It’s clear Facebook is working on all-day AR headsets, and although they still aren’t showing any hardware just yet, company CEO Mark Zuckerberg mentioned today at Facebook Connect 2021 that it’s indeed still full steam ahead on its first “fully-fledged augmented reality glasses,” revealing the code name ‘Project Nazare’.

“The ultimate goal here is true augmented reality glasses. And we’ve been working on that too,” Zuckerberg says. “Today I want to show you can experience that we’ve been working on for Project Nazare, which is the code name for our first full augmented reality glasses.”

In a short simulated concept, Zuckerberg narrates a typical scene where users message over Whatsapp and organize a game night. Avatars of friends pop into the user’s field of view, and gaming commences.

There’s a long ways to go to create the hardware’s desired form-factor, Zuckerberg says, hinting that the glasses will be about 5mm thick, or just over 3/16 inches.

“There’s a lot of technical work to get this form-factor and experience right. We have to fit hologram displays, projectors, batteries, radios, custom silicon chips, cameras, speakers, sensors to map the world around you and more into glasses that are about 5mm thick. So we still have a ways to go with Nazare, but we’re making good progress.”

The company also demoed a series of assistant-related smart home experiences enabled by Project Aria, the company’s sensor-rich headset prototype which went into testing last year. Notably though, Aria doesn’t include any sort of AR display, so it’s more of a stepping stone to the sort of compact AR glasses the company appears to be shooting for. Project Nazare sounds like it may be building on that research, although it’s not clear at what stage of productization they’ve reached.

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“Our first fully-fledged AR glasses — Project Nazare — are still a few years out,” the company says in a blog post, “but we’re excited by the progress we’ve made and look forward to the road ahead.”

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
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  • Squirrel

    I wonder how many car crashes and other accidents will occur due to facebook ads popping up and obstructing your vision.

    • Totius

      I guess technology will advance no matter how many car accidents there will be.. maybe this is one more incentive to speed up the Waymo project

    • Marc-André Désilets

      What a strange comment. This is a VR headset with High quality colored passtrough. Not something you would use while driving or even wearing outside as glasses…

    • Marc-André Désilets

      You mean just like people driving car with no dashboard and a giant distracting ipad un the middle of the car ?

    • dk

      driving mode …..and depending on the tech u could block real world ads too

  • Michael Gogan

    I can’t help thinking this is still a technology in search of an application. Great fun for the dev teams and an excellent way for FB to use up a few billion excess $$$

  • alba

    Anyone who can’t see the potential here is as blind as a bat.

    • Marc-André Désilets

      We’re still a few years away from this but at least they have a clear vision of what they want to accomplish with this! We need to remember that vr as we know it today was science fiction 10 years ago. It is evolving sooooo fast!

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      • Zentorien

        i cant wait for this to totally be a ready player one thing doesnt that sound like thats what its going to be?

        • Marc-André Désilets

          We are a long way down before we get to that level but someday it may happens! I hope it will!

          This and ‘Sword art online’ kind of experience :)

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  • Pie-In-the-Sky, theoretical guesswork. I don’t see Oculus attached to this, nor any mention of Karmack. I don’t see the pedigree or brain-trust necessary to show they have the ability to make this a reality. This looks more on par with “we’ll do it someday maybe” Magic Leap hyperbole.

    People VASTLY underestimate the miracle that is the Quest. This sort of leap would require a miracle even beyond that. Saying it’s a “Few years out” is probably generous.

  • Ratm

    Ar That way they can have any possible info of you they can get.

  • oomph2

    Should I be excited