Onward, the first-person mil-sim shooter for PC VR, is heading to Quest at some point—that’s what Downpour Interactive founder Dante Buckley announced back at the ESL VR League Season three championship earlier this month. Now, Buckley says the studio is currently also developing Onward to be cross-play compatible with PC VR headsets too.

In a video spotlight with VR League (linked below), Buckley announced that the full consumer release of Onward will feature custom maps, and map building tools so users can recreate whatever maps they’ve always wanted to play in the team-based shooter.

Buckley further says that Onward will also feature a ranking system, something the Early Access game has lacked in spite of its dedicated fanbase. Onward currently offers support for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Valve Index.

It’s uncertain how Downpour will implement cross-play between Quest and PC VR headsets and whether the custom map builder will be available on all platforms. In contrast to the VR shooter Pavlov, which is also consequently headed to Quest, Onward’s fist-party map builder might help ensure that the entire game is playable for all platforms. Pavlov relies on Steam Workshop for its user-generated content, which would necessarily fragment the maps available to its playerbase.

We’ve asked Downpour for comment on how the map builder will work between Quest and PC VR, and will update this piece when we hear back.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • aasd

    I still think bullets and more should have beat both of these for things like having custom maps since the beginning.

    • aasd

      But im still very extra excited for this news!

    • Skippy76

      Sadly the fan base was non existant for BAM.

    • Canible

      The BAM dev now works for Downpour working on Onward at least :)

  • Zachary Scott Dickerson

    YES, this will be fantastic. Crossplay for the win. I have a Quest, Vive and Index, so the whole family will be able to play.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      No you don’t have a Index….yet….

  • Jarilo

    You remember those threads that are 15 years old and some a$$hole comes in and posts in it reviving that thread? That’s what it feels like seeing these games in the spot light again as a VR enthusiast who’s been around for years.

    • Thunk

      False comparison: Onward is only around 2 years old and getting ported to a popular new VR headset.

      • Jarilo

        2 years is pretty old for a game. Yea I noticed, the Quest is necroposting old games.

        • Thunk

          Well this is an online multiplayer game, and games like that have very long lifespans; look at CS:GO for example.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          Oh, and all the remasters etc on the consoles is something different?

          • Jarilo

            No, those are equally annoying.

    • Canible

      Its called early-access for a reason?

  • Henrik ‘Walter’ Peytz

    There needs to be a new gamemode then: “Index Master Race Battalion vs.Uppity Quest-peasant horde” ;)

    • Thunk

      Lol, using “Master Race” unironically.

  • sebrk

    Good guy Onward developer. This is the right way.

  • Skippy76

    Ya right!!
    Ill believe it when I see it.
    Onward barely runs smooth with a gtx 1080 and a decent computer.
    They will have to majorly dumb down the grafx and textures for it to run on a quest. Dante can’t even release an update without breaking the whole game.
    I love the game and have over 1000 hours on it so i’ve seen the evolution of this game. I just think they’re dreaming too big considering what they’re doing so far!

  • JesuSaveSouls

    Nice another hit for quest and oculus but to have wardust on the quest or standout would be a homerun.Now you can play it with alvr or one of those but being able to not have any pc dependence would be nice.Wardust is one that has huge maps,big servers and vehicles.Jesus is my Lord and Savior !

    • MAGA Man

      Jesus sent Trump to save mankind! MAGA 2020!!!