Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’ Debuts Virtual Reality Pictionary Segment with ‘Tilt Brush’


NBC’s popular late night talk show The Tonight Show with host Jimmy Fallon has debuted a new segment called Virtual Reality Pictionary which uses the HTC Vive and Google’s Tilt Brush VR paint app.

Jimmy Fallon is no stranger to VR. As far back as 2013, when Fallon was hosting Late Night, he saw a pre-DK1 version of the Oculus Rift that was held together with gaffers tape. In 2014, Fallon demoed Sony’s PSVR (back when it was still called ‘Project Morpheus’) on The Tonight Show. He’s also had the HTC Vive on the show in a number of one-off segments.

Embracing the HTC Vive, The Tonight Show has debuted a new segment (which seems to be designed for recurring use) called Virtual Reality Pictionary, employing the headset and Google’s Tilt Brush VR paint app to play—you guessed it—pictionary. The the entire segment in the video at the top of the article.

In pictionary, pairs of players take turns drawing and guessing. The drawer is shown a word that the guesser doesn’t know, and the drawer must draw the word in a way that the guesser can guess the word correctly from the picture alone. One point for a correct guess within the time limit.

Fallon, Tonight Show announcer Steve Higgins, and guests took turns playing Virtual Reality Pictionary; the audience chose from a number of cards on the set which determined the word that would need to be drawn.

virtual-reality-pictionary-tilt-brush-tonight-show-2The set appeared purpose-built for the HTC Vive; there are two couches to either side—leaving a large space in the center for the VR user—and a huge screen in the back projecting the VR view. The Vive’s Lighthouse base stations were set up in relatively unintrusive locations. More than once, Fallon told guests during the segment that the setup ‘cost a million dollars’, suggesting that the show spent quite a bit of time and money for the set. That makes us think the segment could be recurring, and that the headset may see regular use on the show.

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Tilt Brush actually got its own experimental pictionary game (which the creators call ‘Tiltasaurus’) back in September. It lets the VR-user see a word inside the headset that the non-VR users can’t see (you can even add your own words to the inbuilt dictionary). While the VR user draws, those outside the headset can look at the computer monitor to guess the word. It’s a fun time (and a great drinking game).

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Tom

    This seems like a missed opportunity for Oculus when they debuted Quill. Nothing that can’t be fixed now though!

    • Lou Cipher

      too large a tracked volume for Oculus

      • …no… plus, even if it was you can just get more sensors.

      • Get Schwifty!

        LOL I can assure you this is not true… now having had the Touch for over a week and playing with tracking setups. What is notable (not that it’s an issue) is the lack of reflective objects in the area to interfere with the Lighthouse tracking. Even though I currently have a Rift + Touch setup with four possible cameras, if I were a television producer and had to pick just one for that application however, I would go with the Vive because the tracking with the current wand controller rings is a a bit more reliable than Touch where the controllers can be “balled up” easier to produce occlusion (though either can have problems with drift, etc under the right circumstances). For typical home users with an 8′ x 8′ area, which is relatively common for room scale, the Rift and Vive are effectively a dead heat right now, and this about the area it looks like they are trying to cover above.

        Still, regardless of platform used, this is great press for VR… and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Valve/HTC passed them some bucks to “encourage” them to do it. I sure hope its a recurrent segment and goes beyond just screwing around with Tltbrush and really shows the fun of VR… there’s a lot they can do with this format.

        • ummm…

          facts dude. let it go. go play your rift. stop baiting ppl with your bs. you need to be happy with what you have. just stop it. it is one thing to say the rift is awesome. we’d agree. its another thing to start comparing them in the way you do. because you are always wrong!!! go play a platformer with your xbox controller. just go away, or be honest and balanced with your opinions. you are obnoxious.

          • PrymeFactor

            YOU are by far one of the most obnoxious fanboys on this site, and it’s annoying to always see your low quality contributions here.

            He said the Vive is better but the Rift comes very close and does a good job too. That’s all it took to set you off on your childish rants.

            Grow up.

          • ummm…

            get bent.

    • hyperskyper

      It seems like you are an Oculus fanboy. It is surprising that Oculus didn’t just pay for their products to get used like usual.

      • Get Schwifty!

        So saying it’s a missed opportunity and pointing out that Oculus could work here as well makes him an Oculus fanboy? No problem with that view if you are willing to take the same position when the shoe is on the other foot… and no question HTC pays people to help endorse their products…

        • hyperskyper

          You are definitely one of the biggest Oculus fanboys on this site and the least reasonable of the bunch. It seems like Tom is an Oculus because of the way his comment was worded. “Nothing that can’t be fixed now though!” That sounds fairly fanboy-ish to me. I’ve never tried Quill to see how it compares to Tilt Brush. Is it free for Vive users with Revive? If anyone paid NBC to use the Vive and Tilt Brush it was likely Google, not Valve. Conan went to Google’s VR “lab” on an episode and demoed many Vive games.

