PlayStation today revealed an updated list of launch day and “launch window” titles for PSVR 2. Notable highlights include Demeo, Gran Turismo 7, Horizon Call of the Mountain, and Resident Evil Village, although there’s no word on when VR’s favorite block-slashing game is making the move to Sony’s next-gen VR headset.

First, here’s the list of guaranteed launch day games coming on February 22nd, 2023. Some games are re-releasing completely, providing a paid pathway for upgrades, or coming as a free upgrade to players who already own the title for the original PSVR. We’ve put that info in bold for easier reading:

  • After the Fall (Vertigo Games)
  • Altair Breaker (Thirdverse)
  • Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder (VR Kiwi)
  • Cities VR (Fast Travel Games)
  • Cosmonious High (Owlchemy)
  • Demeo (Resolution Games)
  • Drums Rock (Garage 51)
  • Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate (MyDearest Inc., Perp Games)
  • Fantavision 202X (Cosmo Machia, Inc.)
  • Garden of the Sea (Neat Corporation)
  • Gran Turismo 7 (via free update to PS5 version of GT7)
  • Hello Neighbor: Search & Rescue (tinyBuild)
  • Horizon Call of the Mountain (Firesprite, Guerrilla)
  • Job Simulator (Owlchemy)
  • Jurassic World Aftermath (Coatsink)
  • Kayak VR: Mirage (Better Than Life)
  • Kizuna AI – Touch the Beat! (Gemdrops, Inc.)
  • The Last Clockwinder (Pontoco/Cyan Worlds)
  • The Light Brigade (Funktronic Labs, purchase includes PS VR and PS VR2 versions)
  • Moss 1 & 2 Remaster (Polyarc)
  • NFL Pro Era (StatusPro, Inc., free PS VR2 upgrade)
  • Pavlov VR (Vankrupt)
  • Pistol Whip (Cloudhead, free upgrade)
  • Puzzling Places (, free upgrade)
  • Resident Evil Village (Capcom, via free update to PS5 version of RE Village)
  • Rez Infinite (Enhance)
  • RUNNER (Truant Pixel, LLC)
  • Song in the Smoke (17 Bit)
  • STAR WARS: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge (ILMxLab)
  • Startenders: Intergalactic Bartending (free PS VR2 upgrade)
  • Swordsman VR (Sinn Studio Inc., free PS VR2 upgrade until May 2023)
  • Synth Riders (Kluge Interactive, free upgrade)
  • The Tale of Onogoro (Amata K.K)
  • Tentacular (Devolver)
  • Tetris Effect: Connected (Enhance)
  • Thumper (Drool LLC)
  • Townsmen VR (HandyGames)
  • Unplugged: Air Guitar (Vertigo Games)
  • Vacation Simulator (Owlchemy)
  • What the Bat! (Triband)
  • Zenith: The Last City (Ramen VR, free upgrade)
  • Zombieland: Headshot Fever Reloaded (XR Games and SPVR)

There are also a handful of “launch window” games announced, which are said to arrive “through March”:

  • The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners: Ch. 2: Retribution (Skydance)
  • Ragnarock (WanadevStudio)
  • No Man’s Sky (Hello Games)
  • Nock: Bow + Arrow Soccer (Normal VR)
  • GORN (Devolver Digital)
  • Creed: Rise to Glory – Championship Edition (Survios)
  • The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR (Supermassive)
  • Before Your Eyes (Skybound Interactive)

Curiously missing from the list is the promised Beat Saber, which again ranked as the top-downloaded game on PSVR this past year. PlayStation says in its big blogpost info dump that more games will be confirm their launch window availability up until February 22nd, so we’ll be updating this piece to reflect all of the launch content coming to PSVR 2.

Update (February 21st, 2023): We’ve updated this list to include 10 more titles revealed by Sony today.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • ViRGiN

    Very unimpressive, but just confirms my theory of complete PCVR replacement.
    Will we hear from PCVR elitists that PSVR2 is a failure cause it has the same old games from PCVR like Quest does?

    • Cless

      Its fine, but its just a start.

      I’m one of those you call “PCVR elitists” and I tell you right now that Sony is pushing hard for PSVR2 and its great news for the VR industry AND PCVR.
      There is quite a lot of games on the works behind the curtain, and more than one pancake game that will include some VR mode as well!
      All that is great news for everyone here really!

      Specially since the PS5 and the PSVR2 have enough power to make proper VR games, unlike mobile hardware will ever accomplish in the short-mid term.

      As a developer I can tell you right now, we can make proper VR games on the PSVR2 that we can’t make on the Quest 2, or even a future Quest 3 because of the lack of power (that would include the OG PSVR as well btw).

      So it will be quite freeing for gamedevs to have more power to our disposition.

