Volkswagen Group and VR studio Innoactive revealed the global, multi-brand automotive company is planning to train 10,000 employees this year alone using virtual reality.

Volkswagen Group first deployed its Volkswagen Digital Reality Hub Group last year, a VR platform designed to help the company’s employees collaborate across the Audi, SEAT, ŠKODA and Volkswagen brands. Now, the company says they’re going a little deeper down the virtual rabbit hole in its new initiative to train 10,000 employees in production and logistics using more than 30 VR training simulations created in partnership with Innoactive.

The company showed off one such example of a VR training simulation at MWC 2018 which places the user in an industrial workspace using an HTC  Vive Pro. The simulation was built using the Innoactive Hub SDK and optimized for Vive Pro.

Volkswagen Group says it’s “empower[ing] employees to use VR to transfer knowledge and improve workflows by making VR headsets available for order throughout the Group.”

In addition, Innoactive announced a new VR/AR enterprise software called Innoactive Workspaces at MWC 2018, a VR solution allowing users to plan, simulate and train in industrial workspaces. Innoactive Workspaces is slated to release later this year.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • nathan willard

    Great that they are using VR to train and figure out layout, too bad they cant use VR to simulate and train in the consequence of fraudulent actions. I have sworn them off since my TDI and will never go back, trust is easily lost and hard to earn.

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  • Iain Swales

    totally agree Nathan. how the hell are they still even trading?!!

  • oompah

    & they’d produce virtual cars
    hey can u go to office (physically) in one