Oculus first announced that it was developing a high-end standalone headset, codenamed Santa Cruz, way back in 2016, and ever since there’s been great anticipation for the device which aims to offer 6DOF head and hand tracking with no reliance on external sensors or a host PC. A new report indicates that the headset could finally come to market in Q1 2019.

According to UploadVR, citing independent sources, Oculus is targeting a Santa Cruz release date for Q1 2019. It was known that the company planned to begin sending out Santa Cruz dev kits to developers this year, but they haven’t indicated any official information regarding a release date.

UploadVR also points out that the upcoming Oculus Connect developer conference is set to include presentations from the company aimed at helping developers understand how to port existing Rift applications to Santa Cruz.

Image courtesy Oculus

Oculus launched its first standalone headset this year, the affordable Oculus Go. And while the Go is a lot like a standalone version of the smartphone-based Gear VR, Santa Cruz looks to represent Oculus’ first standalone headsets to offer the defining features of high-end VR headsets: 6DOF tracking for head and hands, allowing users to experience much more interactive games and content than the 3DOF tracking of Oculus Go.

Everything We Know About Oculus Santa Cruz (so far)

Now that the release date window seems to have become apparent, the next big question is price. With the Go at $200 and the Rift at $400, what could Oculus reasonably charge for what amounts to a standalone Rift that doesn’t require external trackers, but has much less processing power than a Rift connect to a PC?

As ever, looking to competitors gives us a good idea of where things might fall. The two most comparable products available today are the Lenovo Mirage solo ($400) and HTC Vive Focus (~$525), though neither offer 6DOF controllers like Santa Cruz. Our bet is that Santa Cruz’s price will fall somewhere right between those two, though we’d surely love to see it much lower!

We expect to hear fresh details about Santa Cruz next month during Oculus Connect. Stay tuned!

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Raphael

    An exciting next 10 years of mobile VR from oculus. Santa cruz will feature an increase of 2 degrees FOV, 100mhz mobile processor increase and a nice fabric covered shell.

    Octopus users hoping for gen 2 PC VR will have to look elsewhere.

    • JJ

      Do you really have to include name calling on your first comment?
      It goes to show that you’re having brand confidence issues, otherwise you wouldn’t be trying to belittle other brand users…. If you just had your first comment you’d get good feedback and conversation from others, but now we just see you a pretentious dick.

      typical raphael.

      • Raphael

        You’re right flappy. From this point on I will refrain from name calling on the first comment. In future all name calling will be from the second comment onward. JJ seems angrier than normal today.

        • Baldrickk

          Is(n’t) “octopus” a reference to Facebook wanting all your user data as opposed to an issue with the device?

          • Raphael

            I guess it has many interpretations. A negative person like JJ interprets it as an insult whereas a well-balanced person doesn’t assume the worst. It’s modern art… The viewer’s interpretation reveals insight into their psyche.

          • JJ

            wow PoopShitface you are so many drugs. I was just supporting decency and civilized discussion but obviously your incapable of either of them and just degrade any conversation you’re in….

            “The viewer’s interpretation reveals insight into their psyche.”
            “It goes to show that you’re having brand confidence issues, otherwise you wouldn’t be trying to belittle other brand users….”

            are the same thing just reworded, so next time PoopShitface, when you try to further insult me, you should think for yourself and not just repeat back to me what I said about you. because Like i said and then you repeated, it proves how little you can actually think for yourself.

            i dont care about octopus rift, I cared about the negative connotations right off the bat. There are enough trolls here and 99% of the time you’re one of them.

            in the end you act like you’re 12 when people make comments towards you and whatever you say to this is going to sound like a 12 year old response as well. prove me wrong for once.

          • Daemonic

            Wow. Rant much? Hail Satan lol

          • JJ

            Literally didn’t have anything better to do :) Raphael is a cancer on these posts so i told him lol. Thanks for keeping it fun though :) Hail Satan

          • Raphael

            Super-inflated ego much? So let’s get this straight… someone (me) voices opinion on octopusVR focusing exclusively on mobile VR… you come along with your mental rage issues and interpret that as an attack on all octopus users around the world. You then use the hypocritical manipulation of “Thanks for keeping it fun though :)” with a perceived imaginary online buddy. Someone who in your mind agrees with everything you think and feel. You then finish with a “Hail Satan” because you think it makes you edgy and funny.

