While we’re still waiting on the Steam Summer Sale to materialize, this year’s big Rift and Vive annual summer sales are already here, and hundreds of VR titles are on deep discount on the Oculus Store and Viveport until the beginning of next month.

Many of the top VR games from 2016 and 2017 are hovering around half price for the next week, so check out some of the notables below to get a good idea of what’s in store.

Oculus Store Summer Sale

Here’s a few notable titles on sale on the Oculus Store, valid until through 11:59 pm PT on July 1st (local time). Don’t forget to check out the full list of Rift titles on sale at the Oculus Store.

  • Rez Infinite $25 $15
  • Island 359 $25 $15
  • The Gallery – Episode 1: Call of the Starseed $20 $5
  • The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone $30 $18
  • Windlands $20 $8
  • Red Matter $35 $26
  • Chronos $40 $20
  • Apex Construct $30 $20
  • Edge of Nowhere $30 $14
  • Dirt Rally $25 $13
  • Brass Tactics $40 $26
  • In Death $20 $13
  • The Unspoken $20 $10
  • Arizona Sunshine $40 $25
  • Killing Floor: Incursion $30 $17
Watch World Cup 2018 Matches for Free in 'Oculus Venues' Starting This Weekend

Viveport Summer Sale

Here’s a few notable titles on sale on Viveport, valid until July 8th (no specific end time listed). Don’t forget to check out the full list of Vive titles on sale through Viveport.

  • Knockout League $30 $20
  • Twisted Arrow $20 $10
  • Apex Construct $30 $20
  • Sairento VR $30 $23
  • Cosmic Trip $20 $10
  • Make VR Pro $40 $10
  • Make VR $30 $5
  • Apollo 11 VR $10 $5
  • Skyfront $20 $10
  • Island 359 $20 $10
  • Kittypocalpyse $15 $8
  • Ultrawings $25 $13
  • Cosmic Trip $20 $10
  • Prison Boss VR $20 $10
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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Luke

    thx for the article, I admit too costly for me. (hope for more <10 euro games)

    • JJ

      So mobile games are around 10 euros and below, if you want a VR game to be that cheap then its going to suck. Low quality vr games are a large percent of the market and they suck. For a world you’re going to literally step into, you’re going to want more than just a mobile level of development. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, or in context, you can’t expect to gain a good vr experience from bottom of the barrel prices that are the same prices as 2D mobile games.

      Idk how or why you’d buy any headset if you can’t afford a game over $10, because if $10 is too much, you’re never going to find a fun game.

      • Judotoss

        They expect people to pay 700$ for a VR headset, which actually doesn’t do anything by itself without at least 1000$ computer to run it, and then they charge AAA game prices for games. Why should I pay 40$ or more (per game) for what’s basically a low resolution tech demo when they can’t even figure out how to make locomotion. You can’t “just step” into these new worlds, you just stand in a little box and teleport around, very little immersion there. The cost barrier for end users is literally causing the “VR stagnation” that worries these developers so much that they feel like they need to cash in quickly and produce very very minimal, low replayability games. Stop the cycle, make some decent full fledged games, or stop expecting to charge so much. It’s not just a hyped up tech that’s losing its gusto, it’s just not quite developed enough for most people to invest thousands of dollars just to find out if they like it or not. Especially when you add the fact that the company that sold them the exhorbitantly priced hardware expects to use the headset to sell mini games with less content than your average 1$ mobile game and still charge big bucks for it.

        • brandon9271

          I’d like more games like Robo Recall and at a $15-25 range. Even with teleportation I thought it was emersive. I’d also like to see more games like Skyrim ported to VR but without such a half-assed VR mode. We get Fool experience amd the developers don’t have to invest much

        • Pierre-Luc Denis

          “smooth locomotion”, or free roaming, is indeed inducing motion sickness but you can train yourself to get rid of it. It took me 3 days to get rid of it. Now I can enjoy games like Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR in full locomotion without any sickness. And, dude, I can’t play fps games on a flat screen anymore, something is missing. I can’t play PUBG anymore because I play Stand Out, which is a pubg knockoff, even if it’s lower res and graphics quality is lower. Immersion is great. Training is the key. I don’t play cellphone games anymore because it’s either p2w, or without any depth features. My best gaming experience I had for years is in my Oculus Rift. I was skeptical at first, then tried it and got extremely surprised. If you’re willing to spend for VR, it’s definitely worth it. Of course it’s not mainstream yet, but it needs to start somehow, the question is do you wanna be part of it or not. The Oculus Rift is 399$ and a little bit better than the basic $700 Vive imo, tried both and the choice was obvious.

        • AnnoyedAnonymous

          I recall getting my first computer in 1980 (a Video Genie based on the TRS-80 – stop sniggering at the back there..).
          Screens were black and white with appalling graphics (if any at all), installed via tape cassette and cost circa £30 each.
          But we knew it would get better. And it has.
          Patience young grasshopper

  • Zach Mauch

    The Steam sale is rumored to go live at noon today.

  • LowRezSkyline

    I can’t stop playing In Death. Such a great game.

    • Mike

      So what you’re saying is, you like VR so much that you can’t even stop playing in death?