Pico Interactive today announced the price and availability of both Pico Neo 2 and its eye-tracking variant, Neo 2 Eye.

Both headsets are available for purchase starting today, with Neo 2 priced at $700 and Neo 2 Eye at $900. With its new Neo 2 headsets, Pico is targeting the enterprise market and will be selling both versions direct to companies.

Outside of Neo 2 Eye’s integrated eye-tracking from Swedish firm Tobii, the two variants differ only slightly in specs. Neo 2 Eye is 20 grams heavier and comes with slightly more RAM than the standard version to account for eye-tracking, something that’s tasked with things like foveated rendering, UI selection, and making social VR more of a natural experience, as a user’s eye movement is translated to a virtual avatar.

Image courtesy Pico Interactive

When we tried out Neo 2 and Neo 2 Eye at CES 2020 earlier this year, we called it the next best standalone after Oculus Quest for its comfortable thanks to Pico’s inclusion of a rear-mounted battery, serviceable positional and controller tracking, and overall experience.

The headset’s two motion controllers aren’t tracked optically like, for example, Oculus Quest though, instead using tracking based on a NDI’s Atraxa controller platform which fuses data from an on-board electromagnet (EM) and inertial measurement unit (IMU). This essentially allows Neo 2’s controllers to be immune from controller occlusion.

Make sure to check out our full hands-on with both Neo 2 and Neo 2 Eye for more.

Pico Neo 2 Specs

  • CPU – Qualcomm Snapdragon 845
  • Display – 3,840 × 2,160 LCD (1,920 × 2,160 per lens)
  • IPD Adjustment – in software, serving 55mm–71mm IPD
  • Refresh Rate – 75Hz
  • FOV – 101 degrees
  • Storage – 128GB
  • Headphones – built in to headband
  • Controllers – 6DOF motion controllers, based on sensor fusion of electromagnetic (EM) and inertial measurement unit (IMU)
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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • mfx

    This with oculusOS on it would be terrific

  • Adrian Meredith

    Nice to see a rear mounted battery and eye tracking. Other than that I wouldn’t expect to see this outside of China

  • Rudl Za Vedno

    3,840 × 2,160 LCD (1,920 × 2,160 per lens) resolution bump is nice. I hope next Quest will have it too.

  • I can’t wait to review it on my blog!

  • Ad

    If there was an open software store and the eye was $700, I would buy it. Also slightly better controllers.

    • silvaring

      Amazing how long its taking for eye tracking to become implemented in low cost headsets. Seeing stuff like DLSS along with ray tracing, eye tracking and hand tracking would make VR experiences like Senza Pezo feel last gen imo as they could do crazy stuff with rendering scenes even for limited interaction VR.

      • Ad

        I think it’s because the software hasn’t been set up yet. If all I needed to do was buy a Vive pro eye and then all the graphics driving and apis and everything else would boost performance massively, then it likely would be a massive hit with VR gamers. But it’s been slow going on that from NVIDIA, AMD, and Oculus since their experiment with only rendering 30% of pixels failed.

        • Mradr

          It really depends. If the SDKs that run most of the headtracking already force you to support or account for static eye tracking – then adding eye tracking going forward could be simple enough of a tick box to turn on. On the other hand, if they did not or secretly add it in there – then correct – almost all software will be force to update their software to support it. I believe Oculus for example forces you to already support eye tracking with a few functions of the tracking method some builds using that x version will support it – but I have a feeling almost all software vendors will need to restart/rebuild their games to use it going forward. But because this is a render method – its possible using 3rd party software to still inject changes in the rending method to still apply a force FOVA render as well. How well that method takes off is a different story though – and one I am sure that will carry a lot of problems too.

          • Ad

            NVIDIA is trying but I haven’t heard any good things about it. VRSS

          • Mradr

            VRSS is not FOVA. VRSS is like FOVA in that how it works is that it improves the center part of a image by applying a higher SS after render while the other parts of the images get a lower or no SS apply to it. The problem though its a static view thus doesn’t apply well in general for a lot of reasons for the user. VRSS also doesn’t help a user already struggling to render the image in the first place. At the same time – we’re still stuck on a very low FOV of around 100 degrees on most headsets. Almost 80% of that is our high detail center view already only leaving 20% where the effect can be apply to. We need something like around 125 to 135 before it really see some large benefits. FOVA on the other hand, much like VRSS – takes the center and renders the target differently than the rest of the image. Thus more work is done for the center than the outer edges so the hopefully the GPU is spending less time drawing the image in the first place where then VRSS can take that image and improve it even better.

          • Ad

            The issue is that Facebook tried to do aggressive DFR and it can be pretty distracting.

  • Pablo C

    Can this system take advantage of foveated rendering with current software?

  • Cragheart

    I’d like to see 1,920 × 2,160 per lens in the next Quest later this year, with Snapdragon XR2 and 120° FoV.

  • Mradr

    On paper this looks really good! Major steps in the right direction and only a 200$ difference is perfect for a basic and pro version under the 1000$ range.

  • steveda

    In case you want to support US product, and not any Chinese tech company like Pico Interactive, then wait for Quest 2.

  • Sasha

    Lol im happy to join vr thank you