          • Raphael

            “in the end you act like you’re 12 when people make comments towards you and whatever you say to this is going to sound like a 12 year old response as well. prove me wrong for once.” <<<>>> “wow PoopShitface you are so many drugs.”
            ” but now we just see you a pretentious dick.”

            “in the end you act like you’re 12 when people make comments ” >>> And this was in response to: “An exciting next 10 years of mobile VR from oculus. Santa cruz will feature an increase of 2 degrees FOV, 100mhz mobile processor increase and a nice fabric covered shell.

            Octopus users hoping for gen 2 PC VR will have to look elsewhere.”

            “Literally didn’t have anything better to do :) Raphael is a cancer on these posts so i told him lol. Thanks for keeping it fun though :) Hail Satan” << Yeah, I guess you can't keep a job with your mental rages, right flappy?

            Now, jog-on and stop thinking the entire forum is on your side.

          • JJ

            yeah…. I was clearly mocking you for the way you acted. so anything you highlight and point out as flawed or immature just further solidifies my point. And the bullying started with you giving a derogatory name to the oculus users. So have fun being the way you are cause I pity you.

          • Raphael

            No idea what you’re on about flappy. What was the derogatory name i have to octopus users? You keep using words like immature which is bizarre considering the names you called me for having a different view to you. Then you arrogantly speak for the entire forum by using the word “we” in your personal attack. My post contained no attack on octopus users. You clearly have severe mental issues. Jog-on.

          • Raphael

            Hard to believe that all of this shite from jj because i said this:

            “An exciting next 10 years of mobile VR from oculus. Santa cruz will feature an increase of 2 degrees FOV, 100mhz mobile processor increase and a nice fabric covered shell.

            Octopus users hoping for gen 2 PC VR will have to look elsewhere.”

            Someone with a brain even pointed out to him that my comment was sarcasm and he should get a sense of humor.

            Yes, my comment was sarcasm. Where was the insult to oculus users? Oh… I used the word “octopus” which is so clearly on the list of globally adopted insults right?

            So when i say jj has mental health issues, It’s no lie or exaggeration. The guy is fucking mental (and not in a cool anti-hero way but more of a what the fuck is wrong with that bastard sort of way).

            Octopus users should look elsewhere… I was having a dig at oculus focusing on mobile vr…. How in god’s cock is that an attack on octopus users?

            What a fucking headcase! I will consider blocking mentalo today because he’s clearly too far gone for recovery.


      • Hivemind9000

        Raphael’s post is sarcasm and rhyming slang isn’t “name calling”. You should go buy yourself a sense of humor.

      • Raphael

        Here’s my theory about your extreme reaction… You are a VR user… a fan of VR… you are an oculus (octopus) rift VR user… a fan of oculus VR… over some period of time (perhaps years) you have had arguments with vive users who attack oculus users. The net effect of such arguments is that you become “hyper-sensitized”. Thus there are trigger words and you react to those triggers in the way you have learned in your various encounters with those who attack oculus.

        This would certainly explain your reaction to a perceived threat although of course it doesn’t justify such a reaction.

        This theory arose in part because of my own experiences in arguments with VR haters. Over a period of time I became hyper-sensitive to criticism of VR especially as it always followed a formulaic pattern (anti-VR rhetoric always centered around a number of well-circulated cliches).

        So likewise… you have become hyper-sensitive when you perceive any criticism of oculus rift.

    • Ombra Alberto

      I will strengthen the GPU in anticipation of the CV2.

      • brandon9271

        We’ll probably have RTX 2180 by then ;)

  • Ombra Alberto

    Q1 2019–> Santa Cruz
    Q1 2020–> Cv2

    I have to suffer one more year.

    • dk

      too bad they won’t be 2 in 1 ….with optional pc connection with the santa cruz

      • brandon9271

        This is what they’d do if they were smart. Apparently they aren’t. Mobile VR is shite.

        • Smokey_the_Bear

          Current mobile VR is…this is 6 months away, it will be the device that gives mobile VR a good name.

          • brandon9271

            I have serious doubts. What kind of SoC are they using? Tegra? Snapdragon? I own a Switch and I’m impressed at the graphics you can get out of mobile devices these days. However, the Switch is only doing 720p and sometimes only at 30hz. To hit 75hz at the resolution required for VR they’re going to have to dial things back quite a bit from what we see on the Switch. That’s not the sort of thing that gets current gen gamers excited.

  • jeff courtney

    I have a mirage solo standalone and its great.Only daydream app off of google play but positional tracking and full room scale is rad.Praise Jesus !