      • ViRGiN

        I would call you everything but PCVR elitist. Maybe PCVR power user.
        Yeah of course it’s just a start. But I was hoping for a true start, rather than re-releases of the very same games. It needs exclusive content for me. What’s announced so far makes it a very easy pass for me.
        And yeah, PS5 power and all that, great. I hope it’s put to proper use instead of making 300k poly teacup into 750k teacup.
        Those complaining about mobile graphics are very reluctant to admit that nearly everything PCVR has no PC impressive graphics anyway. “Better” than Quest, well it better be given it doesn’t run on battery!

        Just pity for all those elitists who purchased all their games on Steam; they won’t be able to access them on PS5 ;)

        • Cless

          I see! I appreciate that!

          Oh man, I wish it was like you say and all good stuff would come out for release, but that is rarely the case, not even true for consoles themselves nowadays.
          Games just take too long to make and too much money to invest for them to be done like that.
          Devs and publishers are happy seeing what PSVR did, but they need to see it wasn’t a fluke. With how much Sony is pushing for it, I’m not too worried it will sell more than well.

          And well, its not about the polycount, even though specifically for me it is (as a self-proclaimed graphics whore I am lol), but about the actual CPU power you can dedicate to logic and actual stuff going on in your game.

          How much stuff you can have on screen moving, or AIs working at the simultaneously, that is the real bottleneck.
          Similar to the PS4 gen, it was quite limiting on the CPU, while the GPU was okay.
          To that, add that the weaker the hardware, the more optimizations are required, and the less things you can put in the scope of your game.

          And finally, yeah, anyone expecting PSVR2 work perfectly out of the box for PC is a dummy. We might get a bunch of ports down the line on PC though, since the way PSVR2 and PS5 are pretty much a “standard” HMD attached to a PC (architecture and component wise)

          • Guest

            Too much money and fertile money is dirty money and that’s what is bad for VR. I agree CPU is the biggest constraint but that is mostly because of bloated development environments!

        • Nevets

          Listen to @disqus_AQjSurrrfx:disqus and learn, son. Games don’t get made in the same way that the biggest, ripest fruit is plucked from a tree. Games have to be germinated manually, cell by cell. It’s a long, arduous process. And instead of soil, games require rich seams of fertile money in which to grow. I understand that as a user, your viewpoint is constricted by your wants and desires, and your focus is narrowed by your childlike naivety. Don’t worry – while nothing is guaranteed, in the long run (and possibly the mid-term if Sony and Meta succeed with their next generations) VR is likely to take off. But you can’t have it all on launch day. It just isn’t as simple as you think.

          • ViRGiN

            So, what you are saying, Sony is JUST releasing PSVR2, and NOW developers can jump on board.
            PSVR1 released in 2016. It’s been years since. 99% of what we see is just ports of existing games. Did Sony not care about creating original, high end titles or porting their own IPs to VR for the past few years?
            Can you imagine Quest 3 main selling point being Beat Saber better VFX effects and better controller tracking as main selling point? I don’t. We are still pretty much a year away since release, but that’s where I put all my hope eggs to a basket. Meta unvealing Quest 3 with a bunch of new games, not silly PCVR ports of games that nobody cares about.
            We’ll see how Meta approaches it. But for now, PSVR2 is literally nothing for anyone who has used Quest/PCVR the past few years. Yeah you get Gran Turismo. Are you into racing? Others might be more into silly stories, and then you have Alyx on PCVR.

          • Nevets

            Well I agree with you to an extent, there actually isn’t a huge amount in the lineup that makes me want to run out and buy the headset, and no I’m not really into Gran Turismo either. But the resources to develop triple A games are huge and as for third-party developers remember that Sony didn’t announce their new headset until a fairly short time ago so it is only a handful of those who would have been under NDA who would have been developing games. I expect in the next few months we will hear some bigger announcements but yes the launch lineup isn’t exactly stellar although there is still a small handful of quite impressive titles. As for what might be coming next, I’m hoping astrobot and Wipeout and .

          • Manochang

            i bet GT7 in VR will make you feel differently about GT7 :)

          • Nevets

            Possibly! I prefer crazy arcade driving games personally though. Wipeout, Burnout and the like. I’d certainly be keen to see what gt7 actually looks like in VR though!

          • Manochang

            Yeah — fingers crossed on Wipeout. Gold standard VR racer as far as I am concerned :)

  • Pavlov, heck yeah! hope Rec Room gets an update to support it too soon, and maybe vrchat down the line

  • ApocalypseShadow

    Where are the naysayers now? GT 7 full mode as others and I suspected. A ton of games coming.

    Hybrid games like GT 7 and RE8. New IPs on the list. Ported games in better definition. Updated games in better definition with a lot of them free to update if you already have the PSVR versions.

    And, a headset that has proven in previews that it’s the real deal, light on the head and has features found no where else.

