‘War Thunder’ Studio Announces PSVR 2 Combat Flight Sim ‘Aces of Thunder’, Trailer Here


Gaijin Entertainment, the studio behind combat simulator War Thunder, announced a new flight sim coming to PSVR 2 called Aces of Thunder.

The online game is said to focus on World War II planes, such as the American fighter P-51 Mustang and British Spitfire, however future add-ons are planned to bring combat aircraft from other eras, Gaijin says.

It’s said to feature competitive online battles including modes like team versus team, single duels, and modes with custom settings.

The game is also set to include “[p]hysically accurate flight and damage models, derived from the leading War Thunder military action simulation game, [to] further enhance the believability of Aces of Thunder,” the studio says in a press statement.

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Quite unlike the free-to-play War Thunder, the studio’s upcoming VR aerial dogfighter is set be distributed on a paid model.

“All aircraft that would be a part of this game or its future add-ons will be available immediately upon purchase, and the players will be able to apply cosmetic items to customize their planes,” the studio says in a press statement.

The VR game is said to be made “specifically with capabilities of PlayStation VR2 in mind.” While Gaijin hasn’t mentioned other platforms, it’s only advertising PSVR 2 support on the game’s website.

Gaijin is developing Aces of Thunder with a new in-house team whose members have experience working on War Thunder, the studio says.

There’s no release date yet, so we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled on the game’s website and social in the meantime.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • kool

    Cool fingers crossed for squadrons and certain itches will be scratched.

  • ApocalypseShadow

    Just keeps getting more and more games. And this isn’t even the big guns yet.

    Bring on Ace Combat, Squadrons, Etc. We want them.

  • Nothing to see here

    Yay for the paid model. War Thunder is basically unplayable after the first month or so because those that pay for the upgrades can win any match. It’s a fantastic game otherwise and if there was a option to pay $60 for it one time only I would have done it. As it stands those who pay to win can spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to feel better than everyone else.

  • david vincent

    Flight “sim”

  • 3872Orcs

    Nice! Personally I hope this is more on the arcade side than a realistic sim.

    • Dave

      War Thunder has always been more accessible, but they take the simulation physics seriously but controlling the plane itself will obviously be dumbed down to some degree.

    • Paul Bellino


  • The Thin White Duke

    Looks the same as war thunder

    • Dave

      Isn’t that the idea. War Thunder on the PSVR packaged as a complete game, so obviously not following the funding model of War Thunder on the PC. That sounds like a great idea and something new for PSVR gamers to get into. Don’t mock this because it’s been on the PC, this is great news if you’ve not tried this format of game before.

  • MOT

    Looks interesting. I hope they make use of the adaptive triggers and fantastic haptics in the controllers and headset.

  • Paul Bellino

    We Want Half-Life Alyx Not This Crap On PSVR 2