    • JJ

      Hail Satan!

      • Get Schwifty!

        Why do you feel the need to mock his faith, are you so little that you fear it’s expression?

        • dk

          he is expressing his feeling about it :P …..Hail Sagan!

          • JJ

            thanks guys thats how i feel too :) Theres no point in adding Praise Jesus to each of your comments if you can’t tolerate other religions :)

          • Get Schwifty!

            We both know he’s mocking, don’t try to joke around it.

          • JJ

            lol this is why I mock religious nut jobs… You’re so entitled to your own ways you get sooooooo butt hurt when people oppose them.
            First off, I can mock whoever the fuck i want ESPECIALLY if its over nutty job religious content.
            Secondly, you don’t know anything about me or my religion. in your christ-like white knight protection service, you have become exactly what you claim to oppose, an intolerant, prejudice, wack-ado.

            Why do you feel the need to think religion hold presidency in our VR related conversations. YOU guys are whining and complaining about us discussing your religion when you’re the ones bringing it into the conversation and forcing it on everyone whether they agree with your religion or not. Its pretty fucked up actually. Don’t bring your religion to the table if you don’t want it to be scrutinized and compared with all other religions because yours in no different.

            Bottom line you guys are clearly religious fanatics, in a non religious place so were going to talk the way WE want to talk and not talk in accordance to YOUR religion. ffs

          • care package

            Religious nut jobs lol. I guess you’ve got a better idea. Love to hear it.

          • dk

            how about not accepting religions until they demonstrate their claims in some way
            if your point is people should use softer language when dealing with people ….sure u can make a case for that
            ….but than again if someone wants to call me a nut job or whatever I don’t care

          • jj

            yeah its a pretty simple one, don’t believe in mystical beings…. Do you believe in a hypogriff or a chocobo? no because theyre arent real, theyre fantasy and made up. Just like all the bat shit stuff in most religions scriptures. Not to mention the blatant slavery and genocide thats encouraged by every religion including Christianity, up until recent modern day when people finally went maybe we shouldn’t do exactly what the bible tells us when it says we can have slaves and murder people who don’t agree with our blind faith. its funny you guys use blind faith as useful mechanic to you’re cause, when guess who else does that exclusively? Nazis and cult leaders.

            When a belief has you believe you’re not smart enough or capable of knowing the truth its because you’re getting scammed and manipulated into an agenda.

          • care package

            Ya them silly ass religious people lol. When they gonna realize life all came from nothing and genetics intelligently formed itself without any intelligence lmao

          • jj

            I should have let the upvotes speak for me :)

          • Get Schwifty!

            He has every right to without being mocked, your not a Satanist, and it’s anything but toleration to mock, but then being honest is not your strong suit.

          • Get Schwifty!

            In other words its self-justified, anti-religious bigotry…. and a form of cyber-bullying on top. Again, very big of you guys.

          • dk

            in other words …..the religious guy is expressing his feelings…..and other people r expressing their feelings too ….Hail Sagan!
            everyone has the freedom to express themselves ….isn’t it wonderful

            cyber-bullying is …..u r a worthless piece of shit and u should kill yourself ….and a 1000 comments like that on every account including ……I figured out where u live and I’ll swing by later

        • FireAndTheVoid

          I kind of feel like they are inviting this type of response when they include “Praise Jesus!” at the end of every post. This is a VR article on a VR website. It’s not a Christian website. Don’t expect sympathetic responses.

          • Get Schwifty!

            By that logic if someone says a quiet grace to themselves over dinner at a party your entitled to mock them?

          • FireAndTheVoid

            Sorry, I disagree. What I see is jeff courtney starting a conversation about religion. JJ responds that they don’t agree with religion. dk responds that they believe science over religion. There is no name calling here and no cursing.

        • JJ

          “so little that i fear its expression”
          haha thats great and made my day.
          Why do you think im mocking a faith when I include my own? I feel like you don’t take my religion seriously and in turn are mocking it. Are you so little that you fear my religions expressions??

          btw RtoVR comment sections has become great entertainment, and not in a troll way, just in a people are stupidly interesting way.

          • Get Schwifty!

            Your simply lying.

