Acclaimed comedian and musician Reggie Watts is bringing his surrealist lyrical style and infectious comedy act to virtual reality later this month. Fans can attend the show from within AltspaceVR’s social VR platform, or spectate via the YouTube livestream.

Watts will be performing on Thursday, May 26th at 8pm-9pm PDT (click for local time) from AltspaceVR’s special comedy studio in Los Angeles, created in collaboration with the web-based JASH comedy group.

This isn’t Watts’ first experience with virtual reality though, because not only has he performed in the short-form 360 comedy Waves, a project created in partnership with WEVR that saw accolades from Sundance and Tribeca film festivals, but as it turns out – he’s actually a self-professed VR enthusiast.


“I’ve always been a fan of virtual reality, or at least the idea of creating another reality with technology that’s relatively believable,” Watts told the Voices of VR Podcast Kent Bye“I got into VR because I like being immersed into other realities, and having the ability to create those realities.”

AltspaceVR has turned into a veritable theme park of games and events since it officially opened its doors this time last year, and features everything from Frisbee golf to pub quizzes, while regularly hosting events like movie nights, improv comedy nights from JASH, official Dungeons and Dragons, and much more.

Fans can watch the performance live directly in AltspaceVR through a number of devices including Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, but also in 2D-mode via traditional monitors. Live guests must first register for an AltspaceVR account by heading to the sign-up page, and then RSVP through the event page on Eventbrite. Reservations are limited.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • mrisinger

    “Frisbee golf”… You just insulted the sport of disc golf :)

  • Tess Stanley-Hannah

    I’m SO in. Do it Reggie!