    Sony is starting out strong. If Sony can hit a great amount of potential sales, PS VR 2 will do greatly for VR as a whole.

    • ViRGiN

      Praydog killed psvr2 before release!

      • ApocalypseShadow

        Yeah. Because pray dog’s mod surely helps Quest 2. Sure didn’t help Grid Legends. Where’s the mod for that? Atrocious graphics.

        I’m guessing you’re one of the leading scorers in gorilla tag on Quest 2. It must still burn that the very game you used against PC came back and tagged you. Tag. You’re it. Still got some useless players numbers to tell us about?

        When Quest 2 side loads Skyrim for stand alone, that PSVR did over 6 years ago, then come back and talk. PS VR 2 and PC got a job to do which is too bring high fidelity back that Quest 2 is incapable of doing.

        • ViRGiN

          Don’t talk to me, or my family ever again, unless PCVR gets so powerful it can actually handle Resident Evil 4 in native VR.

          • Ookami

            My man actually felt physically threatened by a comment

          • Alexisms

            And invented a “family”.

      • Ookami

        What happened to “PSVR2 will kill PCVR”? You realized you can’t afford to get a PS5+PSVR2?

        • ViRGiN

          Same thing happened as to your sense of humor and sarcasm detector

          • Ookami

            Sarcasm doesn’t come across well on text, especially when it comes from someone who consistently says the dumbest stuff like “Valve could end the war in the week by shutting down steam in Russia”

          • ViRGiN

            Citation needed. But your theory does have some weight to it. But valve is valve, and is very impatient to earn their money in rubles once whole situation calms down. It is a fact that most people sent to the front are 20+ to about 35. Primary player base across the globe. Thousands haven’t seen their e-comrades back online in nearly a year. Even convicted war criminal, Igor Girkin, deemed responsible for shooting down plane with hundreds of Dutch citizens admitted to playing world of tanks on regular basis, and he used comparison for Western satellites data as to playing WOT against AI, where you can see enemy tanks marked as clear target even when hiding behind mountains.

          • Ookami

            LOL what are you going on about? I quoted what YOU said. wdym citation needed? I can post a screenshot if that’s what you want, I got it saved somewhere because it was so funny.

          • ViRGiN

            Yeah go ahead.

          • ViRGiN

            9 days later and unable to deliver evidence? Wow, you’re the worst valve fanboy in existence.

          • Ookami

            Really had you holding your breath, huh? For your information it was on my other computer which I didn’t have access to at the time, and I couldn’t be bothered pulling it out just for this. But you’ve caught me at a good time, since I just so happened to be using it. Lucky you.
            just get rid of the spaces:
            https: // i . postimg . cc / Ls0zYcj3 / vlcsnap-2023-01-30-01h34m18s813 . png

    • MOT

      I’ve pre ordered psvr2. I’ve got a reverb g2, quest and had the original psvr which is how I got into vr originally. I’ve used all the commercially available vr headsets and despite its flaws got a lot of enjoyment from the original psvr. There was some excitement content on the original. It seems Sony has fixed all the complaints over the original psvr and I’ve got really high hopes for psvr2.

      Psvr2 should also be a big boost for pcvr as the larger market will allow developers to make games that can run easily enough on both psvr2 and pc.

      Roll on the 22nd feb.

  • NL_VR

    Looking forward Feb 22 thats for sure :)

  • Jonathan Winters III

    “Sgames are re-releasing completely”

    What are “Sgames”?

    • ViRGiN

      getting upset about typo again?
      why are you here if you cant look past errors?

  • Tommy

    I wish they would release Contractors instead of Pavlov. Contractors is a much better game.

    Of this list, there are very few that I’m interested in as I already own most of these on PSVR, Quest 2, and PCVR and won’tbe re-purchasing. However, the new games that I do see look fantastic. Feb 22 can’t get here soon enough.

    • ViRGiN

      Pavlov for psvr2 only kills pcvr version even further. There won’t be mods for at least a year, and when there are, it will be highly curated content like Onward. I think game will be successful for as long as pavlov is the only mp shooter there – but maybe it will flop as the vanilla content is just boring.

      They also apparently aren’t capable of improving quest version, and have announced plans to sell it at 9.99/14.99 – hoping to undercut contractors by pricing alone. Who knows if it will ever come out – it’s already delayed by 4 years.

      • Tommy

        I think Pavlov will be competitive with Firewall Ultra too. Firewall was good but was a much slower game.
        Also agree that the unmodded versions of games like Pavlov and Contractors won’t do as well as their PC or Quesr countetparts

        • MOT

          The original firewall was a fantastic shooter and hopefully the new one will develop the game even further. The revs have a fantastic base concept fo build on. Will be interesting to see what they come up with using the more advanced technology available to them. The adaptive triggers if used correctly should be an amazing feature and I’m looking forward to see how they can utilize the eye tracking in game. We already know eye tracking is used for weapon selection in the new firewall but I’m sure there are other creative ways developers can use it as well.