          • dk

            no idea is beyond mockery ….flat earters can mock a globe earth all they want….and people can mock their ideas all day long ….no idea is immune to mockery
            everyone has the freedom to express themselves ….isn’t it wonderful

          • Peter K

            Guys, ignore this “JJ” dude. he is insecure to the point that he comments on literally every place he can find to hate on something. I bet he can’t afford vr and just likes to speak obnoxiously so he can childishly enjoy temporary domination over others. His life probably sucks too, please sympathize him. Papa bless.

          • JJ

            your sympathy is unwelcome. I just see people posting dumb shit and since im in the industry and own every headset and have worked on a few vr projects that most of you talk about playing I think i qualify more than most. Most of the time if people are having genuine VR conversations i’m there trying to rebuddle the trolls and people who are commenting with apparently no experience in vr.

            If you want an educated by-standards opinion on VR then read my comments otherwise go suck on an egg because I could care less.
            The best is when you guys try to guess at what my life is like :D
            For some reason you guys think that people who partake in educated discussions in an open forum must mean that people have no life and are insecure when really we’re just all caught up on work today and looking for vr discussions….

            So have fun depicting these statements trying to find proof my life’s shitty :) your attempts are pretty humorous

  • Adrian Meredith

    It would be mind blowing if they could find a way to allow tethering the pc wirelessly in addition to the standalone

    • Baldrickk

      Agreed, especially with the new advancements of the real-time ray-tracing on the new GPUs. sure, it still has some way to go, but the latency should be reduced as with ray-traced graphics, the pipeline is shorter – great news for VR.
      PCs still have the grunt to provide the best visuals – and as much as I would love a stand-alone that could rival a full PC, I don’t think strapping a RTX2080i to your face would be a great experience.

      • Firestorm185


        • JJ


    • dk

      well u could have some sort of wireless connection on it’s own ……if u have a virtuallink port …..u can have an optional wired connection or add on like tpcast

    • JJ

      yeah I can see that being a big feature on future headsets. the mobility and freedom of mobile VR plus the beef of wired if you want but still get the lightweight ehadset

    • MosBen

      That’s partly why I really like the breakout box concept of the Magic Leap One. Taking all of the computing power out of the headset makes it lighter and cooler, and in something like Santa Cruz it would also allow you to have it connected to the HMD by a VirtualLink cable. Then you could unplug the breakout box when you’re at home and plug into your gaming PC for more power. It would also allow you yo upgrade the breakout box down the road when more powerful mobile hardware becomes available. Yes, sometimes people don’t have pockets or belt loops, but that seems like a pretty small and solvable problem compared to the utility that a break put box gives you.

      • Firestorm185

        OoO I never thought about the fact that Cruz might have Virtuallink on it! a usb c cable port would be so easy to add to the headset, I’m really hoping that’s what they do!

    • q23main

      RiftCat should be on that thing ASAP

      • dk

        ….sure but the result will be meh ….u need a proper video transmitter and receiver for low latency

    • moogaloo

      I read elsewhere that Oculus streaming was of the cards, but I expect steamVR streaming to happen, which should give us what we want. We might even be able to play Oculus Rift games using revive though steamvr?

    • HybridEnergy

      LoL! Hello? Oculus? Yes? Hi I was wondering if this device you spent years now developing to make it a self contained wireless VR experience could be turned back into a RIFT that’s been out since 2016? lol

      • Firestorm185

        *lower graphical quality* wireless vr experience, but yes, I get what you’re saying.

      • brandon9271

        If it’s nothing more than a 2016 Rift with a mobile SoC then Oculus is in serious trouble.

      • daveinpublic

        2016? That’s ancient!

    • Dave

      This is the only think which for me will make Santa Cruz viable. Is anybody going to pay $600 bucks for an Oculus Go v2 aka Santa Cruz. There’s practically no games to make use of this and it’s just wouldn’t work.

      I hope they can find a way of running existing Rift games maybe with a little less processing power, a built in GTX 1060 or something similar but the solution would need to be wireless, then they’ll be onto a winner.

      I believe this is possible with the current technology and would be something pretty special as I imagine they would be using everything they have learnt to date in this thing. Otherwise a Go v2 would just be a No Go and bomb.

    • OkinKun

      Considering people have already sorta done it with the Oculus Go, I think there’s a good chance it will be possible with santa cruz.

