Rift users looking for a change of scenery from the stock cabin model in Oculus Home are in for a surprise, as the company has just pushed an update that now brings user-created spaces to the platform.

Last summer Oculus opened beta support for custom objects, letting users import .glb object files into the Oculus Home import directory. Users can also create virtual items in Medium, the company’s 3D creation app, and share them to Home directly.

The recent update however now includes a few ready-made Home templates including a cafe and theater setting, along with themed decor and furniture to match.

Image courtesy Oculus

Oculus says in a blogpost that users can create anything from a cluster of small rooms to large open outdoor environments; user-created Homes can’t exceed 1,000 meters total size in any dimension however, the company details in their user-created Homes guide.

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Like custom objects, Homes must be in a .glb file format, but come in under 15mb in size with textures not exceeding 2,048 × 2,048 in resolution.

Users with greater skill in 3D object creation should have an easier time creating spaces from scratch, although online resources such as Sketchfab provide a wealth of user-created objects and virtual spaces suited for the task.

It’s not entirely a plug-and-play experience, although Oculus’ custom Home guide should set you on the right path to realizing the Home you’ve always dreamt of.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Darshan

    Good Idea if implemented properly in Oculus Quest..and Oculus Go

  • I am curious if anyone actually uses Oculus Home regularly? If I can get my friend online and on his Oculus, we jet for games as fast as we can. Initially, we poked around in the Home environment for a few minutes here and there, and I showed him some Oculus Medium pieces in Home, but since then it’s been untouched.

    • Djehuti Hotep

      Hello Walter, I do. I didn’t much at first but once I started playing around with it one day I found spicing up the space to be quite fun. Especially with the futuristic Anime, ancient Moorishshipyard by the beach, and Astronomy template environments now available. Since you mentioned that you mostly “jet for games” with a friend there’s now also virtual gaming cartridges that represent the game apps you have in your library and can put them into a VR gaming system to load them up and play. There’s also both a flat screen tv on a stand and one you can mount to the wall to literally broadcast live on or watch other people’s live casts. And if you click on “Notifications” from the menu screen in Oculus Home they give you new objects, furniture, art work, or devices (remote controlled spaceship is one) to add to your virtual home. My username is BlackCubit on the Rift App if you’d like me to show you sometime. Peace.

  • Glenn R

    Personally I wish they’d stop wasting so much time and effort on a mostly useless feature that takes up memory and CPU.

    It should at least be a separate app that we can choose to run rather than having these updates constantly forced on us.

    If they spent this much effort trying to improve Oculus performance it would at least be time well-spent.

    • Francesco Fazio

      I so much agree with you man. I mean who cares about the Oculus Home where you stay for like 2 minutes just for the time needed to launch a game or vr app. Instead Facebook should focus on improving performances and bugs fixing and working finally on the Rift 2, which nobody knows what happened to it …

    • Drgnhart

      @Glenn R Different group of specialists. Its not like they have just a couple ppl working for all of the different parts of Oculus. Writing code isn’t as simple as typing on a keyboard either. They have many groups of specialists for each part of the Oculus World each doing their own thing. VR is relatively new and expanding as is our own computerized world and with the ever changing technologies improving, each has to keep up with and stay compatible. I’ve been playing with computers since the birth of the Commodore 64. Look at the tech now, every year there’s a new version of a phone, the increase of memory on an ever decreasing size computer chip, 3-D printing, etc. Granted, none of these tasks are my specialty, and I bet they are not yours either, but cut the ppl a break. They are breaking into a new frontier no one has before. Yes, I use mine regularly. I use it for breaks in-between games. Trying to dig up something new my friends haven’t seen, readjusting the area, messing with some of the interactive objects (Bow shooting, tiny catapult target practice on the stuffed animals, laser shooting, basketball, table tennis).

      @Francesco Who cares? Why should that matter to you who cares about it? Your not gonna use the Atheist Ploy of having Merry Christmas replaced with Happy Holidays b/c it offends you. Your selfish and Gimme type attitude of the younger generation is what’s going to crumble our society b/c you think everyone needs to bow to your demands. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Plain and simple. You are not God nor do you Rule over the VR Kingdom. You have what they call a “Choice” just pick yours and do it and leave everyone else alone. It’s ppl like me, Disabled Veterans, the Bedridden/Wheelchair bound, anyone with limited mobility issues and others that enjoy using this feature. And before you start casting out your angry disagreement at my words, it’s also the fault of your Generation to cause a lot of these infirmities upon ppl b/c your texting/drinking and driving causing accidents. I’m not saying just your Generation does this, but the greater portion does center around them. You know, I could have a similar attitude like yours. It’d go something like:

      “I so much agree with you man. I mean we care about where our society is currently heading b/c of all these lazy ppl who want something for nothing? The Oculus VR and other gaming systems where they stay for like 20 hours a day and not contribute to society and the economy is just a waste of time and money on those that do work. Instead the Gov’t should focus on improving that by anyone NOT working, if they can’t find a job, do so many hours of community service each week. At least make these lazy *** useful in some manner. Make everyone sign up like the draft and show proof of employment or they do community service. And if they can’t do that, put them in an area with nothing but basics, no entertainment or ability to do so. Or whatever else would be the opposite of living for free …

      ~ My apologies to those NOT offended. I just meant to answer about separate working areas, but FF’s post started digging at my skin and got under it with his selfish and rude view of the world in which we live in.