‘Vertigo 2’ Final Content Update Coming This Week with Level Editor, New Playable Characters & More


Vertigo 2 (2023), the Half-Life-inspired sci-fi adventure, is getting what the developer describes as the game’s “only content update” in the soon-to-launch ‘Bottomless Update’, which ought to keep you busy well after the credits roll.

Slated to release on November 10th, the Bottomless Update is set to include three new features which developer Zach Tsiakalis-Brown says is primarily focused on bringing to the game a ton of replayability. This includes:

  • Mutators – major gameplay modifications that can be mixed and matched. Some mutators make the game harder, some make it easier, and some are just silly.
  • Alternate Playable Characters – replay the campaign as Brian, Officer 13, or Nani. Each of them have major unique abilities and attributes that change up the experience of playing through the game a second, third, or fourth time.
  • The Level Editor – complete freedom to build your own levels or play the ones the community has shared. A flexible and intuitive in-VR level editor makes this easy, no SDK or modding experience required.

The update is also set to feature bug fixes, balance adjustments, QOL changes, and performance improvements.

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Launched on SteamVR headsets back in March, Vertigo 2 is both bigger and weirder than the original at around 10 hours of campaign gameplay, returning you to the robot and alien-infested science facility for another bout with a universe full of new worlds and lifeforms. We liked it so much in our review we called it one of PC’s greatest VR games since Half-Life: Alyx (2020).

Vertigo 2 is also set to launch sometime later this year on PSVR 2, however the exact launch date is still uncertain, as it was delayed from its original October 24th date to “later this year”. We’re staying tuned to the game’s PSVR 2 publisher Perp Games in the meantime to learn more when the time comes.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • kool

    I hope the psvr2 version gets the level editor too.

  • ViRGiN

    Maybe it would matter if the dev wasn’t a Meta hater

    • dextrovix

      Only as much as you hate Valve. Thankfully, we both only dirty up this small corner of the internet.

      I notice Ziggy’s Cosmic Adventures is only on Meta Quest and SteamVR, so that looks to me like Meta hating on the PC players that have to buy higher fidelity via Valve, what do you think of that, Blackbeard?

      • ViRGiN

        Hey Gayben, it’s up to developers what they want to publish and how. What do you think about PCVR Pavlov selling game exclusively on Steam and not publishing to Meta PC store? After 4 years of attempts they are finally publishing to Quest, disguising it as a separate game..