    • brandon9271

      I wouldn’t even care if it wasn’t wireless. Of all my complaints about the current state of VR, the wire isn’t even in my top ten. Better optics, no god rays, wider FOV, higher resolution, foveated rendering, adjustable focus lenses ala OSVR HDK… And on and on. Give me a permium VR experience in everyway. I can deal with the wire. Hell, I’ll wear the computer on my back if I have to

        • brandon9271

          Exactly! ;)

      • BattleAxeVR

        The wire is the absolute worst aspect of my Rift for me, inside-out 6DOF doesn’t even come close. I set up my sensors once and haven’t thought about them since. Higher res and less glare from the lenses are mandatory for me to bother upgrading, but all those problems should be fixed. Tethered is the biggest one though, for room scale games it’s the one thing that always takes me out of the action. It’s always there, nagging at you. If you just play sitting games or such, then wired is fine.

      • Richard Worth

        Nope, the wire is THE MAIN reason why myself and A LOT of people won’y jump in fully in VR currently. I use to have an Oculus and a vive and got rid of them not because of the quality, but because the wire took away the experience completely for myself and my friends etc.

        • brandon9271

          Hmm.. i don’t understand the issue. I added 20ft extensions to mine and i honestly forget the cable is there.

  • moogaloo

    I think it is a bit much to expect us all to shave our heads for this.. Oh well

    • dk

      what about hands

      • Daemonic

        Yes, we have to shave our hands too

    • brandon9271

      I don’t mind sharing my hands but that’s where i draw the line

  • HybridEnergy

    Meh. time for CV2/Vive2 era.

    • brandon9271

      EXACTLY! if this won’t tether to PC I don’t care

      • moogaloo

        From what I have read elsewhere Ocululs PC streaming is of the cards for now, but SteamVR streaming is likely, maybe play those oculus rift games using revive and steamvr streaming?

        • brandon9271

          Why would SteamVR stream work but not Oculus? I mean, why would Oculus support a competing platform on Santa Cruz but not their own?

          • moogaloo

            It’s a third party app VRidge that does the streaming. Currently supports mobiles and some other stand alone headsets such as the Oculus Go

      • OkinKun

        Good chance someone will make it work. I think there’s already a way to stream PC VR to your Oculus Go, it just doesn’t have positional tracking without a lot of work. lol This shouldn’t have that problem if they can stream to it.. Tho that’ll probably have latency.
        If they make this affordable enough, you should care.. Right now most of us with VR headsets on our PCs don’t have many real friends to play VR with.. But this could be the most affordable and easy access way to get a full 6dof VR experience, nevermind the graphics, even the Go is pretty impressive there, so I’m not worried. And that means more people to play VR games with, finally. lol

    • OkinKun

      Naw.. We won’t be seeing any serious/true-next-gen CV2/Vive2 until end of 2019, at the SOONEST. Until then, we’ll just be seeing some decent prototypes being shown off for next gen features, and the graphics card companies ramping up inclusion of the new port for it. There’s still a lot that needs to improve, or else it’s not worth calling it a new generation.
      IMO, Santa Cruz (or whatever they end up calling it) is gonna be HUGE! I think standalone is required for mainstream adoption, especially the average casual/console gamer. I bet there’s a good chance Santa Cruz could eventually end up selling more units than the Rift.

  • Molmir

    I disagree that Santa Cruz is a portable Rift with less processing power (performance wise).

    First it is guaranteed to have higher resolution, because reviews pointed that out in the 2017 model already, so a 2019 model might even have the new displays announced this spring with 10x ish increase in res.

    The processor will certainly be less powerful than a wired VR-ready PC, yes, but eyetracking with foveated rendering that actually works will compensate for that. (assuming they have successfully developed that, considering that and inside out tracking is the two major features that motivates the long development, and the inside out tracking was excellent in 2017 so the only thing that can motivate a 2019 release is giving the devs time to make eyetracking+foveated rendering right, otherwise they would have already released it in the 2017 holiday season).

    So I am convinced the Santa Cruz device will actually be better than the Rift device in every way, except some additional weight, the addition of battery life, and the FoV might remain unchanged.

    • JJ

      The foveated rendering will help these devices but it still isn’t anything near enough to have them compete with wired vr HMDs processing power.

      Im excited for the SC but you dont really understand the tech as good as others.

    • HybridEnergy

      Why do we assume it’s internal tracking is going to be perfect? Having a Acer MR headset myself the tracking is disappointing and jittery.

      • Molmir

        We do not assume, we know based on reviews of the 2017 prototype. And in 2019 it will be even more polished.
        Windows VR tracking is bad because that particular inside out tracking is bad, not because all inside out tracking is bad.