          • Jacob Roberts

            Schwifty is definitely a hardcore oculus defender, but relative to most the ‘fanboys’ on the site, i consider him to be one of the more reasonable.

          • Get Schwifty!

            I just try to get people to go beyond the fear and hype…. and understand that things are just not a simple black/white situation with any of this stuff, but thank you for the comment :)

          • ummm…

            get. you dont. id be all for talking to you. ive tried so many times. but you bs to the hilt. there is no reasoning with you. you love your rift. good. stop talking about the vive. nobody wants to hear it because you are overtly biased and intellectually dishonest.

          • Tom

            Can we all agree to stop using the term fanboy? It really has no purpose and makes people defensive/angry when in reality we’re all excited about the prospect of seeing VR thrive. Why else would we be on a VR site taking the time to comment? I mean, if I went and bought a can of Pepsi at the store I’ve never once heard somebody call me a Pepsi fanboy. It’s personal preference, nothing wrong with my choice and no reason to sling insults. For the record, I’m not saying you were Jacob just kind of ranting a bit about a larger issue that I’ve seen in the comments of many VR forums (This site included). Just wishing we could all kumbaya around the virtual campfire….

          • Jacob Roberts

            I agree, thats why i used it in quotes, in response to hyperskyper’s usage of the term

          • ummm…

            i agree the term makes people upset, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t useful in some cases. this guy is an unapologetic fanboy because reason does not register with him,

          • ummm…

            he isn’t. you haven’t followed him long enough, i assume.

          • Jacob Roberts

            I’ve seen schwifty post hundreds of times, how could you not if you come to this site. But he generally puts reasoning behind his argument and admits that vive has its strengths. Then there are 10s of you on this site that go “vive is better in every way! rift sucks! high five, guys!”. You never hear schwifty say something along those lines.

          • ummm…

            i hear him. believe me i do. but disagreeing is not beating on the rift. Almost every time i comment to him i preface that the rift is amazing, and only maybe incrementally less desirable. Then i go down his list of points and rebut them with intellectual honesty. These are the same points that many devs, reviewers and first adopters have made as they objectively look at the two devices. then he answers with unsubstantiated claims such as “the majority opinion about vr is that it is a seated experience that we want and ppl dont have enough room for roomscale – maybe we will in 20 years [wtf?]” to paraphrase. I can list all of he misleading, eroneous and logically false arguments but that won’t help. Why he utterly disturbs me is that he parrots “ergonomics” etc etc. while not being willing to understand the limitations of the tech and STRATEGY of the rift, and therefore is blind to much of what oculus has to improve. Pretending that his points are all valid or truthful doesn’t help. If you want to pat him on the back thats cool. I dont think he should be quiet, i think he should be intellectually honest – or just flat out admit that he has a bias for the rift and is uninterested to look at the vr landscape with a clear head. A couple of weeks ago roomscale to him was NEEDLESS. now its just fine that the touch is out and he pretends the rift solution is just as good if not better than the vive, at times. He is all about ergonomics and design elegance, but defends their clunkly tracking solution from wires to cameras – and in doing so KEEPS SAYIN THAT IT IS ON PAR WITH THE VIVES TRACKING SOLUTION. you aren’t paying attention to him, or you dont really care to discuss the tech. im not attacking his rift. im attacking his lack of objectivity.

          • Get Schwifty!

            Yeah – I just put in a good word for Vive in this case and that makes me a “fanboy”? Get real…. Is it a “missed opportunity”? Who knows, I doubt Oculus was even contacted to be honest, Vive has become so synonymous currently with PC-based VR.

            OTOH, had the shoe been on the other foot and Oculus WAS demoed I suspect strongly you and quite a few other Vive fans would be the first to make a hue and cry that CLEARLY Oculus “must” have bought them off, because “you know, well they just suck, who would ever even consider it”.

          • ummm…

            get, everyone says the same thing to you and you dont think about it. we aren’t defending the vive. we are defending reason.

      • Tom

        Please stop using the term fanboy it helps create a tear in the VR community that just isn’t necessary. If you want to label me as anything, I am a VR enthusiast and a fan of the opportunity it will bring to various industries around the world. That said I own an Oculus Rift but have never tried the Vive so I have no judgement or opinion for it as it would be wrong of me to have one. The reason I made the comment I did was because I selfishly want to see features on the products I purchase, as anybody would. Has nothing to do with one being better or worse just me wanting to play Pictionary with my family/friends in a more formal way if possible in VR. Not like I can’t just pull up a brush and start drawing for them but to have the words on the headset display as mentioned in Tiltbrush is a great idea.

        • ummm…

          tom. get is an obnoxious fanboy. it is correct for him. he has been lying and misrepresenting for months. he just flat out makes stuff up, and when cornered, moved the goal posts.

    • Bryan Ischo

      In case you didn’t notice, they weren’t using features of the app beyond a single color to draw doodles in 3d. Quill wouldn’t really get them anything beyond what Tilt Brush did for the purposes of their game. And I’ll say this, having used both devices: the Vive tracking is just better, clearly better, always better. It’s better. And when you’re creating a show in front of an audience, you do not have time for lost tracking hiccups.

