Cosmo Scharf, a good friend of the Rev VR Podcast, returns once again to talk about all of the exciting VR events happening in Los Angeles this year. With the VRLA Summer Expo and the second annual Proto Awards just around the corner, the VRLA team has a full lineup of VR to share with us.

Rev VR Podcast – Episode 108

I always enjoy talking to Cosmo about virtual reality. Despite being on the younger end of the enthusiast spectrum, his comments and insight into this industry always lead us to interesting topics of discussion. In this episode, we discuss everything from hotdogs that taste like bananas, to advertisements in VR that taste like iced tea.

I will be attending the VRLA Summer Expo, and look forward to being a part of this sold out event. Being one of over 2000 attendees, I have a feeling I am going to have a great time trying all of the demos, and chatting it up with the Los Angeles VR elite.

Last year’s Proto Awards was a fantastic success. Coinciding with Oculus’ Connect, the ceremony set the standard for celebrating accomplishments in VR. I attended as a member of the Board of Governors, and took great pleasure in watching so many all-star developers receive accolades for their work in the VR space. This year, they are sure to have an even bigger event, and I look forward to being part of it again.

I will be reporting in from both events, so stay tuned for coverage.

Thanks to Cosmo and the VRLA gang for hosting these events and talking to us on the podcast.

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