d argue it’s one of the most ambitious software projects in the entire industry.

      • Gary

        Your dislike for anything Sony related in general is really showing mate. Do enlighten us on what you mean by ‘Basic’? Dreams is a game maker; art, sculpting and 3d modeling software; music creation software; animation and film making software all rolled into one package, presented and reimagined in a way highly accessible to PS4 gamers and non-professionals through a complete new innovative engine built from ground up by Media Molecule. What they have shown thus far and what they are trying to achiece is commendable. The project is anything but basic, calling it so really goes to show your ignorance.

      • CURTROCK

        Dreams has been recognized as one of the most ambitious piece of software ever attempted. Basic, it is not. It is attempting to be nothing short of a revolution in digital creativity.

  • Tommy

    I keep seeing the same ambiguous announcements for this. Will it have VR content at release or just potential to make VR content at release???

    • iUserProfile

      There might be some small things from the devs and/ or from the beta. But just as with the main game it’s mainly a game engine and editor to create and share than a game on it’s own even though it has a small flat-screen campaign completly made within dreams itself as a showcase.

    • Gary

      There should be VR content on release from community since Beta will be available soon. The content from beta will not be removed once the game releases. Not sure if MM themselves created any for their story mode, But yes can make and play VR content on release.

  • Lucidfeuer

    If the snippets shown in the TGA trailer are actually the product of the actual tool that anybody can actually use, then…wow, infinite waves of VR experiences incoming.

    But I wish they would update the PSVR next-year alongdside the new PS4.