          There is a lot to be excited about with the psvr2 with the eye tracking, adaptive triggers and headset feedback. Creative developers should be able to provide us with vr experience we have never seen before.

          • Tommy

            I liked Firewall but it was a little too slow for me. I also like campaigns more than multi-player so I hope they give Firewall a story, buy I doubt they will. I have my eye on Crossfire to be my first shooter go to buy I definitely won’t be buying Pavlov again.

    • NL_VR

      when i play Contractors its always something that feel that the game isnt there yet, something feels off.
      i cant say Pavlov is perfect but in the end, when we play Contractors and Pavlov we always end up having much more fun with Pavlov.

      • Tommy

        I feel ya. To each their own. Choice is a great thing.

  • TechnoHunter

    Quite honestly I am hyped for PSVR2 but the price is a buzzkill, which if they could of promoted it better for the expensive price then I would of been more elitist hyped. I have to agree that the ported game selection does not bring me the greatest hope for PSVR. Just have to see for all the rich parents who can afford it and hope that it spotlights VR enough to advance it further.

    • Ookami

      it’s still cheaper than a PCVR set-up.

    • MOT

      Its expensive but for the technology involved the price is actually reasonable.

    • Tommy

      I’m definitely not a rich parent but still got a PSVR 2. If you already own a PS5, it’s not that expensive. Heck, it’s only $50 more than a Quest 2 but with ten times the tech.

      • shadow9d9

        2.5 years newer than the quest 2… The quest 3 comes out this year which will br a much more fsir comparison. A wire is fairly dated for tech.

        • Tommy

          I’m sure the 3 will be an improvement but it will still not be a fair comparison. I don’t think it will be remotely close.

    • Arno van Wingerde

      Well there is the Quest2 or Pico4 for around €/$ 400, then there is PS5+PSVR2 for around 1100 and a cable (only 550 if you happen to own a PSVR2 already), but with massively stronger graphics and there is a 3000 top-of-line PC + VR glasses if you want the most. Especially given the strong line-up at launch of real games as opposed to “experiences”. I am quite happy with my Quest2 but seriously considering stepping up to the PSVR2, but I will wait to read the reviews and see whether the hardware is actually available for a change…

      • Tommy

        You can still pre-order one right now for launch day. I love the way Sony did pre-orders and cut out almost all the scalpers.

  • vancleefmustache

    I thought Switchback was coming out on launch day as well. At least that is what I am seeing on other sites. Is this not the case?

    • Tommy

      It was delayed 3 weeks.

      • vancleefmustache

        Thank you, sir! Yep. Saw that on Parole last night. No biggie. I have been trying to budget which games I was going to play first day through pre-orders so I am glad this news came out before I made that purchase. Now I will just allocate my funds to a different game and pick this up in March.

  • 3872Orcs

    I’m hoping for some open world RPG’s down the road. Anyone else think that is coming?

    • Ookami

      that would be great, but those things need massive budgets afaik, so I doubt we’re seeing that soon.

    • Tommy

      Ilysia is coming.

  • Volar

    Switchback and No Man’s Sky release on launch day!

    Also is Hello Neigbour missing, according to the PSN Store is releases in Launch Day …

    • Tommy

      Switchback was delayed 3 weeks

  • ViRGiN

    The world would be a better place if a bus failed to brake on time while ViRGiN is crossing.
    True or false?

    • NL_VR

      Stop trolling one real troll is enough, another troll trolling by pretending to be the troll is just boring :P

  • Arno van Wingerde

    It certainly looks like a good line-up for starters. What surprises me is the lack of popular PSVR1 games: AstroBot was so popular, why hasn’t it gotten a PSVR2 upgrade? I for one cannot believe that in spite of the different tracking and controller opties it is no more than 10% of the work of creating a great game to convert it. Maybe Sony is just spacing out its games, so you do not start with 100 games, and than get only 3 games the next year.
    I would also miss stuff like In death: unchained, Epic Rollercoasters, Pinball, the Climb. A reason to consider a PCVR would be to get the VR mods of great games… as well as Flight Simulator. Choices, choices!

  • mellott124

    Anyone getting early deliveries? Mine says out of delivery today 2/21.

    • mellott124

      Sadly I got a “rescheduled delivery” email from UPS about 6pm. Coming 2/22 hopefully…

  • silvaring

    VR still on baby legs… sigh

  • Yeshaya

    Is there a list showing which games have PSVR2 exclusive features, like adaptive triggers and advance feedback? Those are the ones I’m really interested in trying.

  • joe mama

    k mk

  • Jay

    I think Hello Neighbor needs to be moved to the upcoming games section