Snap, the company behind Snapchat, is making its latest Spectacles AR Glasses more affordable to students and teachers with a new educational discount that cuts the $1,200 launch price in half.

Initially released in September 2024, the company’s fifth-gen Spectacles (called Spectacles ’24) are primarily targeted at developers, priced at $100 per month for a one-year commitment.

While Snap’s latest AR glasses made some key improvements over the fourth-gen device released in 2021, including a wider field-of-view, better resolution, the addition of hand-tracking, and an overhaul to its software stack, the price seems to have been a sticking point for students and teachers looking to build and learn about AR apps.

Snap Spectacles ’24 | Image courtesy Snap Inc

Now, the company is rolling out a new student discount that cuts the total price of Spectacles in half: priced at $49.50 a month (with a minimum term of 12 months), then $49.50 per month afterward for continued use of the headset. Or a single payment of $594 covering the first 12 months, then $49.50 per month afterward for continued use of the headset.

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Those interested in nabbing the deal need a .edu email address, or other email address from an accredited educational institution. Students and teachers in all supported regions can take advantage of the discount too, which includes the US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands.

You can learn more about about Snap’s latest Spectacles in our deep dive explainer from last year, including specs, capabilities, and software.

Update (January 24th, 2:53PM ET): Adjusted wording to more clearly communicate the cost of the headset.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Robobobot

    What's with a mandatory additional monthly fee, even when trying to pay full price up front, and then bringing the cost higher? Snap has always been a joke app aimed at liars, cheaters, drug dealers and criminals that don't want a record of their conversations.