Shiftall, the Japan-based VR hardware creator, is no longer owned by Panasonic, as the company has been effectively sold off to the Tokyo-based company CREEK & RIVER.

As first noted by tech analyst and YouTuber Brad Lynch, Panasonic today announced it has transferred all shares of Shiftall to the Tokyo-based company CREEK & RIVER Co., Ltd., which specializes in outsourcing, consulting, content management and distribution services.

Acquired by Panasonic in 2018, Shiftall primarily focused on niche consumer devices, but shifted over the years to focusing on VR hardware, such as its MeganeX PC VR headset, HaritoraX wireless body trackers, FlipVR motion controllers, and mutalk soundproof microphones.

Shiftall Opens Pre-orders for 'MeganeX superlight' Ultra High-Resolution OLED PC VR Headset

Shiftall announced earlier this month that it’s releasing a new version of its MeganeX, called MeganeX superlight, as well as its next generations of HaritoraX and mutalk.

In a press statement, the companies say there will be no changes to the current offerings of Shiftall’s products, services, product warranties, and customer support, which means we can still expect MeganeX superlight to release as scheduled sometime in 2024.

The ‘superlight’ version is said to include the same display specs as the original MaganeX: dual 2,560 × 2,560 1.3-inch micro-OLED displays (120Hz), however it reduces the size from 385g to around 200g—ostensibly putting it into competition with the $1,000 Bigscreen Beyond.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • ViRGiN

    “tech analyst”? What’s up with these made up titles for regular consumers?
    Call me VR journalists and tech enterpreneur please.

    in before “did anyone else read it as shit fall?”

    yet another boring company designed to leech off money from the less fortunate, ie vrchat weebly nolifes.

    • xyzs

      Yeah he’s a tech analyst because he does that better than some people paid by companies to do that.
      And you, we call you the toxic loser of r2vr because that’s what you do better than anyone.

      • dextrovix

        There’s a lot of things I’d like to call our toxic loser, but most posts like that would be flagged. How about “twunt”, that sums him on Urban Dictionary, and saves me typing two separate words without using bad language.

        As for the article, I agree with you that the author is citing a source, but that’s our resident troll’s problem, his cites nothing but conjecture, hence why his only outlet is here, and the sock he comes in whilst alone in his bedroom.

        • ViRGiN


          • dextrovix

            How original, none of us here have heard that one. Twunt.

          • ViRGiN

            That’s super impressive. Are you one of those PCVR players, consuming #1 PCVR game, Gorilla Tag?

          • dextrovix

            As much as you’re in Rec Room, with your sock, talking to kids?

          • ViRGiN

            No, I’m just waiting for Volvo Dikhard

          • dextrovix

            Better keep edging then, hadn’t you…

          • ViRGiN

            You seem sexually frustrated; perhaps too much time spent with PCVR kids?

          • dextrovix

            I made that point about you remember, try harder than that… now, dance monkey!

          • ViRGiN

            oh noes, im shattered

          • dextrovix

            Keep taking the ADHD medications, you’ll get there!

          • ViRGiN

            daaamn, how do you expect me to come back

          • dextrovix

            I’m not helping you out. Especially with that sock, you get that washed yourself.

          • Jistuce

            The hero we need. Someone willing to argue with Virgin instead of just blocking him.

          • dextrovix

            Thanks. I wasn’t aware people could be blocked. But also, he talks uncited crap and ruins sensible discussion which is what the comments should be about. He’s not a very good troll anyway, he gave up in this thread because I have way more angles of attack.

          • ViRGiN

            sorry, i was too busy having sex. what did you call me?
            you still working hard on friday evening? damn, what a miserable life.

          • dextrovix

            Lol, sex doesn’t mean with your hand into a sock, Virgin by name, Virgin by nature…

          • ViRGiN

            In nature is how you’re going to pay for Shiftall.

          • dextrovix

            Nice dodge, I think we’ve moved way beyond discussing the topic though, we’re insulting each other. That’s where commentors like you take it. Your move.

          • Jistuce

            I put him on my ignore list because he’s just tedious. I fully believe someone needs to shoot his nonsense down, I just don’t have the patience for it these days.

          • dextrovix

            I think I will at some point. I think he’s half my age at least and just so angry, like a kid from the 80’s with Sega Vs Nintendo complex. I’ve read his comments for years but for some reason, I want to inconvenience him with replying at the moment, just like I enjoy wasting scammer’s time on phone calls. He won’t stop, but it’s fun poking him because for some reason he has a huge chip on his shoulder, but no trolling skills other than repeating the same diatribe.

  • Arno van Wingerde

    Complements to Panasonic: smart move! Hopefully the new owners can change the name …

    • Christian Schildwaechter

      Prof. Farnsworth: I’m sorry Fry, but astronomers renamed Uranus in 2620 to end that stupid joke once and for all.
      Fry: Oh. What’s it called now?
      Prof. Farnsworth: Urectum.

    • ViRGiN

      If anyone ever wanted to change it’s name, they would have already done so long ago.
      In Japanese owners mind, it’s very “clever” naming apparently. Did you see the CEO (or whatever) of shiftall during CES?
      He looks and behave exactly as you would expect.

  • Rudl Za Vedno

    RIP Shiftfall. Another VR company bites the dust.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      No it doesn’t. It just switched owners.

  • Andrew Jakobs

    It just switched owners, it’s still in business.

  • Andrew Jakobs

    Never heard about Amazon working on an XR/VR/MR headset.

  • xyzs

    First thing to do for the new owner: change the stupid company name.
    It’s like being call hane-huss, at some point you have to take into account what people hear if you want credibility…