HTC is Now Giving Away 2 Free Months of Viveport Infinity to Rift Owners


HTC’s VR app storefront, Viveport, is looking forward to welcoming a host of new VR users with the entrance of Valve Index and Oculus Rift S. To that tune, the company is giving away two free months of Viveport Infinity, its Netflix-style unlimited subscription service, to anyone with a Rift, Rift S, or Index.

Update (June 3rd, 2019): Starting today, HTC is giving away two free months of Viveport to anyone who owns a Rift or Rift S headset. You’ll find the redeemable code in Viveport by clicking your profile picture, and navigating to ‘REDEEM’, like in the image below. At that point, you can redeem your unique code and then enter your payment details, which will incur an automatic fee after the free trial is over, provided you don’t cancel before the end date.

The company says it will be extending the same offer to Valve Index owners later this month, presumably timed with the first wave of Index shipments, which are said to arrive on June 28th.

Image captured by Road to VR

Original Article (May 1st, 2019): Throughout the month of June, both new and existing Infinity members who own those headsets will be able to redeem two free months of the service.

In addition to unlimited app downloads, Viveport Infinity also offers its members perks such as premium content on Viveport Video, monthly coupons, weekend deals, and free title giveaways that you get to keep. For example, this week Infinity members will be getting Rockstar’s L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files for free, a $30 value.

Image courtesy HTC

Back in September 2018, HTC opened Viveport up to Oculus Rift users, putting its previously HTC-only product platform in direct competition with Steam and the Oculus Store. Furthermore, with the entrance of Viveport Infinity last month, the platform expanded its previously limited download model to allow all subscribers unlimited downloads of any app in the program—billed at either $13 monthly, or $99 annually.

Although the app catalog doesn’t reach the depth or breadth of either Steam or the Oculus Store, there’s still some clear benefits to Viveport Infinity—especially if it’s free. Many of the games on Viveport have opted into the Infinity program, including Windlands 2, Tilt Brush, Knockout League, Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs, Obduction, The Gallery Episodes 1 & 2, and I Expect You to Die.

Hands-on: HTC's '5G Hub' Demonstrates VR Cloud-rendering is on the Horizon

While there’s plenty of chaff to wade through too in the 500+ apps and games available through Infinity, those top games alone represent some pretty substantial savings if you’re planning on just diving in for a taster. Granted, the service only allows you to play your downloaded games if you’re a current member, so once you manually end the service you’ll lose access to whatever you picked up through Infinity.

That said, Viveport does have some notable fan favorites missing from the platform entirely, including Beat Saber, Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Orbus VR, Vacation Simulator, Job Simulator, and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice to name a few.

We recommend you do some careful searching on Viveport Infinity to see where the overlap is on your personal list of must-play VR titles. Whatever the case may be, free is free, so HTC is driving a hard bargain to nab VR newcomers and experienced users alike with their ongoing promotions.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • me

    Starts in June…

  • doug

    Viveport is the best deal it’s ever been, and it’s a blast. They dropped the five-per-month limit. You can sort by rating to immediately see the best titles, and it’s subscription so you can try titles you’d otherwise not pay to take a chance on.

    • Skippy76

      Or.. Just use Steam and get refunds if you don’t like it

  • Jeppe

    No one will have an Index in June, so I hope it’s gonna be more than just June

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  • Me

    June 1st has come on gone – how do we get this?

  • Buddydudeguy

    Made a account two days ago. I don’t have a redeem code. So….ya.

  • Tiny Rick

    Made an account. There’s nothing to redeem. :(

  • JustNiz

    I don’t get it… why would a Valve or Oculus owner voluntarily lock themselves into HTC’s walled garden? I mean even though I’m a Vive owner, I wouldn’t.
    It’s not as if HTC offer anything worth having that you couldn’t already get through steam, probably cheaper on steam too.
    I guess Oculus users already have a blind spot for walled gardens though…

    • doug

      probably cheaper on steam too

      Only if you limit your gaming to about an hour a month. Any more than that and the subscription model is cheaper. If you game an hour a day, it’s WAY cheaper.

