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It is the final day of CES 2015 and Road to VR Editor Paul James is already on his way home. No worries though, because we still have Executive Editor Ben Lang to report on his final day of scoping out VR companies and their wares. There was plenty of stuff to report on, so let’s get this show started!

Rev VR Podcast: CES 2015 Recap – Day 4

Immersion-Vrelia was the first stop today, and they had plenty to see. The ‘Go’ is a smartphone holder that gives individual eye adjustment and can hold the big phones, including the Galaxy Note 4. Oh, and apparently you can drop it on the floor several times without damaging anything, which is a big plus for folks who have a tendency to drop things (like me).

Next on the agenda was Sulon showing off their Cortex VR headset. With just a few steps beyond ‘proof of concept’ stage, the Sulon Cortex can scan a room and use that data to provide a unique form of positional tracking. I’m curious to see how this develops as time goes by.

Vrvana had a few new versions of their Totem headset to show off. With custom lenses and stereo pass through cameras, it seems like the Totem is making strides to get their product consumer ready.

It appears that Seebright may be looking for some crowd funding soon as their augmented reality smartphone headset is coming together. Being able to watch a 3D movie while still seeing the outside world is an interesting concept, and who knows what type of programs will take advantage of this.

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Ben finished off his day with FOVE. Eye tracking is a phrase that I hear buzzing around the VR community quite a bit, and it appears that FOVE might be offering the best solution for this. Ben reports that it was fairly quick and accurate, but still has a few steps to go before being ready for consumers. Will we see other VR companies adopt eye tracking or foveated rendering? Who knows….

Well, that is it for the CES 2015 recap podcasts. The Rev VR Podcast will return to its normal format starting with the next episode. It has been a fun week of chats with the guys from Road to VR, and I hope you all enjoyed getting the fastest reporting possible, straight from the show floor.

Thanks for listening!

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  • brantlew

    Hey Ben, you’re correct about the stereo camera placement. Just like in pure VR camera placement affects perception but not eye comfort. Eye comfort is based on alignment of the screen, lens, and rendering projection. Camera / IPD mismatch will effect perceptual scale of the world and also distorts the motion of the eyes through the world. That can be uncomfortable, but not to the eyes – to the perception of motion. Of course, since the cameras are already placed a few centimeters in front of the true eyes this slight deviation in lateral position would already be drowned out by the huge forward deviation.

  • Atriedi

    I know AntVR was present at CES as well – did you get a chance to try out their HMD? I’m very interested in hearing how it stacks up against the competition.

  • mattdaw

    Skeptical on Vrvana after they deleting my comments in their facebook page.

    “Vrvana had a few new versions of their Totem headset to show off. With custom lenses and stereo pass through cameras, it seems like the Totem is making strides to get their product consumer ready.”

    Highly doubt they have made any improvement since the last Kickstarter campaign. Are we duped into believing Totem has new features without proof of any audiences did hand-on at CES?

    Please show the Totem demoing in Youtube or we assumed it didn’t happen. Looking like how they quickly remove my questions, this show they have a bad PR and can’t be trusted. I trust Oculus Rift for openness. Hey Totem backers, you hear that forgodsake?