As usual, something fun gets announced, and I am stuck in a conference room at work trying to suppress the non-stop beeping of my phone. Microsoft announced it’s new augmented reality headset today, HoloLens. I felt this needed to be addressed as soon as possible, and Ben Lang, Road to VR’s Executive Editor, jumped in for a quick chat about today’s news.

After watching the announcement, and soaking up all of the marketing videos, I felt like there was a ton of unanswered questions, some of which seem relatively obvious. What is the resolution? How is the latency? When is it coming? What will it cost? Ben and I ponder over all of these items and so many more.

Luckily, the next few days will bring us more info, which the Road to VR team will continue to track. Stay tuned for more info as it is revealed.

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  • Simon

    One area with AR that might be a problem is if the ‘real world’ is brightly lit, how can they draw a ‘dark’ object into it?

    In the future maybe that ‘smoked glass’ screen might become a pixellated shutter glass, so they can block just part of the view where they are drawing the object.

    This can then be adapted to be ‘Peril Sensitive Sunglasses’.