Nintendo’s Labo VR kit for Switch was one of the hottest items this time last year. Now online retailers Amazon and Best Buy have slashed the price of the smaller starter kit + Labo VR Blaster in half to just $20.

The starter kit includes the Nintendo Labo software, VR Goggles (Nintendo Switch not included), and the make-it-yourself VR Blaster. All required materials are included, and the packed-in software provides interactive build instructions, quick-play VR games and more.

Of course, you can go for the full six-toy kit, although it typically sells at the retail price of $250, making the Starter Kit + Blaster a great entry point if you’re curious and bored, but don’t want to break the bank.

Image courtesy Nintendo

Following Nintendo’s line of DIY augmentations to the Switch and JoyCon controllers, the VR version surprisingly brought a lot to the table in terms of replayabilty. When it released last year, Nintendo called it their “most immersive, robust Nintendo Labo kit to date,” as it not only included a number of fun accessories, but also 64 mini-experiences in the ‘VR Plaza’.

The Best Buy listing is a ‘Deal of the Day’, so it may only last 24 hours. Amazon seems to have price-matched Best Buy, although those listings typically hang around a little longer.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • the vast majority

    It’s still $20 too much.

    • John

      Lolno. Get a job.

      • the vast majority

        HAHA I have a job but even if you gave me $20 for free I wound’t buy this nonsense. If you get one post

    • Jeremy Kins

      Incorrect. Haha. It’s actually an incredible use of 3DOF VR and it’s kind of amazing what Nintendo has done here with the specs/tech on-hand. I’m sure you’re saying this having not touched it yourself.

    • Jeremiah Tothenations

      I agree, my brothers blaster broke very quickly and my friends felt like it would break any minute and we’d just built the thing. The VR games were fun for a half hour or so, but building the contraptions was by far the best part of it all. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone unless they get it for absolutely dirt cheap. Hopefully Nintendo have proper games and decent peripherals planned, as there is some potential there.

  • LoneWuff326

    why wont nintendo just make a real vr headset and take a risk for once the later they adopt the harder it will be to get consumers on board when they do.For example google stadia google was way too late what loyal xbox user/ps4 user would throw away all their games and rebuy them on stadia? i,m pretty sure no one gives a sht about labo anyway

  • Kevin White

    Why is Will Witt from PragerU demonstrating Labo at the top?

  • ymo1965

    Virtual Boy MkII

  • blue5peed

    Still holding out for Nintendo to be the first to truly take it to the Quest with some surprise launch.

    • Greyl

      Nintendo would block sideloading, one of the best features of Quest, so it would suck.