We were a bit disappointed when we found out that you couldn’t properly web-sling as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in MARVEL Powers United VR (2018) last year, but it appears Sony has heard our collective groans and done something about it in their latest VR activation for the new film Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Called Spider-Man: Far From Home Virtual Reality, we finally get a crack at web-slinging around Manhattan in VR. The short experience, developed by CreateVR, is now available for free on Steam (Rift, Vive), the Oculus Store (Rift), and the PlayStation Store (PSVR).

Spider-Man: Far From Home Virtual Reality is a charming little experience, with actor Tom Holland providing his voice as you swing around the city. The web-slinging mechanic is a simple and a mostly reliable locomotion method, as you squeeze the trigger and pull your tracked motion controller near you to move. Cross-hairs don’t seem entirely accurate, and it’s hard to get a sense of how far your web will go at first.

Image courtesy Sony, Create VR

Although the experience could benefit from a greater level of care when it comes to graphics—something that puts a damper on immersion—it’s awesome to see a proper implementation of the high-flying, web-slinging mechanic and not-so-small playspace to zip around.

Without spoiling it too much, the experience’s story mode is geared towards stopping a colossal robot. At suspiciously inconvenient moments your web-slingers malfunction though, leaving you to deal with it in a few different ways. It’s a bit anti-climactic, but it’s a free experience, so it’s hard to complain.

Image courtesy Sony, Create VR

There’s also a free mode that lets you swing around the city at your leisure taking on mini-games like a time trial and wave shooter. Simply being able to freely swing around the city though is something that personally provides way more fun, as I honed my web-slinging ability and got a better grasp on the locomotion mechanic.

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You can thankfully also climb buildings too, letting you easily get to the tippy top of the highest building. Unfortunately the city is limited in size however; red barriers are strategically set up to keep you within the play area.

Check out the trailer below.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • impurekind

    Tried it. Feels like some gimmicky and somewhat clunky waggle-fest from the Wii era, with visuals that actually look about Wii level too. Wasn’t impressed.

    • Jerald Doerr

      What did you play it on?

      • impurekind


  • Reavo End

    “Arrives on all major headsets.”

    Oculus Quest: “Am I a joke to you?”

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      • Ernie K


  • latest VR “activation” for the new film Spider-Man: Far From Home

    latest what?

  • They really need an update to add strafing on the left Oculus Joystick and snap turning only on the right joy, snap turning on the left controller, especially on Oculus, is so jarringly different than every other control scheme that it actually makes me dizzy sometimes. Would be nice to have feature parity with a game like Rec Room there. The rest of the experience is a blast! If not a little long winded to unlock the other two suits. xD

    The pins you have to collect have absolutely 0 patterns to them, meaning you could find them literally ANYWHERE, in between buildings, inside overhangs, in the middle of the street. And they’re a pbr based material too, meaning they blend in with all the other materials in the scene, making it almost impossible to spot them from far off. a glowing material or a red emissive spider-coin would’ve a much better choice for a mini game like this, especially a free one that you’re only supposed to spend a couple minutes in. I’ve spent close to four or five hours swinging around the recreated downtown and still haven’t found all the pins yet.

    Same thing goes for the trial events. They’re hidden, scattered around the city, but there’s only 5 of each, 5 combat trials and 5 time trials, but instead of having a mini map that showed them when nearby, or an actual map that would have them pinpointed, you have to find each of them. Wouldn’t be a problem because of the scanner you have, if you put a hand to your head for five seconds or so you scan the area and each of those trials sends rings of light into the air so you can see where they are, except for two things:

    A) You have to be completely still in order for the scanner to go off, and

    B) The scanner has to recharge for like 10 seconds in between scans.

    This essentially makes it a big hassle to find them, because if you don’t make it to the one you need to find in time, you have to stop your swinging momentum and either fall to a roof or stick to a wall to call it again, after waiting for the scanner to recharge, of course. It just makes the whole experience be broken up by these batches of time sitting there doing nothing.

    Anyway, that’s my two cents, I still love this game, for what it is, just hope if they ever make a full Spiderman VR game like this that they’ll iron out the little kinks we see here.

    • impurekind

      “They really need an update to add strafing on the left Oculus Joystick and snap turning only on the right joy”


    • Klaes Jensen

      if you go to one of the tall buildings/skyscrapers at the very north of the map there is like a small black card hovering.
      if you pick up that card, your scanner gets upgraded to look for the pins

  • Juan Ritz

    Five minutes into this experience, I was getting ready to place it in recycle bin forever.

    Ten minutes in, I thought “This is it?!” as there’s only one single thing to do in “Story Mode”.

    Ok, I suppose before I exit and never pick this up again, I’ll try “Free Roam” and see if anything is salvageable. First, I’ll turn off the training wheels (tunnel vision) and crank up the graphical settings.

    Now the visuals aren’t quite so PS2 era cringe worthy and I don’t feel handcuffed by comfort settings. I’m still haphazardly swinging around buildings like I’m Spidey on his first day, pretty much a complete mess. However, I’m seeing occasional glimpses of something more. What if I put enough time into this to get really good at the swinging mechanic? What if I can make this more than the sum of its parts? Slowly but surely, I become more adept. I begin swinging around like I’m Spider-Man in a sequel. Now the game plays out in my imagination. Remember that? Using our imaginations? Now it’s Spidey meets Tony Hawk. I’ve made it into Peter Parkour (ugh, sorry). What’s the smallest gap between two buildings that I can swing through at the highest possible speed? How closely can I skim over that roof top at mach 1 without touching down and then quickly speeding away in another direction? That car down there looks suspicious, I should chase it down and land on the roof and cover it in webbing, only to swing away again, find a tiny crack between two buildings, over three small rooftops, take a quick 90 degree turn while barely missing a water tower before firing both webs at a skyscraper and jet-setting off hundreds of feet into the air while audibly giggling to myself.

    This can be special if you put the time in.

    This is the closest we can currently come to becoming Spider-Man. The PS4 game is great, but it can’t touch how visceral this experience can be when you put in the time to become really good at it. More than any other experience I’ve ever had, this little free “game” has shown me the potential of VR gaming. I know that it sounds like I’m strongly overstating things, but for me, it’s just the truth. After about six hours and counting swinging around Manhattan, I’ve touched the face of the gaming gods, and they’ve shown me that the future of VR is blindingly bright.

    On a conventional grading scale, this game is nonsense. However, on the Spidey scale, I give it 9/10 thwips.