      • Get Schwifty!

        A few degrees better, but the Rift is not bad and Lighthouse is not perfect either. Let’s keep it in perspective ;)

        As I said below, tracking reliability is exactly the criteria I would think the person consulted with judged on.

        • ummm…

          STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP. FACTTSSSS bud. why are you always posting bs!!!!!!!

          • PrymeFactor

            He isn’t posting any BS. That’s coming from you, as usual.

          • ummm…

            oh yes here comes another person that can’t tell the difference between debate and proselytizing. luckily im in no mood to humor you.

          • PrymeFactor

            I can tell the difference between debate and childish fanboyism. You’re becoming known for the latter.

          • ummm…

            “becoming known for the latter” lol. as if there is a club that meets each week at a bar to talk about the comment threads. lol. anyhow, listen. you may not like my tone but i am intellectually honest. i just gets under my skin when people that are “fanboys” present intellectually disingenuous or flat out biased arguments. If you really follow me as much as you do then you’d know that im very fair minded. i go through great pains to impress upon people that I think the rift is fantastic, but there are some major issues. I gain nothing by lying to prove a “point”. But, this is a discussion thread and we are supposed to discuss. You may not like my tone, but im more than willing to engage anybody, listen, and respond. I have no reason to be unreasonable or anything but objective, as much as that is possible. I gain nothing by insisting im right, or that the rift sucks. but facts are facts.

            if you think im off on some key points – then discuss that. Tell me your thoughts. As far as im concerned we need to discuss vr because we paid a lot of money for the experience and giving each other feedback makes that experience fuller. So, lets not throw stones to throw stones. Pick at my argument, not my tone.

          • Jacob Roberts

            Honestly, why do you do this to yourself? Even on such a trivial article, the board is like a battleground between you everyone that has even slightly differing opinions…

          • ummm…

            hey, i like to debate. if you debate intelligently (of course according to me, but i really try to be open minded) then yeah ill go toe to toe. im that kind of person. love to debate ideas and stuff, but ill give you the shirt off my back – even if you dont need it. when people come to me with good well thought out points and are talking about ideas fairly, then i will usually cede ground. If people are coming across as just shooting from the hip, or not trying to get at any objective or subjective truths backed by rationale, then ill lay into them. sure. dont let opposing opinions stop you from voicing yours. what you should do is know your stuff and make genuine arguments. Otherwise, yes – i can be quite intolerable.

          • ummm…

            fyi, i didnt start the debate. i came late to it. and the same people were making silly arguments. if we are going to imagine why they would use the vive over the rift – and some people are just spewing conspiracy theories, yeah im gonna say something. do you go around all day not talking? i come here because this stuff interests me. i have invested money. do you come here to read the article and the comments and just pat people on the back, or police it? come here with something to say, and a willingness to engage with people and discussions as they are – or get lost. if you want to talk about fair ways of debating then we can do that. but you seem to be confusing yourself and what you are actually trying to achieve by talking to me.

          • Jacob Roberts

            i come to comment boards generally to make light-hearted comments, preferably about the article.

            If you enjoy duking it out verbally, i guess that answers my question, but i doubt many you’re picking fights with derive the same enjoyment from your exchanges. If the options are to get into a long-winded argument with someone on the internet over something trivial or to get lost, i’ll gladly take the latter and bow out. Best of luck in the trenches.

          • ummm…

            well not everything i talk about is trivial, and that is an opinion anyhow. those that i “duke” it out with may feel that their points are serious and carry even a mild amount of weight. Long winded arguments are only arguments that last a long time – that doesn’t mean anything about the importance or quality of a discussion.

            Most of the people of speak with have spoken with me before, and several others. Some people make light comments, like you. Those that dont are the ones I usually talk with. So, I’d say that they are happy debaters or masochists; the perils of not making “light hearted comments”

            hppy holidays

    • Thong Phan

      They definitely could’ve, esp with the Touch controllers getting such rave reviews. However, Vive’s set-up just makes more sense in this situation. The sensors can be relatively hidden instead of having a Rift camera right in the middle of the stage. Plus, the ability to add custom controllers or multiple people in the same area with future updates and the open sourceness for the Vive tracking gives them potentially way more flexibility.

      • ummm…

        touch gets rave reviews only when not compared to the vive – i.e. in a vacuum

    • ummm…

      quill looks fantastic. but, they chose the vive for a reason!! lol. jp. can i get quill for my vive?

  • Jacob Roberts

    I like that he kept calling it ‘a million dollar game’

    • ummm…

      it comes free with the vive…………

    • nebošlo

      I thin it just reflected his enthusiasm for VR – as in, it’s the future type deal.

  • Georj

    Jimmy Fallon is a submissive commercial lapdog. News at 11.

  • El_MUERkO


    i laughed more than i should have :D