Mr. Robot fans take note: a special one-time-only 360 experience is headed your way for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Gear VR and Google Cardboard-enabled smartphones exactly at 10:45 AM PST on Thursday, July 21st.

According to a report by Entertainment Weekly, the 360 experience will feature 12-minute prequel to the series that will center around “a forgotten date that Elliot had with his former flame/drug dealer Shayla.”

photo courtesy of the USA Network
photo courtesy of the USA Network

The original work was written and directed by Mr. Robot creator Sam Esmail, and will be staring show lead Rami Malek in his role as Elliot. Produced by Here Be Dragons (, you will be able to stream the 360 experience on Chris Milk’s Within (ex-VRSE) platform on VR devices starting at 10:45 AM PST, July 21st.

According to the USA Network “immediately following the premiere, the content will disappear from the Within app.”

To get the Within app, just head over to and download the version applicable to your VR device.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Badelhas


  • Graham J ⭐️

    If I had seen this show at all I’d probably be pretty annoyed by the boneheaded timing. Thursday morning? It’s not like anyone will be at work or anything.

  • Alkapwn

    Well this ensures the smallest possible audience you can get.
    Hey guys I created this wonderful piece of art. I’m gonna unveil it and then drop it into the ocean. You should see it though. It’s incredible.

  • glyphery

    I do watch the show and am certainly curious to see what this “360 experience” is like… but honestly, what an incredibly shortsighted decision to make, streaming it only once and then removing access. Did it not occur to the USA Network that – in the case of Vive and Rift owners, at least – there is likely to be only one VR headset available for everyone in the house who might wish to see this piece? Or that if Within isn’t up to the bandwidth hammering it may get in response to this event that they will have pissed off untold thousands of potential viewers? Why not leave it up on the VR client for the entire day before taking it down, to give people all around the world a chance to experience it whenever works best for them? To think the person who made the decision to lock this down to a “once-only live stream” probably earns a six-figure salary… Idiocy.

    • Rainfox Wolfstone

      what is to be gained from taking it down, I hate shit like this.

  • Daemon Hunt

    That’s 5:45am Friday morning where I live. I don’t get up until 6.30am. Shame. LOL

  • bschuler

    Ummm. PEOPLE.. it starts at 10:45am July 21st.. access ends after the show airs at @ 11pm July 21st. Ever feel like reading comprehension is a lost art these days..

    • bschuler

      Re-reading the article, I can easily see how people could believe when it referred to the premiere as the premiere of this short video, not the tv show’s. But yeah.. I am pretty sure they mean the tv show premiere, otherwise this ranks up there with the dumbest things people have done.

      • Maybe, but they mention a “premiere” and fail to mention any televised episodes at all, so there’s no information about what else it would refer to.

  • John S Johnson

    i brought my vr headset to work every day this week for “demo’s” except for today.. looks like i’m going to have to find a dark room and use my hand for “pre cardboard” experience.. lmao

  • Alkapwn

    So it appears we may have been correct. It was streamed at that specific time only. Thought I’m reading it will be back on that app on Monday July 25th. What a bummer they did it this way.

  • glyphery

    Just for anyone who cares, I did tune into this in Within and — likely because the USA Network completely underestimated the demand hit this would entail for their servers — the experience died about 6-7 minutes in. Exiting and restarting the Within client only resulted in a message thanking everyone for having participated in this once in a lifetime event, yadda yadda yadda. (Even though at that time the event still had several minutes left to run.)

    So that’s probably a lesson to more competent organisations in how not to run a VR promo event for their IPs. ;-)

  • Martin Pagh Ludvigsen

    They’ve relaunched it as on demand content a couple of days ago. And it’s really good.