      • Baldrickk

        Depends how much time you sink into any one game.
        I know people with thousands of hours in Elite… That’s worked out pretty well on their wallet having purchased it outright.

      • Rob H

        That makes literally no logical sense. No only is it ridiculous to say a subscription model is cheaper when you have no idea what content they play, the whole “Only if you limit your gaming to about an hour a month. Any more than that and the subscription model is cheaper” makes literally no logical sense what-so-ever considering you have no information to base that on. What’s even more ridiculous however is when you consider you’d struggle to even spend the subscription costs of viveport each month on buying the content available on it outright seeing as the average content is that lackluster.

  • RationalThought

    I just made an account no emails or messages about redemption of this special. They got 13 days, then canceling if I don’t get a code.

  • Tailgun

    I’m going to get this for the Viveport exclusive Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall experience. That alone is worth giving it a try.

    • doug

      It’s 5 minutes and low rated. There’s much better titles on Viveport. But the great thing about Infinity is you can try them all.

  • vtid

    I got the previous free monthly trial a couple of months back. I tried a few apps but cancelled straight after. Really not many great games on there.

  • Alan Harrington

    If the UK rate wasn’t a straight swap dollar for pound I’d consider Viveport, but when a company doesn’t consider exchange rate in their prices I’m immediately out…

    • Zbyszek

      They also have to include taxes in their European price.

      • Alan Harrington

        Sorry, but you are wrong; conversion plus 20% vat is approx £94 per annum instead of the straight swap of 99 dollars to £99. Stop making this poorly conceived excuse for them. It doesn’t help the consumer!!!

        • Ben G

          so you’re being charged an extra £5 a year or an extra 42p a month. They also need to include a margin to protect against currency valuation fluctuations. So you’re actually getting a pretty straight-up conversion.
          If that’s the bar at which you were out, lets face it you were probably out to begin with and just looking for an excuse.

          • Alan Harrington

            If HP can do it with the Reverb and Valve can do it with the Index then Oculus and Vive should be able to do it with their products, period. It is profiteering; pure and simple. Every consumer should be fighting for parity if pricing; the higher you go up with the price the higher the true difference gets and the harder it hits your wallet.

          • Ben G

            Those are both hardware, one time purchases. You don’t have to adjust for currency fluctuation when it’s not an ongoing purchase, you can simply revise the price as and when. For hardware items, I think you’re totally right. For subscription purpose, where the cost is assumed to remain roughly the same over time, I think a 42p/month difference is fine and hardly ‘profiteering’, especially with GBP fluctuating as much as it has over the past few years.

          • Alan Harrington

            The monthly difference is approx 70p actually…

          • jj

            so like nothing….

          • Alan Harrington

            To a corporation; not an individual. You rich or something, you got money to throw around?

          • jj

            if a 70p is what you classify as rich and having money to throw around then call me bill gates.

          • Alan Harrington

            Fair enough Bill; it’s your money to waste…

        • Zbyszek

          I’m sorry, I somehow thought you were talking about Oculus Quest for some reason.
          On the other hand, games in Poland are less expensive on Steam than in other countries, so I guess regional prices are a normal thing and something to be expected.

          • Alan Harrington

            Quest is worse; conversion plus tax we should be paying approx £378

  • Niklas Fritzell

    Just registered and redeemed. There as some interesting titles such as rush, apex construct, pixel ripped. Free is good :)

    • Nads

      Where did you get the redeem code from? I dont seem to have one, even though i purchased Rift S.

      • Jean-Francois Doucet

        Install viveport and you will receive the offer.

  • Beran

    Viveport? Soooo slow now,like in Y2K :))

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  • Nads

    Where do you get the redeem code from? I dont seem to have one, even though i purchased Rift S.

  • Captain_Kiwii

    Any news about that? I didn’t got anything login in with my index.