        • HybridEnergy

          prototype reviews? yea I’ll wait to hear the final verdict.

      • Smokey_the_Bear

        It has 4 camera’s for tracking, instead of Microsoft’s MR HMD’s which have 2.

        • HybridEnergy

          That’s good, but I still need to be convinced.

    • saintkamus

      10 x resolution, AND foveated rendering?

      You can’t be that naive…
      Even if the technology was ready, which is not. This is a mid range product if you believe the sources.

      This means you can expect this to have similar capabilities to the go, but with full 6dof on head and controllers.

      The specs for this have probably been locked down for a year. So to expect it to have a screen, that has only been shown as an early prototype is wishful thinking.

      • Mei Ling

        Most likely an iteration over the Oculus Go except with full positional tracking (with controllers supplied) and possibly a slightly increased resolution over the Go.

        I’m betting the lenses and ergonomics will most probably be exactly the same as the Go albeit slightly larger form factor due to the increased processing power (for the increased resolution) and positional tracking.

        Overall don’t expect to see a generational leap over the Rift other than the standalone solution and improved lenses.

        The other project they have going, the Half Dome prototype (multi-focal system), which won’t be released until late 2020 at the earliest will be the real deal.

        • Gregory Martin

          Yeah, as depressing as it is, I agree with your general assessment. I am brand agnostic and just want to see VR improve as rapidly as possible. So I would be elated if some company comes out with something as good as or better than half dome in the interim.

    • MW

      ‘eyetracking with foveated rendering ‘… My gosh… Are you crazy? Think – what kind of games will work on this toy? A smartphone games. Nothing more. Gpu with tdp around 350 which has the ability to render 1080p in 90hz in VR costs around 700usd. Not mentioning cpu, memory, expensive motherboard and ram. What the hell are you expecting from portable battery-operated toy?

      This whole mobile VR is just another way to get easy money from losers who have not heard about geravr.

  • MW

    NO! VR problem is not just price. It’s also poor quality. After 5 years of development,and we get this?? New gpu costing over 1000usd, and new version of gerarvr? This is just… sad.

    • brandon9271


      • MW

        Yes, you right ‘Gear VR’… Samsung plastic case on their smartphone. Pretty good toy, years ago. And I expect that SantaCruz will have similar capabilities as mentioned Gear Vr.

    • q23main

      Dude, 6DOF makes all the difference. Inside-out tracking is also great. This said – if RiftCat won’t make SteamVR possible for it – it’s a no go for me

      • MW

        Maybe for you. For me, not. 1) Better resolution, 2) fov and 3) refresh rate. Those are most important, and and the most difficult goals to achieve. And SantaCruz will not improve any of them.

        • JJ

          6dof will make a huuuge difference for others and i. Even though i agree what you say will be huge improvements, 6dof is a low hanging fruit that should have been around earlier for these

    • dk

      about the gpu thing ….some people r saying that they might be shuffling around the names so u could upgrade from 1080 to 2070 …..or from an older card to a 2070 ….so that’s around $500

      • MW

        2070 – 1) does not have vlink, 2) it will be probably like 1080ti. So… what’s the point?

        • dk

          yep lacking nvlink is really shitty of them
          ….but I was just saying that some people r saying that if u ignore the names and u just look at the price ….the 1080 is replaced by the so called 2070 ….and yes the difference is not worth it if u have a 1080

    • OkinKun

      Sheesh, Wait till they give us more details/demos next month!.. lol
      All we’ve seen so far is early prototype stuff from a over year ago. At OC5 we’ll see more advanced footage and demos, so just hang on.
      I bet it’ll be more impressive graphically than you expect.
      Frankly, if the price is good, and developers can make enough good experiences, this could be one of the best headsets available to-date.

    • Nulthar

      You do realize that the Santa cruz probably will run on the same os as the go?

  • This is what the Go should have been… but it still won’t drive games like Fallout VR or The Forest, so blah.

    It’s not impossible to get a rich RPG or CoOp game on a mobile device like this… but it’s not likely. If the price isn’t too bad, I might get one, but I’m going to have to see one, single, decent game for it first. So far mobile VR has been a curious distraction at most. :/

  • Smokey_the_Bear

    Nice, this is the one I’ve been waiting for!

  • Lucio Lima

    FOVE ???

  • dk

    yeah that might be the case ….but technically u could have 2 headsets and the mobile one can be compatible with steamvr and both can be significantly different ….so they will both sell units

  • Ted Joseph

    Day one purchase!

