Watch a Complete ‘Space Junkies’ Closed Beta Match


Space Junkies, Ubisoft’s upcoming VR arena shooter fro Rift and Vive, is now in closed beta, which goes until July 2nd. I called Space Junkies VR’s spiritual successor to Unreal Tournament in our preview, but you can check out some of the real action here in a complete match played by yours truly.

Space Junkies features a bevy of weaponry, giving you two slots for main weapons and two slots for secondary tools/weapons like sonar, a lightsaber, a temporary shield, or and EMP that disables your enemy’s boost.

Starting with a standard repeater pistol, I quickly gravitated towards the larger weapons available: rail guns, gattling guns, and rocket launchers.

Plenty of health and armor is dotted along the way, and two  teleport points flank each side of the map: a nice way to surprise, and summarily gank unsuspecting enemies.

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I’ve removed some of the downtime from the gameplay video for easier watching. Waiting times in the lobby area can be fairly high if you have to coax unresponsive, or otherwise uncooperative players into the small start area, which is where you vote for maps and generally screw around until the game decides whether you’re in a team deathmatch or a free-for-all.

Matches are five minutes-long, so it definitely presents a good case for short pickup games or long sessions alike. The game doesn’t have an official launch date yet, although Ubisoft’s Montpellier studio maintains it should be out “soon”.

In the meantime check out our preview here. You can also take part in the closed beta too if you’re able to snag an access code. If you can’t get one through official registration, try your luck at the Space Junkies Discord.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • sebrk

    Got the beta email on vacation. I don’t want to do vacation any more.


    This is one fo the best (in not THE best) multiplayer shooter that I ever tried in VR
    The beta is still active and ubisoft is giving free beta codes on the game discord

    For now 2v2 is the only playable mode, I really hope that they will add all the game mode that we are used to play in non vr games

    • Totius


  • impurekind

    You know, I’ve come to kinda hate things like 45 degree turning in VR (as seen in the video above), because I know you can do and have experienced a solution that allows you to turn around freely and smoothly without causing motion sickness. And, as I have mentioned multiple times in other articles, the basics of this method that stops motion sickness while free moving and turning in VR are seen in Google Earth VR.

    • Martin Petersson

      Funny that Google Earth VR is one of the very few experiences where I feel a slight motion sickness then. However I feel no sickness at all from To The Top for example while some people can’t handle more than a few seconds without feeling absolutely terrible.

      • impurekind

        Do you actually play Google Earth VR with comfort mode turned on?

        And I still haven’t seen a game that does free movement and has a “comfort” option, or whatever the specific developer calls it in whatever game, that does it better all-round than Google Earth VR does it–and I’ve played a lot of VR games.

    • HybridEnergy

      I see snap turning as a left over poor locomotion consequence of RIFT’s terrible 180% tracking. Being on the Vive, when I can tell it’s designed for “front facing” it’s so annoying. Time to go intel wireless soon and take a even bigger dump on that stuff.

      • impurekind

        True, it is more an issue caused by Rift’s 180 degree setup, but I don’t like having to physically stand up and turn around all the time in VR games either. Don’t get me wrong, I do love it, but sometimes I just wanna sit down and chill and enjoy VR that way, which means physically turning around isn’t really an option. And that would be true a lot of the time even if I have a three sensor setup or whatever.

        • HybridEnergy

          That’s what flat screen games are for when I wanna sit. Or stuff like chronos , sim racing, and Moss.

          • impurekind

            Yeah, and I’d be happy to have more VR games like that. I still love the full stand-up VR experience, but I think VR is versatile enough to fully satisfy pretty much all gaming and entertainment needs.

          • HybridEnergy

            Exactly, it was the one surprise for me with VR that after a while I realized the medium of entertainment is far more vast that it can accomplish.

  • I have the same opinion on it being similar to Unreal Tournament!

  • Zachary Scott Dickerson

    This looks cool. I do worry though because a lot of the multiplayer games die off too fast in VR.

  • HybridEnergy

    Is there a lot of MP fans out there? I mean I love a good few rounds of Pavlov here and there but for some reason I’m just not interested in this because of it being MP. I just see VR as such a great tool for story telling and experience that it’s a waste to just shove people in a room and have them shoot each other for no reason. However, I always seem to be a minority in these opinions as just look at he success rate of PUBG and Fortnite.