Physics Simulator ‘Universe Sandbox’ Comes to Magic Leap 1


Universe Sandbox, the physics-based space simulator from Giant Army, made a splash on PC back in 2015, later getting VR support so you could physically smash the Moon into the Earth with your own two hands. Now Giant Army has released a version of its galactic physics sandbox on Magic Leap 1, bringing what the studio says an “undiluted” experience.

“The experience is a vast physical simulation that pushes the performance boundaries of what the Magic Leap platform can do,” says Giant Army in a Magic Leap blog post. “It leverages various key Unity features (such as Burst) to achieve this, which means the player can create whatever interstellar scenario they choose. Some eight months later, we’re proud to release Universe Sandbox on this new platform, undiluted.”

Universe Sandbox for Magic Leap 1 is said to include “all of the physics-based fun and understanding of the original experience,” albeit giving you the ability to bounce a planet off your couch.

Not only that, but Universe Sandbox is also extremely configurable, letting you change things about your little universe such as planetary and stellar scale, mass, orbital direction, size, density, and more.

You can find it on Magic Leap World for free starting today.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • uKER

    “physics simulator”?
    I could have gone with “astrophysics”, but Universe Sandbox is not what anyone imagines when you talk about a physics simulation.

  • Nice!

  • It’s fun to play with new technology. It’s super-easy, at least in the Unreal Engine, to port something over to the Magic Leap. But this is an ego project, a toy made just because one, or more, of the people at that company bought some fun new tech and want to justify the THOUSANDS of dollars it cost. Outside of techy’s with SUPER DEEP pockets, this project will never see the light of day.

    All Magic Leap projects are made at a loss and sell to next to nobody. They are little more then hardware development experience. The Magic Leap is a joke. If it was a golden boy, that boy is stillborn. It started out as a joke, it remains a joke, it will eventually fade into history as a joke. It would take John Carmack to save it now.