  • Raphael

    I finds it disappointing octopusVR seem to be focusing exclusively on mobile VR. Would be nice to see the first hybrid VR with mobile and PC functionality.

    • moogaloo

      I expect steamvr to stream to this, so could act as hybrid? The Vive Focus already has this and with 6dof and touch controllers it should be more compatible

      • Raphael

        That would be great then. I love the idea of having one VR headset covering standalone and PC.

  • Lucidfeuer

    So you’re telling me that the Vive Focus is actually better in almost every way than the Santa Cruz will end-up being a year from now?

    What is happening at Oculus, the fuck are they working on in fact? Why would most people bother with the archaic unergonomic strap-design and the fact that it doesn’t have wireless tethering which is something any smartphone now has?

    I still believe in the theoritical possibility that these companies are willingly hindering the VR market for some reasons…

    • OkinKun

      How did you come to any of those conclusions? We don’t know what the final strap design looks like.. And there’s no reason tethering, wireless or otherwise, won’t be possible with software updates or user-hacks. lol people already kinda do it with the Oculus Go.

      Wait till next month, we’ll get more updated details at OC5.

      • Lucidfeuer

        The difference is the strap-design is highly unergonomic, unfitting, unstable and unpractical compared to (what I thought was a done debate) the headband design. The OSC has a had a strap design in all the shown iteration while the Vive Focus already has a headband design period.

        As for wireless tethering, Vive -officially- announced the support of Riftcat, now it’s not all the way to being native, but it’s already a long way ahead of “hacks”, while Oculus as, as of now (I doubt it’ll change given it’s Facebook behind, remember) doesn’t have any support, let alone native.

        Finally the Focus was released this March, while the OSC is planned for Q1/2 2019…the fact that VR headset iteration is slow (3 years appart for Oculus) and despite being released a year later it missed two crucial aspects that were already non-sensically missing from the first iteration…is what makes me come to those conclusions.

        • OkinKun

          This is already a flawed discussion if your whole basis is to compare it to the Vive Focus.. The Focus is more on the level of the Oculus Go. It has basic 6dof tracking, but certainly NOT the kind of large room-scale tracking that the Santa Cruz is capable of. They won’t compare at all once OSC comes out.
          Personally, I prefer the rigid strap design that the Rift has, over other headsets, and I’d be fine with Santa Cruz if it has that. But we’ve yet to see the final design, so that might have changed by now.
          Again, you can’t make those assumptions about tethering. It’s basically already possible with the Go to play certain PC VR games, and user-made PC-to-headset streaming Apps will work fine without seeming like hacks. It’s almost an absolute certainty that someone will get this working. But even on headsets where it’s -officially- supported, it’s still not an ideal feature to use, with increased latency and reduced functionality. It’s not really a benefit even if it works, at this point.

          • Lucidfeuer

            For any functionality to work ideally, this has to either be developed in-house preventively, or this has to be integrated in it’s current working form for it to develop further. That’s true of many aspects and components of VR headset that are missing, wether it’s hand tracking, room tracking, see-through AR, AR-tracking, wireless tethering, eye-tracking etc…

  • 87%ValdeDetta

    The FOV what is it, hope it´s bigger then 110 otherwise it sucks! Not one year more with 110 FOV!

  • brandon9271

    I’m interested if:

    A) it has OLED screens equal or better than Vive Pro

    B) much better optics, ZERO God rays!

    C) Can tether to PC wirelessly or wired.

    D) (bonus) Is compatible with Touch controllers.

  • IMHO it will cost around $500

  • Ted Joseph

    I actually cant wait for this. To be able to play mid level graphics games anywhere in the world (I travel all over), is amazing. I bring my Go with me, but I am sort of sick of 3DOF games and video. I want to be able to exercise to Thrill of the Fight in my hotel room (play this 3 to 4X per week on 110% chin, and I am soaked after 6 of 8 rounds)! This is exactly what I am looking for with respects to portable VR. I will still keep my tethered Rift with my 1080.

  • Stephan froth

    Whats happened to Oculus Rift 2.0 ?
    Why do I want a VR that is powered by a smart phone when I have a 1080Ti sitting in my PC !
    Can we just get version 2 already !

  • Nick Dauchot

    Gogo Oculus! (killin it)

  • Another Opinion

    I thought that since the 2.0 update in May, the Vive Focus now supports 6DoF?